Thursday, September 9, 2021

Post-Transplant Rejection Update: 09 September 2021

 I know it has been a few weeks since my last post, so let's get started right away...

Day to day, things have been OK, I guess. 

The headaches remain consistent, with one bad TMD-induced headache that was a solid 10 for two days. Getting it to calm down took my best meds, minimal eating (to minimize stress on the jaw from chewing) and LOTS of doing pretty much nothing at all. 

The workouts have been regular, going every Monday, Thursday and Saturday. The lone exception to that was during the just-mentioned TMD headache.

My weight has started settling back down. It took over a month, but I am now finally bouncing back around in the high 115 Kgs. Again, that weight gain was nothing that I had or had not done. It simply happened.

Sleep-wise, with my exercise being regular again, I am sleeping better most nights. In the past three weeks I have had just one night that was interrupted by not getting back to sleep after having emptied my bladder.

My appetite has been getting better as my workouts have remained consistent. I am actually getting hungry several mornings each week, and almost always sate that with a big bowl of ZOOM (hot cereal), two slices of toast and some milk. My lunches are still inconsistent as far as total volume, but my dinners are almost always filling. 

I am still having Covid Vaccine side effects. It is now going on three months post vaccination. I am getting hot--which lasts up to two hours--getting minor dizziness, minor fuzziness to my vision, and occasional lethargy. These side effects are always one or two a day, and are never at the same times.   These can stop at any time!

Overall, I've been feeling up and down. No two days are alike right now. I never know how the day will go as I can wake up feeling good, only to start feeling lousy a few hours late; or I completely run out of energy well before I normally would.    You get the point.  So, I just take the days as they come. This means that I sometimes have to push myself mentally and physically  to start my workouts, as well as get them finished at the proper weights and total repetitions.

My latest infusion of Belatacept was on 03 September. 

I had the next lab draw just yesterday. Here are the results...

07 Sept 21 Labs:

*Creat:   3.53

*HCT:   34.9 (+0.4) Low

*Hemo:   11.2 (+0.2) Just High

*RBC:   3.92 (+0.04) Extremely Low

*WBC:   6.8 (-0.1) IR

*BUN:   45 (+1) Extremely High

*CA:   9.8 (+0.5) IR

*GFR:   18 (-2) Extremely Low

*Gluc:   110

*K+:   3.9 (+0.4) IR

*NA+:   139+ (-1) IR

*Phos:   4.2 (+0.6) IR

*PSA:   4.7 

*PTH:   62

             NC= No Change        IR= In Range          

The labs are "stable," which just means that despite the variations, nothing looks alarming.

I highlighted the last two additional values because they were ordered by the Transplant Team following my tele-med visit in August.

The Prostate Specific Antigen (PSA) is normally between 0.1-3.0. However, as a transplant patient, the variations I have seen in past tests have been huge; and this result is actually lower than the last few results. I was previously told that my higher PSA is of no cause for concern, so until I hear otherwise, I will continue with that line of thinking.

The second additional value is the Parathyroid Hormone. This too swings wildly between 55-110, with the preferred top of the range being 99.

I had my latest visit with my Nephrologist this past Tuesday. He saw nothing of concern in my labs, and has not changed my meds. Unless I have something happen, my next appointment will be in three months.

So, there you have all of the latest.

Upcoming, I have my yearly follow-up with my Dermatologist on Tuesday, 14 Sept. Also, I have a referral for my needed Colonoscopy that I will be calling on tomorrow. After that, I have only to get my Dental Clearance in order to be "Active" on the Transplant List.

As I get those done, I will keep you updated.

Enjoy the impending turn to Fall, and the cooler, wetter weather and leaves turning color that it brings.

Good Health to All!
