Friday, October 28, 2011

28 October 2011

Just a quick note tonight letting you know that I had my blood drawn today for the latest round of tests. The phlebotomist commented on the color of my blood; indicating it appeared darker than normal. (Let's hope so...that would mean movement towards dialysis and, hopefully, being closer to feeling better). The blood did look darker to me, as well.  

I have my nephrology appointment on Tuesday morning, and will, as always, post the results later that afternoon. I'm hoping for a decrease in my kidney function; but not counting on it. Again, we'll see in just a few days.

I don't anticipate posting again until then.

Good Health to All!


Wednesday, October 26, 2011

26 October 2011 much for yesterday.

After I abruptly left my blog, I took a a half dose of Promethazine [for the nausea] and then slept for more than four hours. After waking, I experienced the usual extreme grogginess for hours; but the nausea was gone for a while.

Now, let's see if I can remember what else I wanted to write before the nausea so rudely interrupted my day...  ;o)

I think the last thing I mentioned was the feeling of a full bladder, but actually having reduced urinary volume and flow.   (...oh yeah...) The other characteristics of my urine have remained consistent from my last blog. No obvious changes, and no obvious blood in my urine, either.

The ammonia odor is still really strong. Others have also noticed the stronger odor on my breath and asked me about it. I just tell people that the ammonia suddenly got stronger and far more intense. Though I am not yet seeing [or smelling] any ammonia crystallization on my skin, I am feeling like my skin doesn't stay clean for more than a few hours these days.

My appetite has been less than usual. Over the last five or six days I have averaged just three-fourths of a cup of food per day. I am just not very hungry. I have been trying to drink more water, and have upped my daily liquid intake to about 50 Oz. That's not a big increase by any stretch, but at least it's better.

My headache the last week has been exacerbated by TMD symptoms. As a result, the headache has been stronger, more intense and with few lulls. I have had to take more T3's than usual (about 4.5/day) as a result. Today, the TMD symptoms are nearly non-existent, and the headache is reduced to it's now normal range.

With the recent downturn in seasonal temps, my ability to stay warm has dropped dramatically. My hands feel frozen all the time, as do my feet. I guess it's time to start dressing warmer--even when inside.

That's all I can think of today. I doubt that I've remembered everything because I feel as if I've forgotten several areas I wanted to touch on. Oh well. On we go...

Good Health to All!


Tuesday, October 25, 2011

25 October 2011

I can't believe it's been six days since my last entry. It seems like I just did one a day or two ago.

Anyhow, on to the latest...

Both good and bad lately. Good in that the pain in my mid-back is better. I still get that stabbing pain when moving or bending in certain way; but the constant pain has apparently diminished. Maybe a cyst popped. I'll definitely relay the info to my doc next week.

Also, my naps have lessened somewhat. I had my usual long naps on Wed, Thurs and Friday; but since then, have only dozed off and on (no more than an hour at a time) several times each day. Plus, my nightly sleep has been deeper and more restful than it has in some time.

On the bad side of things, I've experienced a definite uptick in occurances of nausea. I'm once again taking small doses Promethazine each day. Also, on Saturday night I had it hit me out of nowhere. The nausea level went from non-existant to near emesis literally within a minute and a half. I immediately took a half dose of the anti-emetic. After forty minutes and minimal relief, I took another half dose, then waited another forty-five minutes before the nausea was reduced. The same thing happened again on Sunday evening, then again last night. The Promethazine continues to take care of the nausea, though on average, more has been required than in previous episodes.

In my last entry I noted several occurances of a full bladder but with reduced urinary flow/volume. Since then, I've had this happen at least a dozen times.

--I just had more nausea hit me completely out of the blue. I'll return later to finish--

Wednesday, October 19, 2011

19 October 2011

I ended up falling asleep shortly after finishing up that last blog entry for (I believe) a good three plus hour nap.

Every day since that last entry I have also slept at least three hours in the afternoon. Usually the nap has been preceded by an hour or two of sleepiness and nodding off. My naps have been, in respective order, 3+, 3, 3, 4, 5, and 4. Additionally, my nightly sleep has been inconsistent in duration and quality.

I've also been awoken twice because of nausea, and once for intense leg cramps on both lower legs anterior, between the ankles and mid-tib/fib. I haven't had any leg cramps literally in decades; so this was definitely unusual for me. I tried stretching and relaxing my feet; but this only exacerbated the cramping. I ended up using Icy-Hot cream on my legs. This was able to get things to relax. However, three days later, that same area on both legs is tender, sore and very tight.

The pain in my mid-back over the R kidney continues unabated. I haven't yet called my doc simply because I don't have a way to get there. While the pain has not intensified any further, it still doubles me over when I move in whatever way that aggravates it.  My next nephrology appointment is on Nov. 1st; I may just end up waiting until then. I don't know.

The ammonia smell I experience has taken a step towards the worse. I had become sort of used to it--though I am constantly aware of it--but now it is definitely intensified to a much stronger, more intense odor. Nasty stuff.  Still no obvious skin odors, however; and no ammonia crystallization.

My appetite has remained poor, and my liquid intake, as well. I'm averaging about 1.25 cups of food per day (snacking included), and approximately 40-50 Oz's of liquids. I just have no appetite and am thirsty very little.

However, my urinary output is staying somewhat consistent in volume and occurances. I have had two or three incidents when my bladder felt full, only to have very little flow or volume. The cloudiness of my urine remains high, the color is consistent, and the foaminess is high. No signs of blood. 

My headache, now a few weeks short of two years in duration, has been averaging a solid 8-8.5, with occasional forays into the 9.5's+

And...that's all I can remember for today.

I will keep you updated on that pain in my back, and what I end up doing about it; and when.

Good Health to All!


Thursday, October 13, 2011

13 October 2011

In the two days since my last post, things with my symptoms have done an uptick.

My sleep remain all over the place. My naps the last two days have been three hours and four hours respectively. So far today, I haven't fallen asleep. My exhaustion remains as prevalent and (excuse me...) exhaustive as ever.

The pain in my back over the R kidney has gotten worse. I can feel it constantly now, and still aggravate it when bending or moving certain ways. When I do, my whole body reacts and I can only wait for the pain to decrease. If this keeps up over the weekend, I'll call my doc on Monday morning.

The headache has become significantly nastier, and with little or no letup. The T3's are barely keeping the worst of the headache at bay. 

My lower legs are swelling again every day. (I haven't yet noticed any increase in my hands). I am drinking far less than I should be, but the edema kicks in ad does its [now usual] morning to night cycle. Yesterday I awoke to reduced swelling in my feet, but it was not as minimal as I've previously seen.  Though my feet didn't swell to anything huge [last night], the edema did increase significantly.

My appetite has gotten worse over the last few days. I am snacking very little, and my one meal of the day has averaged about a cup of food. I estimate my liquid intake to be about 40 Oz's/day.

As far as my urinary characteristics, I am voiding around eight times/day. My urine has been cloudy most of the time the last week or so; the foaminess remains high, and the color has been consistently yellow to light amber. Still no obvious sign of blood, and no kidney stones.

The vertigo, recently held in check for whatever reason, is making its comeback. I am leaning against walls again, relying on my cane to keep me on my feet [when outside the house], and have awoken several times with mild spinning of the room. I don't understand why it reduced in the first place; but I'm absolutely grateful for the brief respite.

So, after all of that, it is clear that my little break is over, and the major symptomology is breaking through once again. As I've stated earlier, I don't know why these breaks happen; but I am eternally grateful they do, because the breaks allow me to rejuvenate my batteries--both mentally and physically--and face the daily grind that the S/S's (Signs and Symptoms) exert upon my mind and body.

I continue to receive many words of strength and encouragement from many friends. Their words and support are invaluable to me in this fight. Knowing I am not alone brings great comfort and helps me to remain strong against the tide of darkness and despair that might otherwise envelope me as this whole experience drags on to its conclusion.
My Thanks and Heart-felt appreciation to everyone for all that you do for me!

Good Health to All!


Tuesday, October 11, 2011

11 October 2011

(more follow-up on yesterday...)

Because of all the sleep I'd gotten yesterday, I was unable to get to sleep until about 330a this morning. Even though I was not yet sleeping, I was exhausted and on the verge of sleeping for about two hours prior to my nightly rest.

I awoke this morning at 0930a, still groggy from my use of Promethazine yesterday morning. Plus, the nausea was still there, but less than yesterday; and my headache was going strong.

All in all, since Sunday night, I've gotten a total of about 22 hours of sleep in a thirty six hour period.
It would seem that my kidneys are working less. I mean, thirteen hours of sleep [since Monday morning] off of a half-dose of Promethazine. That is significant.

Anyhow, I just thought it important to relay that info.

Good health to All!


Monday, October 10, 2011

10 October 2011

Well, the break in my major symptomology has apparently ended.

Around ten last night I became suddenly nauseated. I ended up taking a half dose of Promethazine to get it settled down. Plus, that spot on my mid-back over the R kidney suddenly became really painful. Between the two things I was not a happy camper.

When I awoke this morning I had to immediately take a half dose of the anti-emetic once again. An hour passed before the nausea began to settle down. That stabbing pain in my back has not reduced at all, and T3's only just keep it in check. Plus, my headache has returned with a vengeance today.

Woo-Hoo! This is fun stuff!   :o(

Hoping I can get things under control...


**'s now 1030p and I spent nearly the entire day [since posting earlier] sleeping from the effects of the Promethazine. I fell asleep around noon, and didn't wake up until 745p. On waking I was terribly stuporous, and my headache was awful; But hey...the nausea was under control!  ;o) 

Sunday, October 9, 2011

09 October 2011

Altogether, the last four days have been alright.

My nausea has been minimal, the vertigo as well. The edema has also been reduced. My headache, though ever-present, has been completely manageable. Sounds OK, right?

On the flip side, a recent downturn in weather has resulted in my being ridiculously cold 24/7. I've gone back to wearing a fleece jacket, sweatpants and warm footies [at all times]. My hands feel totally frozen, even in a warm room. This is especially true in my L hand, above the site of my AV Fistula. Diversion of some of the blood supply has definitely impacted the temp in my hand, as the recent weather change has made extremely apparent.

My sleep continues its pattern of being all over the place. My nightly sleep is still restless, though my dreams remain controllable. Since my last entry my sleep has averaged just six hours at night, then naps of at least four hours sometime during the day. These have happened anywhere from two to five hours after awakening in the morning.

The pain over my R kidney area has gotten a bit worse. It still feels as if I've been stabbed in my back whenever I move or bend certain ways. Laying on my R side is becoming increasingly challenging because of this. The pain is not yet constant. Again, if it becomes constant or extremely painful, I'll go to my doc for a possible canulation to drain what might be a large cyst on my kidney.

I've had four or five instances of deeply cloudy urine since my last post. Additionally, my urine overall has been terribly odoriferous. The flow remains fairly consistent, but the color has ranged from almost clear to a light amber. Foaminess remains high.

Ammonia continues to be a problem. I'm told my breath is worsening, and my skin odor, too. Still no crystalization on the skin. When I get up in the morning I can't stand to smell my own breath. I'm now in the habit of brushing my teeth right after I'm dressed. This only helps a little; but I'll take what I can get. We now have an air freshener in the house. Plus, we have to air out the house every day in order to control the smell from the ammonia coming off my breath and skin.

Because of my fairly good week my brain has had a bit of a break, and my mood has been much better.
I don't know why these breaks come along; but I'll gladly accept and enjoy them because they really lift my spirits and my ability to be strong in those times when I feel increasingly horrible.

That's all I can think of today.

Good Health to All!


Wednesday, October 5, 2011

04 October 2011

Overall, the last three days have been better.

The 'better' comes in the form of reduced nausea and reduced edema. For some reason the nausea has almost been non-existent. Aside from one intense episode, I have actually been comfortable. I don't know how long it will last, but I'll take it while it's here! Plus, the peripheral edema has been very low.  I am still having that feeling in my legs every morning, it's just not ending up as full blown edema. Again, I'll take it while I've got it!

Next, let's talk about sleep again. The pattern and hours of sleep continue. Sunday I had 7.5 hours of nighttime sleep, was awake for about three hours, then slept again for another three and a half. I was asleep again by 1115p. Monday I awoke at 845a, then fell asleep at 230p and slept for three hours and forty-five minutes. Unfortunately, I was unable to get to sleep until 0300a this morning; sleeping until just 845a, but was awake just three hours before falling asleep again and dozing until 0500p. So, not much fun. For me, that's the reality of this aspect of my struggle with the PCKD.

My headache has been up and down. Overall, my T3 usage has been down the last few days to about 3.25/day. This is in part due to yesterday's near non-present headache. It averaged a wonderful 4 most of the day; and was able to tolerate the headache without any meds for most of the day; giving in later in the evening to an increased headache level of 8. Sunday and today, my headache was at or near its [now normally] elevated, painful 9+.

My energy level has been pretty low. I get a little bit of housework done, then have to sit and rest. The remainder of the day is spent mentally mustering whatever energy I can summon to get a little more accomplished.

Let's talk about the vertigo. I realized yesterday that my usual vertigo has been present, but minimal in its impact. No rooms have been spinning, no sudden complete loss of balance, etc.  Like the reduced nausea and edema I'll not complain one bit, and enjoy it as long as it is having a minimal impact on everything I do.

As in my last entry my appetite has been worse than normal. I haven't done any snacking the last three days, and have eaten just one meal of about one cup each day. My liquid intake has been averaging approx 40 oz/day. So all in all, my food and liquid intake are both down.

The pain in my mid-back over the R kidney has been ranging from moderate to painful. Any bending or stretching continues to aggravate the pain. Tonight, for a reason that I have no idea about, this pain increased suddenly and quickly. So far, it has not settled down.

That's about all for today. As always, let's hope for better days ahead.

Good Health to All!


Saturday, October 1, 2011

01 October 2011

The last five days have been challenging, rather than better.

Let's start off with sleep. Lots and lots and LOTS of sleep over the past five days. On average, I've had about twelve hours sleep per day. On Thursday I had even more. I'd awoken from my nighttime sleep of about seven hours, only to fall asleep again just two and a half hours later for another 4.5 hours of sleep. Then, I was asleep for my night again by 1230a, and slept for another eight. In between all these periods of sleep I feel utterly exhausted; like I'm about ready to fall asleep, exhausted. Not fun. That makes everything I'm trying to get done every day incredibly difficult to even start, let alone accomplish. This includes everything I do including housework, writing this blog, my personal projects, etc.

I've been experiencing that ill feeling every day, all day. Nothing helps it whatsoever. About the only variable in that feeling is the intensity. It ranges from moderate to severe, with only the occasional mild intensity. The last week or so I've done a lot of sitting around feeling miserable from this sensation.

My urinary output and characteristics both remain consistent with not apparent changes. Still no evidence of kidney stones--thank goodness! But that pain over my R kidney continues. It has not yet increased in pain or duration. The kidney area pain has become uncomfortable when I lay in bed, making me quite uncomfortable. So far, the pain has neither interrupted nor interfered with my sleep.

My headache has gotten worse again. I'm still hesitant to take two T3's at a time, and am paying for it with suddenly intense and uncontrolled head pain. I inevitably take the second T3, and feel better about thirty minutes later.

My appetite is still terrible. In the last five days I've gone without food once, and have eaten less than normal (about a single cup of food) twice; which leaves just one day of eating normal (about 1.5 cups), plus today's near normal (so far) food intake.

The peripheral edema has again been up and down, but without consistency either way. I am still having that odd feeling in my legs before the swelling increases. As before, my kidneys are still compensating for any edemic increases. How long they do remains the big question.

That's all I can think of for today. I know I'm forgetting something I wanted to say...Oh well. It'll probably come to mind right after I log off.   :o)

Good Health to All!
