Monday, December 28, 2009

28 Dec. 09

Well Christmas has come and gone, and now it's back to getting on with life.

Since my last post I have been feeling up and down. I was doing fairly well until Christmas day when I began feeling extremely nauseated. It lasted all day. Because of it I ate very little of the food I had helped prepare for the Christmas meal. I tried not to let it get in my way of enjoying Christmas, though.

Ever since Christmas day, I have eaten only a little. Every time I do I am nauseated, no matter what I eat. Today I haven't eaten at all (I'm doing this post at 830p). Not good, I know.

My headache continues unabated. It is now 6+ weeks without a break from it. I do my weekly PT tomorrow. As always, I will hope the tx's (treatments) we do for my head will make a little dent in the headaches.

Also, I had my blood drawn for my next nephrology appointment. It is next Tuesday (05 Jan). I will fill you in on the developments; and I will hope for good news. As far as increasing S/S's I haven't noticed anything out of the ordinary beyond what I've already described.

Well, that's all for now.

Good Health to All!


Wednesday, December 23, 2009

23 Dec. 09

There is no news tonight.

I just wanted to drop a note to tell all of my readers

May you all be as blessed and as loved as I have been these past few months. It is the best Christmas ever thanks to all of your support and well-wishes. THANK YOU!

Great Health to All!


Monday, December 21, 2009

21 Dec. 09

...And the rollercoaster ride continues...

By that, I mean how I'm feeling from day to day sometimes feels like the ups and downs of a gnarly rollercoaster.

On the 18th, things had been status quo in regards to headaches, appetite, feeling cold, etc. The past three days, I have been sleeping better (good!), my headache is down to a constant 4 (good!) but I have eaten about 50% less than what I have been (very bad!), and I continue to be cold all the time.

This whole thing is undoubtedly fatiguing my whole body. Compensation can only go on for so long before detrimental effects begin to happen. I want very much to avoid those for as long as possible. So, my plan is to continue eating around five times each day, get plenty of water and other fluids, and to force my body to do a little more every day as I prepare to go back to school in two and a half weeks.

I need to summon from within myself the strength and the courage to overcome what is happening right now. For me, it will take tons of focus and determination to get my mind and my body to where it must be in order to keep moving forward in a positive direction and towards my goals.

Good Health to All!


Friday, December 18, 2009

18 Dec. 09

In the six days since my last update there hasn't been much change.

The headaches are non-stop for over a month now. Though not debilitating, they are certainly painful. On my 1-10 (1 = minimal, 10 = vomiting, blackouts, etc.) scale of intensity, this ongoing headache has been averaging around a six. Tylenol will not even touch the pain. I know these headaches are not TMD related because I am utilizing the same treatments for these as I have for the past eight years and the headaches are blasting through the treatments. Also, after having had TMD for twenty five years, I know what they feel and taste like. Yes, I said taste.

As strange as it seems, my TMD (Temporo Mandibular Dysfunction) headaches actually produce the sensation of a metallic taste. It is very palpable. With these headaches, that taste just isn't there. Not even a hint. And, these feel different in every way.

My appetite is still terrible. I am trying to eat more every day by snacking every two hours, plus dinner. I'm still not past my usual four cups of food, but I am working on it.

The past six days my sleep has been worse. Restlessness, uncomfortable, my body going between hot and cold, etc. all adds up to poor sleep. I'm walking around tired most of the time.

Also, I continue to be cold almost all the time now. I'm wearing a fleece jacket most of the time--even indoors. Today I was at a movie and started getting terribly chilled. I was physically shaking from the cold. When I got home, it took five hours wrapped in blankets to get warm.

Not much good news today; but as always, I will continue to look towards better days, and feeling better.

Good Health to All!


Saturday, December 12, 2009

12 Dec. 09

Things have been moving along.

Still have that headache. It's now four weeks running.

My appetite is still minimal. My eating habits are not consistent from meal to meal. For example, Wednesday I had no breakfast, a half PBJ sandwich for lunch, and a slice of pizza and half a hot dog for dinner. Yesterday I ate a donut for breakfast, one egg roll for lunch, and a pita sandwich for dinner. So far today, I've had zero breakfast, and zero lunch. Like I stated earlier, I'm just not hungry. I can easily go 7-9 hours without even thinking about eating.

My sleep has been OK. I'm getting about 6.5 - 7.5 hours per night. It's fairly restful sleep. No complaints!

Due to the weather here in central Utah (and my inability to stay warm) I'm not getting outside much. I have a hard enough time [being warm] indoors...going out into 00 degree weather just ain't gonna happen! :o)

I'm all caught up, for now. Stay positive, and keep smiling!

Good Health to All!


Tuesday, December 8, 2009

08 Dec. 09

Had the second of my three baseline establishing nephrologist appointments today.

The good news first:

-I'm now (officially) on just two meds...Atenolol and Gemfibrozil. The only difference is that I'm upping the dosage of Atenolol an extra 50 mg's/day to 150 mg's. I am to take the dosage I have already been on in the morning, plus the extra 50 mg dose twelve hours later. The idea is that some patients metabolize Atenolol faster than other patients. My doctor wants to see if taking a half dose at night will steady my BP to a constant number twenty four hours a day.

-I am only showing a few S/S's (signs & symptoms) of the PCKD.

-Most of my bloodwork came back normal. So, most of my body is operating within normal parameters.

-Officially, I lost seven pounds over the past four weeks.

And now, the bad news:

-I have become anemic. My latest hematacrit was 35%. Normal is +45%....

-and...My Red Blood Cells (RBC's) while healthy, are fewer in number than they should be. This means that my body is not producing RBC's in sufficient numbers.

-My Lipids were high. I believe this means that the kidney's are not able to filter as well as they should.

-Creatinine level is elevated higher than previously.

-BUN is 40 mg's. (High end is 15 mg's). On my last visit the BUN was around 32.

-All of which leads to a 2% decrease in kidney function. Both kidney's are now operating at just 24%. That's a two percent drop in a month. No so good.

My being cold, having continuous headaches, and lack of appetite all are definitely S/S's of the disease.

So, one more month for the last baseline numbers, then we get to discuss time frames, options, etc. I'll hope that the disease slows this month. I've still got too much to do...

And, on we go. A bit of tough news today, but certainly no reason for discouragement. Christmas is almost here, I start the new semester in a month, I've got a new grandson,...too much yet to do.

Good Health to All!


Saturday, December 5, 2009

05 Dec. 09

The weather has turned really cold here in central Utah. Along with that, my ability to stay warm has also diminished.

As I stated in an earlier post, I have never lacked the ability to keep myself warm simply because my hypothalamus (the 'thermostat of the body') has always worked overtime. Warmth was never an issue. Recently though, I have been unable to stay warm; even on just a mildly cool day. With the weather turning downright sub-freezing, I cannot get warm at all. In a warm room, my hands are cold to the touch.

I spent nearly all of last evening bundled in multiple blankets in a failed attempt to get warm. Even as I write today's blog, the temp in the house is over 70 degrees, and I am cold all over.

Also, I've been having nasty headaches (the 24/7 kind) the past few weeks. Yesterday was particularly bad. On my 1-10 scale it was about an 8.5. I was popping 2000 mg's of Tylenol at a time with zero effect. I'm still treating my TMD headaches in my weekly physical therapy, so I doubt the TMD is the cause. So, that leaves meds and the PCKD as possible antagonists; both of which are possibilities.

Lastly, my appetite has increased a little bit, but still not enough to make a difference in energy levels. I will continue to try to eat a little more every day.

My next nephrology appointment is this Tuesday. I'm picking up the lab results from my last blood draw on Monday. I'll be sure to write about the appointment.

Good Health to All!


Wednesday, December 2, 2009

02 Dec. 09

I've got the second of three baseline visits to the Nephrologist next Wednesday (08 Dec). In advance of that visit I had my blood drawn yesterday for the usual battery of tests (Renal panel, BUN & Creatinine levels, etc. I had five vials of blood taken, so I'm thinking that my doc wants as much info off the bloodwork as can be had.

Other than that, things have been status quo. In other words, still not eating, still having headaches, decreased nausea and dizziness, etc. I'm not going to restart on the Amlodipine. I'll going to insist on it. I need to be functioning, eating more, and getting productive. After all, the next semester starts in just over four weeks, and I need to have the ability to get to my classes AND complete any homework.

That's all I've got for today. Thank you for your continued visitations to my blog. I hope that I have been (and will continue to be) informative, forthright and of assistance to someone out there, in some way. I'd love to hear any comments or questions you might have.Until then...

Good Health to All!


Friday, November 27, 2009

27 Nov. 09

I know I promised to get back with you sooner about how things are going without the Amlodipine; but things have been hectic with the pre-holiday preps, Thanksgiving day itself, and, my daughter in-law gave birth to my second grandchild since my last post.

So, getting back to it...It's now been five days since I went off the Amlodipine. And it's been five days without any major nausea. My energy is up (a little) and I am able to be a little more active without feeling like I'm going to be sick. The dizziness is decreased by about 90%, and my headaches are fewer in number from day to day.

My appetite has also increased slightly. I'm still not even close to eating enough on a daily basis, but I am now getting around four cups of food per day. That's a 25% increase!

I still get tired quickly; but I'm sure this is simply proportional to food intake vs energy expended. If I am able to increase my intake, my ability to be more active should also increase.

As far as today, well...I definitely over did everything yesterday. It was Thanksgiving! Way too much energy expended; not that I regret it....because I don't. It's a holiday! You're supposed to do too much...right? :0)

Happy Holidays.

Good Health to All!


Sunday, November 22, 2009

22 Nov. 09

Overall an up and down week.

The acupressure tabs worked for about twenty four hours, then I was back to feeling terribly nauseated once again. I don't know if I'm fighting a bug, or the meds have gotten to a therapeutic level and are now making me nauseous, or what. I just know that since Wednesday afternoon I have felt terrible.

So, today I stopped taking the Amlodipine. I'll go without it for a few days to see if it is what is making me nauseated. If things clear up quickly, I can assume with reasonable surety that the med was causing all of this.

Why am I singling out the Amlodipine? Well, because in the week and a half I was only using the Atenolol and Gemfibrozil, I was feeling pretty good--even when going out and about. After starting the Amlodipine, the nausea came on gradually, and I am now feeling terrible every day. Any time I go out and actually expend energy having a life, the nauseating effects are compounded. Hence, my decision regarding the Amlodipine.

Also, I am still feeling cold in a warm room. Something is definitely affecting my hypothalamus. I'll discuss it with my doctor at my upcoming appointment.

My appetite is still almost nil. I am trying to get it increased...and I am...however slowly it is going. But again, I am taking the 1-a-Day vitamin, so I continue to get all the essential nutrients in spite of hardly eating.

Well, that's all I've got for this update. With going off the Amlodipine I should be posting a new update within a couple of days.

Good Health to All!


Tuesday, November 17, 2009

17 Nov. 09

A bit of a breakthrough today.

While at my weekly PT (physical therapy--for my back) I mentioned my ongoing nausea to my doctor. He suggested I try utilizing acupressure points to treat the nausea. We discussed a few options, and finally settled on using three innervation points on the left ear.

He then attached three small pads on my upper ear lobe that I can periodically rub, thereby activating the acupressure benefits.

After having them on for just one day, I can honestly say that for me, it works! I have felt miserable for the past few days, and tonight I am nausea free and haven't used the sodium bicarb or Tums at all the whole day. Woo-Hoo!

Also, being nausea free has allowed me to eat a little more. It wasn't much, but it was at least more than I have been intaking since mid-September.

So, the next step is to see if these benefits continue. I'll be sure to keep you updated.

Until Then,

Good Health to All!


Thursday, November 12, 2009

12 Nov. 09

Not much has been going on.

The Amlodipine is doing OK in my body. I've been seeing the following side effects:

-Slight edema in my feet and ankles;
-Increased nausea;
-Increased, but still fairly slight dizziness.

My appetite still is next to nothing, but I am getting hunger pangs between meals now...which is good. Still hope that I can start getting a decent intake soon. My strength definitely won't return until I can sustain increased food intake.

Also, in the week I was off both Benicar and Amlodipine, my sleep was awesome at 8-9 hours per night. Now, it has worsened (again) to about six hours...and fitful ones at that. I took my first daytime nap in a couple of weeks today because of the sleep thing.

Still feeling malaise. I don't know if it is the meds, or if it is simply my brain trying to cope with the whole thing. I wouldn't doubt it is the latter. That will be easier to overcome.

Keep Smiling out there!

Good Health to All!


Saturday, November 7, 2009

07 Nov. 09

**Please remember that anything I tell you about meds, treatments, side effects, etc are observations based on my personal experience. How any person responds to medical treatments is a purely individual result. You must determine for yourself what works, doesn't work, etc for you, and you alone, in direct consultation with your physician.**

I started taking the Amlodipine today. Here are the facts:

(Am-Loe-Di-peen) is a Calcium Channel Blocker used to treat hypertension.

Method of Action: Works by relaxing blood vessels so blood can flow easier.

Dosage: (for me) 5 mg tablet 1x/day

Possible Side Effects: Dizziness; Lightheadedness; Edema of the Ankles or Feet; Possible Flushing; Possible Headache.

I'm planning on giving this three to four days so as to determine side effects. If they become debilitating, I'll discontinue usage, and call my physician.

As always, with new meds I'll expect the best. I'll be sure to keep you abreast of any results.

Good Health to All!


Wednesday, November 4, 2009

03 Nov. 09

I'm now a week without Benicar and I am feeling better every day. Dizziness is minimal, light headedness is gone, and I am no longer nauseated 24/7.

My appetite is still low. Today my total intake was 1 small potato, 1 slice of pizza, 3 strips of bacon, and 2 slices of toast. Besides water and milk, that's all I've eaten today. I'm just not hungry. At this point I'm hoping it's due to the meds I've been on because at 6'3", my body cannot operate long on such minuscule intake.

Also, the last three days I have been battling a TMD headache. On my 1-10 scale, it has been at a 7 and holding steady. No fun. But I've been dealing with these migraine-like headaches for 25 years, so I'm confident this will subside in the next day or so.

Still don't have the strength to do any kind of workout...I need more food first!

And that's about all I have for today.

Good Health to All!


Sunday, November 1, 2009

01 Nov. 09

Four days now without the Benicar...

What a difference! Yesterday I felt more my old self than I had since I first started on all the new meds in mid-September. I got out by myself to run errands, did lots of housework, and just felt filled with all sorts of energy. What a difference!

Even though I am feeling far, far better, I'm still dropping school for the semester. I'm also going to look into changing my major field of study. In planning for all possibilities regarding my future, I am trying very hard to remain positive; to eliminate fear.

Prudence in facing my future, while reconciling my goals, is a key effort. In light of this, I want to finish my schooling, but must do so with the realism that this disease presents, and the uncertainty surrounding time frames as they now exist.

If I can get classes that I can do mostly at home, it will allow me to get my work done without compromising my grades because of needing to be in class. This would allow for the flexibility necessary should I go through another period like I just got done with, or should the disease progression dictate.

To that end, I'll be consulting with the University to see what accommodations could be explored. This type of schedule would also present me with the opportunity to hold a job. I personally feel it is of utmost importance to keep myself busy in order to keep the mind sharp and focused in fighting the PCKD. I do not want to be housebound until I can no longer physically be active. Even then, once I have been through the dialysis and transplant, I will be back to getting busy with life.

Like one of my friends wrote, "[I] have too much to do; too many people whose lives I'll be a part of to quit." Like I've said in my posts before, Too much to do. Too much to do.

Good Health to All!


Friday, October 30, 2009

30 Oct. 09

My brain is definitely clearer.

No more dizziness. No more light headedness. No more minimal eating every day. That Benicar was really throwing me for a loop!

My sleep is better, and I'm tired much sooner that I had been. Things are getting back to normal. Woo-Hoo!!!

I'll start taking those other meds in a day or two more. I'm enjoying a clear head and having energy!

Good Health to All!


Wednesday, October 28, 2009

28 Oct. 09

Had my Nephrology visit yesterday. Here's what happened:

-My BP is excellent at 120/84 both standing and sitting. That's outstanding!

-After discussing what continues to go on with my meds, I am off the Benicar all together. Once that is out of my system, I'll start taking another med called Amlodipine (sp?). I'm told it is benign other than possibly causing edema in the legs.

-The doctor is also going to place me on Sodium Bicarbonate tablets to help with possible toxin buildup in my blood. This in turn will help me to have more energy so the malaise will (hopefully) be a thing of the past.

-My doctor wasn't surprised at my smelling ammonia. He said he sees it every once in a while. This is a result of toxins in the blood. The sodium bicarb may help to reduce this, as well.

-My lack of appetite was expected. It's just a part of the disease. As I feel better and as I get more active, my appetite should increase [though I may not return to my previous food intake].

-Lastly, my labs were only very slightly worse than a month ago. In other words, the disease has progressed, but very slightly. The doctor was not alarmed by anything in the blood work...which is great!

So, my first month of baseline numbers has been established, and things are about the same as last month.

I am looking forward to getting my head cleared up and out of the perpetual fog it has been in. Hopefully I'll be able to start working out soon. That would be awesome!

Good Health to All!


Monday, October 26, 2009

26 Oct. 09

I started back up on the Benicar on Saturday. I have also returned to feeling dizzy and nauseated most of the time. Even though I'm on a half dose, the effects are still kicking my butt.

I've got my scheduled Dr's appointment tomorrow. I've got my list of things to talk with him about. For sure I need to do something about my meds. I'm being relegated to a life at home right now, and I definitely don't want that. Too much to do. Too much to do.

I forgot to mention that during my visit last week I asked if taking vitamins was OK. The doctor asked specifically what type because he's had patients who take handfuls of all sorts of shapes and sizes [of whatever things they take] thinking it does a load of good, when in actuality the kidneys (apparently) have to work harder to filter all the stuff they ingest, thereby actually causing harm to their already damaged kidney's.

Anyway, I assured him I wanted to be taking a 1-a-day vitamin, which he said was fine. So, in spite of eating insufficiently, I'm getting all the essential nutrients I need on a daily basis. Getting enough food is another matter; but at least I've got the essential metabolics taken care of.

Also, I should know tomorrow the results of my recent lab work. We'll know if any disease progression has occurred. I'll be sure to post any relevant information.

Good Health to All!


Saturday, October 24, 2009

24 Oct. 09

Alright...I cheated.

I haven't put myself back on the Benicar simply because I'm enjoying being fairly free of the dizziness and malaise. It's bad of me, I know; but I've had a month of feeling like poo, so having this little break has been nice.
I'm planning on resuming the half dose tomorrow.

I've decided that I am too far behind in my studies to catch up. I'm going to withdraw from the current semester. It's not ideal, but I've missed five of eight weeks worth of work, with just six total weeks left in the semester. Luckily I'll be able to avoid a hit to my grades (and GPA) by using a medical withdrawal.

Not much else today.

Good Health to All!


Wednesday, October 21, 2009

21 Oct. 09

I eliminated the Benicar today (as planned). Not much different in how I'm feeling, but I'm sure I am at a therapeutic level and it will take a few days for any effects to be seen.

Have felt sluggish all day. After having had 6.5 hours sleep, I was up for about three hours then slept another four. I really wish the fatigue and malaise would vamoose!

Also had another spell of intense cold. I wrapped up in three blankets to get warm...which took nearly an hour to be. I am writing things down to discuss with my doctor during my appointment next week.

And that's about all today.

Good Health to All!


Tuesday, October 20, 2009

20 Oct. 09

The dizziness, etc. continued throughout the day.

My Nephrologist asked me to go in to do a BP check. When I arrived, he had scheduled me in for an early appointment to address the med side effects. We went through a number of tests and questions to see if there were any contributing factors--none were relevant.

My BP today is 140/80 (sitting) and 122/84 (laying). So my BP is under control...a very good thing!

Then I was laid in a recumbent position for five minutes, then stood up. I immediately got overwhelmingly dizzy, nearly blacked out, and luckily had two doctors there to keep me on my feet--otherwise, I would have crumpled to the floor! (not so good!)

In the end we decided to go completely off the Benicar for two days; then starting Friday go on a 50% dose. Hopefully this works so I can get back to life. I'll know in a few days. Also, I've got my scheduled appointment with my doc next Tuesday so if things are still off, we can address it right then.

Had to do a re-draw on my blood work I did yesterday because whoever inputted the orders into the computer, they listed a Hepatic panel instead of a Renal panel. No big deal. It happens. What's another needle stick or two?

Lastly, I have gotten the chills twice in the last three days. I'm talking in a 70 degree house. The first time I was so cold I was actually shivering and it took about half an hour to warm up. For me, this is not normal. My Hypothalamus works overtime--all the time. I can go without a coat on a windy, 25 degree day. This happening may only be an adjustment by my body to the lower BP. I'll be discussing that with my doc next week.

Good Health to All!


Monday, October 19, 2009

19 Oct. 09

Still feeling lousy today. No improvement over yesterday. I've got a call in to my doc to see what can be done. I'll let you know what'll be happening.

Also had blood drawn today for my baseline testing. I have another appointment with my Nephrologist next Tuesday. I'll know the results of the bloodwork then.

Schoolwork continues to slip because of the side effects. Am trying to contact all my teachers to see what we can do to keep me current.

That's all for now. If anything changes I'll get it posted.

Good Health to All!


Sunday, October 18, 2009

18 Oct. 09

A terrible day yesterday.

After so many [relatively] good days, I take an unwanted step backwards.

I spent most all of yesterday feeling like the whole world was spinning, and getting so nauseated I almost threw up a few times. Don't know why this would suddenly happen. I haven't been doing anything different that might precipitate this response. So, I don't know if it's the meds, the disease, or something else entirely. Hopefully, today will be a better day!

Good Health to All!


Thursday, October 15, 2009

15 Oct. 09

Today was not much different than yesterday. Still extremely tired. I'm going to call my doc tomorrow to see if anything can be done about the tiredness. I have things I both want and need to be doing, and being constantly tired is getting in the way.

Still am having zero identifiable side effects from the Benicar. I think it is now safe to say that I'll be having none of the nasties I listed.

Had my blood pressure measured yesterday. Much better!

Standing: 132/82
Laying: 118/80

Those numbers are tons better than the 185/130 I had during that physical in August. I'm sure my doc will be pleased by the progress on the BP.

No new S/S's of the PCKD have become evident. I'll keep you posted if I do start seeing more symptomology.

Good Health to All!


Tuesday, October 13, 2009

13 Oct. 09

Still feeling very tired from day to day. I spent most of today sleeping; plus I was up most of last night extremely nauseated. So, it hasn't been the best of days for me.

Also, over the past week I've noticed my navel beginning to protrude and enlarge. Makes me wonder if I'm showing signs of "becoming pregnant" as my doctor has stated I would. By this he means my stomach will enlarge and my navel will look distended, I'll have back pain (well...more than I usually do), my pecs will enlarge a/o become tender, and I'll show peripheral edema mostly in my lower legs. So, my navel has definitely enlarged, which makes me wonder if another S/S has evidenced. If it is, I'm not surprised given the fact that I'm in advanced stage 4 with absolutely zero S/S's up to now. Sooner or later the body becomes unable to is an inevitibility; and it may be starting that inability to compensate.

I'm not getting discouraged by anything other than missing classes. My professors have been extremely understanding, and are willing to work with me; which certainly helps.

I'll look to have a better sleep tonight, and a much better day tomorrow.

Good Health to All!


Monday, October 12, 2009

12 Oct. 09

One week now since I was taken off the Diovan. And I am ecstatic to report that I have Zero side effects [from the Benicar], and that (again) all the side effects from the Diovan are gone! Woo-Hoo!

Additionally, my sleep is getting turned around to where it should be. Am looking to get back to school on a regular basis either tomorrow or Wednesday.

That's all for today. Just wanted to share this wonderful news!

Good Health to All!


Friday, October 9, 2009

09 Oct. 09

I've been on the Benicar now for four full days.

The joint pain I experienced with the Diovan is pretty much gone. The extreme dizziness, too.

I am having zero apparent side effects with the Benicar. They may yet show up, but at least I'm far enough into the dosing to know that my chances of having any side effects diminish with every passing day.

Still feeling tired; but this may simply be a S/S of the PCKD. No worries there so long as it doesn't interfere with what I want to do from day to day.

I am still smelling the ammonia, though. Not constantly...but frequently enough to be concerned. I especially notice it immediately after I've burped (on an empty stomach)--then it is pretty strong. I've got some inquiries floating around "out there" that should provide some sort of answer.

I found a site that does a good job explaining the generalities of Chronic Kidney Disease. It is by a physician associated with the University of Rochester Medical Center. It has a PowerPoint presentation on all sorts of facts regarding CKD. It also covers various pharmacology's, their chemical makeups, etc...Technical stuff most of you will have no clue about. But take a look anyway. You might find some info you didn't know. The address is:

Good Health to All!


Wednesday, October 7, 2009

07 Oct. 09

Quickly today...

I found out today just how sleep deprived I was (due to the Diovan). I got 8.5 hours of sleep last night, was up for about two hours, then fell asleep and was out for another seven hours! A bit over tired, eh? (and I'm still yawning tonight!!!)

Still no obvious side effects from the Benicar. Another day or so should indicate if any will show up.

That's all for today. (See? I said this would be quick today...)

Good Health to All!


Tuesday, October 6, 2009

06 Oct. 09

Well, after one day on the Benicar I can report that I've had few side effects thus far. A little bit of dizziness going on most of the day, but nothing too bad. If I'm going to get any side effects it will probably be a few days before they show up.

Had my weekly physical therapy today (for my back). I see a chiropractor for my PT. In Utah all chiropractors have to be MD's. In addition to all of his medical knowledge, my physical therapist uses alternative healing practices in his treatments. My usual PT routine consists of E-Stim followed by Acupuncture (and micro current), chiropractic adjustment, and occasional Chi balancing.

Last week he was telling me that he has used FSM (Frequency Specific Micro current) to successfully treat ovarian cysts. I thought, 'OK. The worst that will happen is nothing.' So, we started that therapy today with an electrical frequency specific to kidney's and polycystic disease. This is a long-term treatment, so there won't be any miraculous results in a quick fashion. Any improvement of kidney function or lessening of the sheer number of cysts would be a good thing. And if if doesn't work, I haven't wasted anything. It's worth a try!

**If you are thinking of doing any alternative treatments please be sure the doctor treating you is certified and up-to-date on the procedures. My doctor (for PT) is constantly learning new treatments, going to recert courses, and researching the benefits of the treatments he uses. Before you decide to try any alternative treatments you must consult with your primary physician before starting! I did...he (my primary physician) advised against one therapy (which I'm not doing), and left it up to me on this one.**

Still not regular about getting to classes. Side effects have been kicking my butt. Hopefully most of the things I've been experiencing were due to the Diovan; which would mean I could get back to my normal routine; which would be really nice! I'll be sure to let you know.

Good Health to All!


Monday, October 5, 2009

05 Oct. 09

Just as I thought my doctor is taking me off the Diovan completely. (Yay!!!!)

I've been given Benicar (olmesartan medoxomil hydrochlorothiazide). It as an Angiotensive II receptor antagonist. The dosage is 52.5 mg's/day.

Side effects from Benicar could include:
-URTI (upper respiratory tract infection)
-Abdominal pain
-Chest pain
-Back pain
-and possible Rash

Sounds like fun! :o( We'll see. My history of side effects indicates I could have a few of these unpleasantries show up; but like always, I look to be positive that none will appear.

At least the joint pain that keeps me awake will be gone in a day or two. So on we better things ahead!

I will be sure to keep you updated.
Until then...A most pleasant of days to you! :o)

Good Health to All!


04 Oct. 09

(Late Evening)

Today was my third day on the reduced intake of Diovan. I'm happy to report that the joint pain was greatly reduced...until this evening when it flared up anew. I'll be calling my physician tomorrow to discuss our options.
More than likely we'll be switching meds. I'll be sure and let you know.

Also, getting back to the dizziness thing, I've noticed that any time I look around a lot, changing focus a lot that I get dizzy. I've had plenty to eat today, so I know that is not the issue. I'm hopeful that this is just an intensified side effect from the Diovan; and if I go off it, the dizziness should subside.

Still smelling ammonia now and again. Still weird that I can.

Finally, am getting lots of emails full of love, good thoughts, and support. That really helps me move forward knowing that I've got such wonderful people around me. Still lots of symptomology to go through, but at least I've already got a terrific support system in place.

Good Health to All!


Saturday, October 3, 2009

03 Oct. 09

[Not that I expected it to be any different but,] After one day on the reduced dosage of Diovan there has been no change. All my joints were in discomfort; and my legs in particular were on the edge between extreme discomfort and painful. It woke me from sleep. Had to take five Tylenol to get it reduced enough to get back to sleep. Hopefully a second day on the reduced dosage will result in less pain.

Am finally sleeping better (overall). My brain just needed to process the news and deal with it at the subconscious level. Thank goodness it's done!

At this point I've pretty much let all my friends and family know what's going on. Nothing but support and comfort from everyone. Have even had four offers of kidney donation from various friends. What wonderful people to have in my life!

Good Health to All!


Friday, October 2, 2009

02 Oct. 09

Two things this morning:

1) Having enough food in me does affect the level of dizziness. The last two days I've made sure I've had regular meals plus a few snacks, and the symptom has decreased significantly. This has been difficult to accomplish in light of a decreased appetite which I can only attribute to the meds. But, I've found a solution; and I don't really think I'm eating any more that I was prior to going on these meds.

2) The joint pain has gotten so bad that I have not been able to sleep very well, or for very long. I contacted my physician and we are cutting back on the Diovan by 50% dosage. If my joint pain is not better by Monday then we'll likely go with another med.

Also, for about the last week I've had the faintest sense of smelling ammonia. This is entirely new. There isn't any in my house, I'm not around any, and yet I smell it at various times. I'm talking while in my car, at school, in the shower, walking outside, wherever. It's weird...and I'll be the first to say that. I may be simply be imagining it; I just don't know. Like I stated in an earlier post, I want to avoid conjuring up symptoms that don't really exist, so I just don't know what to make of this. If my smelling ammonia continues, I'm sure I'll be chatting with my doc about it.
If I find out more I'll let you know.

Good Health to All!


Wednesday, September 30, 2009

30 Sept. 09

Well, I found out today that the drug Diovan is not a calcium blocker; which means that the joint pain I am experiencing really is just a normal side effect.

I didn't make it to school today as I felt extremely tired after having had 6 hours of sleep. I was awake for about two hours then went and got another 4+ hours of sleep, and missed both classes. Unusual for me to be that tired.

I don't yet know if my body is done adjusting to the meds. Another week ought to bear that out. In the mean time, I'll do my best to keep plugging along; thinking the good thought; looking towards the future.

By the way, one of the goals I'm endeavoring towards is why I'm in college. After I complete my bachelors degree (in Political Science), I want to get a Master's and PhD in History so I can teach at the University level. With the disease busting into my life I don't know if the post-grad goals are attainable, but I still want to try nonetheless.
At the very least, that goal will help me to remain focused, positive, and forward-looking.

That's all for today.

Good Health to all!


Tuesday, September 29, 2009

29 Sept. 09

In yesterday's post I was telling you that I was having three side effects from the Diovan (headache, dizziness, and joint pain). Today I found out just how bad the dizziness can be.

I did OK throughout the day; though getting through my classes was tough as the joint pain kept me almost squirming in my seat just trying to be comfortable. The dizziness came on this evening while I was out running errands. I got way too dizzy, and had to keep stopping, holding on to something, and waiting for the dizziness to pass. Considering I still had to drive home, this was not good.

After eating dinner the symptoms seemed to decrease; so I'm wondering if I just need to increase my food intake to counter the side effect. I'll be giving that a try starting tomorrow. I'll be sure to fill you in on my theory.
Until then,

Good Health To All!


Monday, September 28, 2009

28 Sept. 2009

When I received my news last week about having PCKD, my Nephrologist gave me a new med to help control my blood pressure. Taken once daily, Diovan (320 Mg's) is an Angiotensive Receptor Blocker (ARB). Its side effects may include:
-Flu-like symptoms
-Abdominal pain
-Joint or Back Pain
-Elevated Blood Potassium levels.

I found out just two days after taking it that I had joint pain all over. I'm talking neck, shoulders, pelvis, knees, ankles, elbows, wrists, etc. Bordering on painful, the symptoms were somewhat relieved by 1500 Mg's of Tylenol. If I didn't repeat the Tylenol at four hours I was more and more uncomfortable with [literally] every passing minute. Saturday was the worst. Sunday was better, but I am near the Saturday discomfort once again today. I've tried drinking extra milk to see if there is possible calcium blockage going on, but have not observed anything definitive.

Other minor side effects I am experiencing are headache, dizziness and tiredness. Getting adjusted is taking longer than expected, but being a college student, I must keep my grades up; so once things seem to level out, I'll be back plugging away every day with my classes and studies.

That's all for now.

Good Health to All!


Friday, September 25, 2009

25 Sept. 2009

The hardest thing [I have faced] thus far has been wrapping my brain around the reality of actually having this disease. Without symptomology, it just doesn't seem real.

But then I remember watching my renal ultrasound and seeing for myself the numerous cysts encasing both kidney's, and not being able to recognize either organ as they should appear.

I am by nature a realist in how I see things. I accept them as I recognize them to be. This disease is no different. It is there...I must face it...and it will eventually kill me; one way or another. Those are facts.

On the other hand, I am also an optimist who naturally looks for the good in all things; looks for the motivation that will help me overcome any obstacles in my path; someone who sees a problem, looks at various ways to get past it, then goes out and gets it done.

Between these two traits, I will fight as long as I can; delay the drastic onset of worsening symptoms as long as I can. And when my body begins to deteriorate, I will do whatever I need in order to keep my mind sharp, focused, and ready to tackle the task before me. It simply is not in my nature to give up. I've got too much left to accomplish in my life, and I will get as much done as is humanly possible under the circumstances.

I am surrounded by friends and family who love and support me; who will jump through the fire for me if I ask. With support like that, I will never be alone in this fight. Their strength will lift me when I am down, and bolster me when I need a little extra.

Remember that.

Know that you are never alone.

Good Health to all!


Wednesday, September 23, 2009

My Fight Against Polycystic Kidney Disease

I am a 46 year old male, in generally good health. Over the years I have faced my share of difficult physical trials. In fact, one of those trials, a hardware fusion of the L5/S1 disc, still follows me nine years after surgery as I continue to do weekly physical therapy.

In getting my yearly physical last month, my bloodwork showed two anomolies: The BUN and Creatinine output levels are twice the amount they should be on the high end of the scale. I was immediately referred to a Nephrologist who ordered more bloodwork, a 24-hour urine draw, a renal ultrasound, and a renal CT scan.

The results of the tests showed conclusively that I have Polycystic Kidney Disease (or PCKD). This has apparently been coming on for some time and no physician has caught the subtle signs. I am NOT symptomatic beyond the abberant blood results.

Currently, my kidney's are operating at approximately 26% of normal, and are covered in cysts. Because the disease is so advanced there is zero possibility of salvaging my kidney's. My physician estimates that I have 1 to 1.5 years until we have to take drastic measures regarding my future. At that point, I'll have two options that will be available to me:
1) Dialysis for 2 to 3 years
2) Kidney transplant.

For now, we are going to establish a baseline for comparison as to how fast or slow the disease is progressing. This will go until at least this coming January (2010). At that point, I'll have to start making decisions regarding possible outcomes/scenarios.

That news came to me just yesterday. I've spent the past 36 hours absording the information, and the various implications of the news. This evening, I decided to write a blog about how my fight against PCKD is going. I'm planning on updating my readers about tests, decisions, how I'm feeling, upcoming events, etc. My intent is to educate others who might be going through PCKD from those who have had it a while, to those who are just finding out that they have contracted it.

I'm not looking to be some hero who prevails against the inevitability of the outcome; No, I only want to share, and educate, pass on information I find or that has been beneficial to me, and to maybe, just maybe, give someone out there a little bit of hope that may mean the difference between fighting on...or giving up.

Please, join me as I travel down this path towards a future that (right now) appears dim. A future which is not yet written. A future that I might be able to extend, or even change. It will be a difficult say the least. The fight will take strength, courage, determination, perseverence, positivity and love. It will test me beyond anything I have yet faced.

But, as I have already learned, that when the fight is at its most difficult, your mind will determine how you will face that which lies before you. Each of us have greater strength than we realize; a greater ability to face adversity that we can possibly comprehend. That strength clearly, unquestioningly displays itself when we need it most. The only question is, how will You decide to face this trial? As for me...

...It is a fight I very much look forward to fighting!
