Friday, October 29, 2010

29 Oct. 2010

No let up in the day to day.

In fact, the last day and a half have been worse than how I've been feeling the past few weeks. Tuesday I was feeling really blah all day. I went out to help with errands that evening, and in the middle of grocery shopping, I became overwhelmingly nauseated. It literally hit me within just a very few minutes. It didn't let up all evening, and I ended up taking a full dose of the anti-emetic.

I slept only fitfully, and upon awaking, felt as if I hadn't taken any meds at all [for the nausea]. Within about thirty minutes I took a half dose of Promethazine, as well as a T3 for my raging headache. I ate nothing until 830p simply because I was feeling terrible all day. Additionally, my whole body is feeling more blah than ever, and I've had numerous body aches. Plus, I had 5 bouts of diarrhea yesterday. On top of everything, I slept an additional two hours after being awake for just three hours. On waking, the nausea was still intense, and my headache was awful. (NOT a good day!)

As of this writing (at 0544a on Friday, 29 Oct.), I am still awake because of how I'm feeling. I've been tired now for about three hours, but cannot sleep. Enough time has now passed that I can safely take another dose of Promethazine, and of T3. A little relief (and sleep) will be very welcomed!

I know my entry today doesn't sound up at all; but that's OK. I've had a really tough few days, and I'm still feeling terrible as I get close to going back to sleep. Hopefully, more rest will help everything to settle down.

So, that's all for now. I will hopefully have a better report, and be better sounding on my next entry.

Good Health to All!


Monday, October 25, 2010

25 Oct. 2010

Signs and symptoms continue to be rough.

I've been meaning to write on this blog for several days, but I just haven't felt up to it. Over the past number of days all of the S/S's I've been experiencing have been constant 24/7. It didn't help that I went to a college football game on Saturday, but I couldn't pass up free tickets and a chance to see a family friend lead the home team to victory! (Gosh!)

Instead of listing the individual days today, I'll just go over the S/S's...

-The nausea has been terrible. It has been seeming like I cannot eat, drink or go hungry without setting off intense nausea. For the most part I can control it--and I mean that in a very loose sense of the word. Most of the time I am only able to stop the nausea from becoming overwhelming.However, my efforts are not always successful. In the past five days I've had to use the prescription anti-emetic four times.

-My headache continues on unceasingly. Nearly a year has passed since it started. The last week has been really rough with a constant headache of 7.5-8.5. I even had it intensify for a full day to a 10. Not fun!

-Edema has been consistent. It is clearly visible in my feet, lower legs, and hands. There has been no increase in the overall swelling, and my feet and legs have not been itching (which would be signaling increased edema).

-My appetite has gone from poor to next to nothing. Over the last week I've eaten above average just once, and below average 3-4 times. My intake of water has been really bad. I am rarely thirsty, so I forget to drink anything.

-Incidents of diarrhea seem to have increased slightly. At this point it is not a pattern; but I am certainly paying attention to this. Luckily, this has not become unmanageable. I can usually control it with a single dose of Imodium.

-The blurry vision has been constant. Some days it is worse; but for the most part, it's just constant.

-Incidents of vertigo and general dizziness continue unabated. These is no rhyme or reason for when it hits, so anticipating it is difficult. Whenever I am out of the house I always have my cane; and it has helped stop a number of falls over the past week.

-The general malaise that has been clinging to me also continues. My ability to do housework, write my blog, etc is all diminished. Just that lack of oomph to get me going on anything more than the have to's. It is frustrating; but I do my best every day in spite of this.

I think that's all. If I remember anything else, I'll either add it here, or do another blog entry.

Good Health to All!


Article: Considering Living Kidney Donation

I received the following article in my email from The Transplant Experience, a public service arm of Astellas Pharm USA Inc. Their goal is not just self promotion; but to educate transplant patients about the confusing and extremely overwhelming information regarding transplants, lifestyles and the pharmaceuticals involved. They have great information, and I encourage you to visit their website at or at

Exploring living donation
If you are awaiting transplant, it is important to consider living donation and all the potential benefits it can bring.

Benefits of living donation
There are a number of reasons why transplantation from a living donor is often more successful than one from a deceased donor. By avoiding the wait associated with the transplant list, recipients undergoing this procedure tend to be in better health upon receiving their new organ.1

A critical benefit of living donation is timing. Surgery can be scheduled during a time that is convenient for the donor and transplant recipient.2 Because recipient and donor surgeries are performed in parallel, the kidney will be healthier, more viable, and more likely to function immediately after transplantation.3

Perhaps this is why, according to the US Organ Procurement and Transplantation Network (OPTN) and the Scientific Registry of Transplant Recipients (SRTR), 10-year success rates for people who have received a kidney through living donation are approximately 10% higher than for those who have received a kidney from a deceased donor.4

Getting a living donor
There are many ways to approach the process of living donation. Donations can be made by a blood relative, a friend, or even a Good Samaritan who wants to enrich, and possibly save, the life of someone in need.5 Once a person is selected, a series of tests will be conducted to see if the donated organ will be compatible with your body.

Approaching potential donors
Many people may volunteer to donate their organ(s) to help a family member or person in need. Asking for this help, however, may be challenging. Here are a few suggestions8:

Make the need for an organ transplant known to all family members and close friends

Share information about the advantages of living donation

Consider the potential donor's personality and the best way to approach him or her

Assure the potential donor that there is no obligation and that his or her decision will in no way affect your relationship in a negative manner

Allow time for the potential donor to make his or her decision and to consider all aspects of the procedure

Don't pressure the potential donor into saying yes—if the initial decision is no, then leave it at that

One of the best things to do when considering talking to someone about organ donation is to offer education. Read the "Sharing Life" brochure, and share it with your prospective donor. Visit and download the brochure from the support section of the site, or click on the Learn More button below.

Thursday, October 21, 2010

21 Oct. 2010

Well, my mind is in a better place.

It didn't actually take long to get back there. So, on with today's entry.

The few days preceding my last appointment were almost exactly the same as the previous few weeks. Not much variation, really.

Tuesday was a very bad day. I awoke with both headache and nausea; both of which intensified as the day wore on. I ate next to nothing all day. (That's not and exaggeration!) My headache grew to a steady 9.5 all afternoon. For the first time I took two T3's at once. These only made my headache tolerable. After the headache was taken care of I had to address the nausea.

All of my non-prescription attempts to control the nausea were to no avail. I had to take a half dose of the anti-emetic (Promethazine). It alleviated the symptoms only slightly, so I ended up taking another half dose, which finally worked. I then proceeded to literally lay around all day because of the side effects of both meds.Before bed, I had to take another half dose of the anti-emetic. The headache, though not gone, was at least controllable with a single T3.

Wednesday morning was better. The nausea was decreased and controllable, my headache was tolerable, and even though I felt terrible, it was an improvement over the previous day. However, as is becoming the pattern, as the day wore on, my symptomology increased. Aside from several bouts of diarrhea, I was able to keep everything in check, which was nice, but I could not get comfortable all day. I didn't eat until 930p [because I just didn't feel like it], and actually felt OK after I finished.

The only other thing that happened was the continued insomnia. I didn't even feel tired until 1030a today (!), then slept just five hours; and now, am feeling exhausted.

I can't remember if I ever mentioned that a number of advanced PCKD patients report insomnia. I have no clue as to the pathophysiology involved; I just know that a regularly reported symptom (amongst the advanced PCKD patients) is insomnia. It might be the meds, the disease itself, or a combination of the two. Again, I just don't know the why of it. So, if you have late stage PCKD and find you can't sleep, don't be surprised by this. Also, I don't know that all patients experience insomnia, but enough do that it is mentioned in all the literature I have read.

Other than that, I believe the only things I failed to mention about the last few days was that I am cold, and bundled up literally all day; my smelling extremely strong ammonia is still ever-present; my vision is blurry--even with my reading glasses*; and the vertigo and general dizziness are constantly getting in the way. It's nothing but one gigantic party day after another! :o)

That's all I've got for now.

Good Health to All!


*My reading glasses are not for vision. My eye sight is normally just fine. However, I was diagnosed about ten years ago with Ocular Divergence. This is, very simply, that the muscles surrounding the eyes cannot keep the eyeballs in line when I read. In other words, instead of staying straight as I look on a page (while reading), the eyes diverge slightly causing the muscles to ache. My reading glasses just help keep my eyes looking straight, thereby relaxing and strengthening the eye muscles.

Monday, October 18, 2010

18 Oct. 2010

The latest news...

In spite of feeling absolutely terrible, my latest Glomelular Filtration Rate (GFR)/Kidney Function has actually bounced upwards to 22.2%...which technically puts me out of End Stage...for now. My nephrologist stated that it is not unusual to see bounces like this. He also stated that I could very well go right back down to Stage 5.

The other news:

-The blood in my urine is at 172 mg/dl (severe is 1000+ mg/dl) and is essentially unchanged; though the protein wastes are increased over last visit (don't know numbers).

-Particulates in the urine are increased.

-RBC production continues to be anemic at 37% hematocrit (unchanged).

-BUN is 40.0 (5-26 normal)

-Serum Creatinine is 3.2 (0.5-1.5 normal)

-A number of blood components are on the high end of the scale (meaning they are not being filtered out).

-Other blood wastes are on the high end of the scale.

-My blood glucose is at 95 (65-109).

-Parathyroid Hormone is good, though near the top end of the normal scale.

So, what does all of this mean?

Well, I am still in a holding pattern. Though I am not declining, my doctor is very concerned with how I've been feeling. He could not give me an indication about what might happen over the next few months. I could stay the same, decline a little, or crash suddenly. It really comes down to what my body is going to do; and there is no way to know just what that is. We simply have to wait and see.

The good news is that I am still only dealing with PCKD. No diabetic development; no liver impairment; no signs of CVA, AMI, Pulmonary Edema, etc.

I must admit that I'm a bit bummed that, after feeling so lousy for so long, I am no closer to real adjunctive treatment than I was four months ago. On the other hand, it is what it is; and now I have to eliminate the self-pity and concentrate on holding steady as my body gets itself sorted as to what it's going to do.

(Deep breath....)

So, on we go. My next appointment is in six weeks (30 Nov). Until then, I will continue on from day to day, doing the very best that I can. Things will continue to be tough; but there's no sense to giving in to discouragement and despair. Doing so will only make what I'm having to go through even harder than it already is. Besides, like I've already stated, giving up is just not in the cards; it's not who or what I am, and I cannot even consider it [from a rational point of view].

So... Positivity, Strength, Patience, Endurance, Faith.

For me, those are the keys to being and doing my best every day.

Thank you for continuing with me on this journey.

Good Health to All.


Friday, October 15, 2010

14 Oct. 2010

More, More, More.

That's a good summation of the last two days.

I awoke Wednesday feeling a tad better; but this didn't last long. Before long, I was having lots of vertigo, and dealing with my nausea. It went downhill from there.

I had my blood drawn for my latest round of tests. All the usual, plus a urinalysis and a check of my parathyroid. I'll know the results on Monday afternoon. Be sure to look for an entry either Monday evening or Tuesday.

As Wednesday progressed my headache ramped up from a 7 to an 8.5; the nausea increased, and I was smelling ammonia extremely strong all day. I did eat a little more over the course of the day, totaling about 5 cups of food! It was a downright banner day!) After I went to bed the nausea just suddenly increased to overwhelming. When two tums failed to alleviate it, I quickly took a half dose of Promethazine (anti-emetic). It calmed my stomach down in about 15 minutes, then got me to sleep for 8+ hours.

I awoke groggy, as usual, but the side effects wore off fairly quickly (probably due to the length of time I was asleep).The rest of today has been pretty miserable. I've felt sick all day, my headache has been painful, and I have had zero energy. Additionally, I've been bundled up all day because of feeling extremely cold. It took over three hours wrapped in blankets to get me warm. Even under the blankets my feet and hands were cold to the touch.

On top of all of this, I've eaten less than two cups of food all day, and have had very little to drink since I got up. Just haven't had any appetite, nor have I been thirsty.

That's all I can remember that I wanted to write. I'm hoping, as always, that the next few days give me a little break. We'll certainly see!

Good Health to All!


Tuesday, October 12, 2010

Reminder To My Readers

As I do occasionally, I want to remind my readers that everything I write here regarding my ongoing struggle with polycystic kidney disease is my singular experience.

It is in no way indicative of the typical PCKD patient.

As with any disease, the way a person's body reacts to disease advancement, medication side effects, etc. is a wholly individual experience, and cannot be quantitatively measured for any sort of "normal" progression.

Finding another PCKD patient of my same age, gender, general health, and disease progression, they might have a completely different experience; or feel as if there is nothing wrong with them.

I am only writing what I go through on a day to day basis. It is purely my personal observations and experience.

As with any medical condition, it is always best to consult (often) with your personal medical professional regarding your signs and symptoms (S/S's), and all the various aspects surrounding your experience.

Monday, October 11, 2010

11 Oct. 2010

Another rough span of days.

Since that day a week or so ago I haven't had a single day of feeling even "good." Is this a new [low] level of normal? Time will certainly answer that.

My sleep has been increasingly restless. My mind may be trying to deal with my health on the subconscious level...I just don't know. I've now been feeling bad for a whole year, so I'm sure there is some stress my mind is trying to compensate for, or fix. What I do know is that I am awaking every day as tired as if I never went to sleep; and that I am having dozens of instances of partially waking every time I sleep, and feeling like I've had bad dreams. Strange.

Saturday was only slightly better than Friday. I ate a little more, though...which was nice. All day I still had to contend with the vertigo and general dizziness, a headache of an 8, visibly increased edema in my lower legs, the ongoing malaise, and a decreased urinary output (in spite of using the diuretic--as always). I got next to nothing accomplished and just felt like a lump all day.

Sunday was downright terrible. I slept for all of 90 minutes before being awoken by a headache that rated somewhere in the 9-9.5 range. It stayed at that level until later that night. Meds did little but make it back off to about an 8. Plus, my newly increased nausea was kicking my butt as well. I didn't eat anything until 830p. In total, I ate about two cups of food for the whole day.

In spite of being as tired as I was, I could not get back to sleep. I finally accomplished that around 930p; but only slept for four hours before being awoken (again!) by the headache. It was at a 9, again, and making me miserable. So, it was more meds, and more sleeplessness. Plus, about an hour after I took the meds, I got overwhelmingly nauseated within seconds. No just happened. So, I took the anti-emetic. Within ten minutes it had alleviated the nausea, but did little to help me get back to sleep until 630a. Then, I slept [restlessly] until 230p. Even after all that sleep, I am still tired and feel as if I could sleep even more.

However, as of this writing, the nausea has backed off (yay!), and the headache, too (yay!). My whole abdomen feels off like I've got the flu (you know...tender, slightly crampy, and just off). I've been up for 2.5 hours and have yet to eat anything, and really don't feel like eating at all. Looking at my feet today I see the edema has not decreased, and I'm even seeing a little swelling in my hands. It's not a lot, but it is definitely present.

Also, I trimmed my beard really short to see what my skin is looking like [because of the dry skin I've been having on my face and scalp]. I've got numerous patches of this dry skin on my chin, around my nose and along the jaw line.This is all in addition to the scalp dryness that started four or five months ago. I'm pretty sure the dryness is from all the meds I'm taking. Remember, I started having the dry scalp around the time my hair became inexplicably straight. (I'm just glad I'm not losing any hair!) Anyway, I'll probably shave my beard entirely to see if I can treat the dry patches. Hopefully I can.

That's all I wanted to mention today...I always! :o)

Good Health to All!


Friday, October 8, 2010

08 Oct. 2010

Rough few days.

Ever since that day when I suddenly felt so terrible, I have yet to return to [my new] normal.

Wednesday was simply a long day full of intense headaches, elevated nausea, incredible malaise, three bouts of diarrhea, and LOTS of vertigo. I was supposed to run a few errands but never left the house because of how dizzy I was on a constant basis. I know that part of the dizziness is from the amount of Atenolol I have to take. However, if I don't take it, my BP rises to the dangerous area and my kidneys, heart, lungs and brain would all potentially have serious issues. Before anyone asks--yes, I've tried numerous other BP meds. Atenolol is, for me, the med with the fewest tolerable side effects.

Anyway, today was better nausea-wise, but everything else remains...except the vertigo...that is even worse today. My normal means of stopping it didn't work at all. The spinning and dizziness was occurring even when sitting or laying. Plus, it is taking longer to regain my senses (and balance) whenever it hits me. I've learned to not look up because that either sets off the vertigo, or intensifies it [if I'm already dizzy]. Similar to when I'm walking outside, if I don't keep my head down and focused right in front of my feet, my peripheral vision kicks in and the vertigo does to. REALLY frustrating to be constantly dealing with this so much. I'm hoping that this is temporary--but I have to temper that hope with the understanding that it may not go away anytime soon.

I'm still able to cook for myself (quick things only), and do limited chores around the house (slowly though it is); but if the dizziness doesn't go away, I definitely won't be driving anywhere. I absolutely do not want to endanger myself or anyone else. It's just not worth the risk.

The ammonia smell has also be intensified since the other day. Where before I had grown used to the odor, it is now once again extremely prevalent at almost all times. I'm even smelling it when I've got food under my nose! Yuck! (...and I wonder why I'm finding food unappetizing...)

I don't know if there was anything else I wanted to mention. I just can't remember.

So, I suppose that's all for today.

Good Health to All!


Tuesday, October 5, 2010

05 Oct. 2010

It's been a week since I last wrote? Wow.

Well, what to tell you today....

Let's start with today. I awoke after having 5.5 hours of sleep, and just felt off all day. My headache has been at an 8 all day; No relief. At about 730p I started feeling awful. I'm talking nauseated, the headache, all over body aches, a complete feeling of physical exhaustion. This all (except the headache) came on within just a few minutes. I laid down for well over an hour just hoping that this would pass. I finally fell asleep, and stayed there for four more hours. Upon awaking, the nausea was less, the headache less, and the body aches were lessened as well. I', still feeling exhausted, but also to a lesser degree. Feeling like this is a first for me. (And I really don't want to feel like it again!)

The rest of my days since the last entry have been a mix of all the usual S/S's. The headache has continued its elevated intensity with no clear reason as to why. The malaise I've been feeling so strongly is refusing to go away; and the instances of vertigo have stayed above normal. My appetite has been abysmal over the last week. I'm eating far less than normal, and am not getting he least bit hungry. I am trying to get liquids down so that I'm staying hydrated; but I can still go hours without even thinking about needing a drink of anything--and that's with having a water bottle within sight and arms reach just about all of the time!

I don't know why the sudden uptick in all of my S/S's, but I'll definitely be asking my doc about it when I see him on the 18th. In spite of all of this, I continue to try every day to keep my mind on solid ground. I've undoubtedly slipped a bit since all of the increases; but I try nevertheless.

That's about all the energy I've got for this entry. Let's have better days ahead!

Good Health to All!
