Saturday, November 27, 2010

27 Nov. 2010

Well, the headache is under control.

I awoke Wednesday afternoon with the headache down from a 9.75 to an 8. I was only able to keep it there with a T3 and two regular Tylenol every four hours. Also on Wednesday, I was feeling better overall; though by the time I'd get home from doing the blood draw [and subsequent errands] I'd be feeling lousy again.

On the labs, I had the usual tests being run (CBC, Parathyroid, UA, Renal Panel, etc.). My blood was dark and extremely cloudy; and my urine was very yellow and smelly (which it has been the last few months). I've got my next appointment this coming Tuesday, 30 Nov. Be sure to check back for the latest lab results either Tuesday night, or Wednesday.

Anyway, after running around on Wednesday I was feeling terrible with extreme vertigo, intense nausea, blurry vision and increased edema. I remained feeling like this the rest of the day.

Thursday, Thanksgiving day, I was still feeling off. I knew that feeling worse was just a nudge away, so I tried everything to keep my body from going over the edge. We had my son and his family over (my Chef daughter cooked the meal!) and I greatly enjoyed my grand kids. I made sure not to push myself in playing; which I was successful at. However, it was Thanksgiving dinner itself that sent my body into waves of nausea and overwhelming blah-ness.

I didn't even finish my small plate before I had to lay down. Before too long I was asleep, and stayed that way for nearly five hours. By the time I awoke, everyone was gone and the holiday celebration had wrapped up. I felt terrible that I had disappeared on everyone; but I was assured that no one was upset and they completely understood.

It ended up that I was awake just four hours before sleeping once again for another six hours. After awaking yesterday, I was exhausted like I'd just gotten finished working a long, physically grueling day. My headache remained barely under control, sitting at an 8.5 all day. The nausea was a bit better; though my appetite was zero. What food I ate (about two cups total) was downed only because I had to have food. Nothing sounded or even tasted very good. The vertigo and edema were both reduced, but my vision was terrible. Overall, Friday wasn't a bad day...though it wasn't a good day, either.

Even after all the sleep I'd gotten over the last two days, I was still asleep by 1a, and slept until after 9a--another eight hours; and I am STILL feeling exhausted. The headache is still present at an 8.5, and my vision is so blurry that I am having trouble reading the text I'm writing for this blog (which I'm reading on a 23" monitor!). I've clearly gotten increased edema in both my legs and hands, and I've been having my heart race a number of times today. About the only good news so far today is that the nausea is acceptable. It's not gone; but it's not causing me problems, either. I'll certainly take that small victory!

The only other constant is that I've been cold, cold, cold! I'm talking freezing while sitting in a 72 degree room, while covered in a quilt; that when I take my hands and feet out, are cold to the touch. I simply can't get warm no matter how much I wear, or how many quilts I'm under. For me, there is no warm any more. I had a day earlier this week when my feet felt like popsicles. I put on a pair of polypropylene socks, as well as a pair of thick wool hiking socks, then covered up with a quilt. Two hours later, my feet were still freezing, and were cold to the touch. That's cold!

And that, my friends, is about all I've got for today. I'm ecstatic that the nasty headache I had on Tuesday/Wednesday is now just painful...that's a huge relief!

As ever, I'm looking towards a better day, and looking at a bright future. Things will get better; I just have to get past this bump in the road before moving forward once again.

Have a great weekend!

Good Health to All!


Wednesday, November 24, 2010

24 Nov. 2010 head is killing me, so I'll keep this brief...

Saturday was an OK day.

Sunday was as well.

Monday I was still doing pretty good, though I could feel my body getting blah.

Yesterday I had a doozy of a headache hit me, the edema was increased, my eyesight was poor, ammonia smell has been nasty, my appetite was non-existant, and I haven't been able to control my headache. It's been at a constant 9.75 since Tuesday afternoon. NOTHING is helping it and I've been in terrible pain.

The headache doesn't feel or taste like a TMD headache; but when I sleep [in a little while from now], I'll use my TMD mouth guards just to see if they help.

Also, I'm doing a blood draw today for my next round of tests. The next nephrology appointment is on the 30th.

That's all. I'm going to go lay down now. I hope that a little sleep helps reduce the headache at least a little.

Good Health to All!


Friday, November 19, 2010

19 Nov. 2010

Another break...sort of.

The rest of Monday was more of the same [as the weekend]. The only bright spot was seeing my grand kids, playing with them; laughing with them, too. It was truly a wonderful treat. They really are my greatest joy. The only hitch in my visit was getting a severe wave of vertigo while I was carrying the one year-old. Luckily, my son was there to take him out of my arms.

Monday night I actually fell asleep before midnight--Woo-Hoo! The sleep I got was fairly good; but still not enough as I was fully awake again by 345a. However, the nausea was reduced to a tolerable level, and my headache had dropped to about a 7--Yay!!! I was by no means comfortable, or even feeling very good--but at least I was getting a break from the last four days!

I ended up falling asleep by 10a, and I don't think I moved until around 5p. The sleep was restful and calm (finally!), and I woke up feeling awake and alert for the first time since last Thursday. Yeah, all that sleep was really gonna screw up my already screwy sleep schedule; but at least I was rested. Plus, when I awoke, the nausea and headache were still reduced, and I actually felt hungry. All too soon that hunger turned to nausea...but hey! I was feeling a bit better; for a little while at least. Before the evening had ended, everything had returned; but I was so glad for even a half day's break!

Wednesday found me just having a miserable day. While the nausea was reduced, the headache was simply painful. I was barely able to keep it in check. Plus, as the day wore on I could feel and see the edema increase in my legs and hands. When I tried eating that night, I had about a whole cup of food and couldn't eat anymore because everything looked and tasted completely unappetizing. At least I got some food down.

I slept pretty well Thursday morning, and awoke to a reduction of the nausea, headache, ammonia smell and

( mind is going blank about my S/S's. I can't remember what they are aside from a few...(sigh). Let me try another way...)

Thursday found me feeling just blah and somewhat exhausted all day. Plus, the headache increased slowly throughout the day from a painful (but tolerable) 7, up to a simply painful 9. I couldn't stop it from happening. Additionally

(I'm mind is just continuing to draw a blank about specifics from yesterday. Let's just say that it was an OK day that devolved into a bad day; and leave it at that.)

I'm hoping for a good day. If I'm feeling up to it, I'm going to try and get to at least one movie.

I hope you all have a great weekend!

Good Health to All!


Monday, November 15, 2010

15 Nov. 2010

The small break is definitely over.

Friday found me dealing with a constant headache of an 8.5+, increased edema in my legs and hands, increased vertigo, decreased appetite and several bouts of diarrhea. Plus, I had slept poorly on Friday night, so i was exhausted all day Saturday.

Additionally [on Saturday], my appetite was non-existent. The only reason I ate anything was simply to put food into my body. Unfortunately, the small meal I made was so unappetizing that I literally had four bites and just couldn't stomach any more. That was the extent of my food intake for all of Saturday.

However, on Saturday night, I had my worst night of sleep yet. I laid down for sleep at 0300a, but couldn't get to sleep until after 0400a. What followed was just terrible rest. I would awaken after 30-45 minutes, then not be able to get back to sleep for at least 15 minutes. This went on for all of 3.5 hours when I woke up and couldn't get back to sleep at all. Over the course of all day Sunday, I got naps totaling all of about 1.5 hours; and even then, what sleep I got was as fitful as earlier. I finally went to sleep at 10p last night; but only slept for 3.75 hours before again waking and not being able to get back to sleep--again--this morning at 0145a.

On top of that, I've had a headache since waking yesterday that has been at a constant 9.5. Even T3's were barely keeping the headache in check. I know a part of the intensity of the headache is my lack of sleep (all of 8.75 hours over the last two days); but not being able to get quality sleep is really taking its toll both mentally, and physically.

Besides being utterly exhausted on Sunday (in addition to the headache), I again had zero appetite. I did eat one small BLT sandwich; but even though it initially sounded good, actually eating it proved to be difficult. Right now, it seems as if everything is unappetizing. No reason as to why, it just is. Hopefully, this will pass soon; because I need food in my body; fuel to keep it operating as best it can.

So, here I'm going into Monday, exhausted beyond anything I have yet experienced, headache raging, edema increasing, and not being able to get any quality sleep. Not the best of days. I'm trying to be positive in this entry--and I know that I'm failing miserably--because my mind is still in a strong, positive place, even though my body is betraying that.

So, let me simply conclude with telling you that, in spite of my utter exhaustion, intense headache and almost complete lack of food over the last two days, I remain upbeat, mentally unbowed, and ready to face the coming day. After all, I've got my grand kids coming by this afternoon, and they always lift my spirits!

So, that's all for now. There was something else I wanted to tell you; but I have completely forgotten. In light of that, I hope all of you, my readers, have very successful, fulfilling and rewarding few days ahead!

Good Health to All!


Thursday, November 11, 2010

11 Nov. 2010

Well, after all these weeks, a little break.

On Wednesday I awoke feeling somewhat refreshed, the headache was tolerable, the nausea not overly intense, and the vertigo somewhat reduced. It stayed like that until the evening when the nausea and headache ramped up. But, it was a definite break...and I'll take that.

It seems like my year+ headache has elevated to a new average level. For the past week it has been averaging at about an 8; and there have been multiple spikes to the 9.5-10 range; though nothing sustained at that level. I had one of those spike late last night. The headache literally went from average to a 10 within minutes. I wasn't doing anything to precipitate the spike--it just happened. After taking a T3, I immediately lay down, closed my eyes, and just waited. After 30 minutes it (the headache) had not subsided, so I took another T3. Thirty minutes after that, the excruciating pain was gone, and it was once again tolerable.

As you have been able to see, I'm having a difficult time writing my blog with any consistency. Remembering has been the biggest problem. I can be doing something and think, "I need to catch up on my blog." Within seconds I have completely forgotten that thought and go on to other things.

Also, writing is getting more difficult. As I [believe] I mentioned earlier, even writing has seemed to get more tiring and difficult to do. Even writing this blog I am sitting here...thinking...trying to remember what else I wanted to mention...if I remember at all. I know I'm a slow typist, but what I've done so far has taken me...45 minutes. Mostly because I'm sitting here trying to think of what to type next. (Redundant, I know...)

As the weather here has gotten colder, so has my internal body feet especially. The other night I had three quilts on me, plus a fleece blanket, and I was freezing! After about an hour my upper body had finally warmed, but my feet felt like Popsicles. I was eventually able to fall asleep in spite of my cold feet; but then slept fitfully.

The ammonia smell has been constant. It has gotten so intense that others, when with me in a small room or a car, are able to smell the ammonia, too! Nasty!

And...that's all. I'm exhausted. I've been feeling exhausted for a number of days now. No matter how much sleep I get, most of the time I am sleepy like I didn't rest at all.

Good Health to All!


Monday, November 8, 2010

07 Nov. 2010

Consistently...More of the same.

Friday I had to be up early to do errands. In total, I rode about 40 miles in a car. About halfway through the errands i began to get nauseated, and it gradually intensified. As it did, the vertigo got completely out of control. Even closing my eyes was completely ineffective towards reducing the dizziness. About the same time, my headache also kicked into high gear, shooting almost instantly from a 7 to a 9.5. Before I got home I was doubled over in nausea, and had to be helped inside. I took a full dose of Promethazine and immediately laid down.

Within about twenty minutes the nausea subsided somewhat, and I then turned to alleviating the headache. For only the second time, I took two T3's at the same time. An hour later, after having had a little food (and the headache retreating), I was asleep. When I awoke six hours later, the headache had gone down to an 8, and the nausea was now merely intense.

The vertigo continued all evening at nearly the same level as earlier, so I lay and sat around a lot. I ate very little for the rest of the "day," and had to take more anti-emetic and T3 to keep the symptoms in check.

Saturday was better; but not much. The only real difference the whole day was that the nausea never intensified as it had the previous day. The rest of my symptomology was present throughout including increased edema in my legs. I ate all of a whopping cup and a half of food, plus only about 48 oz of liquids.

Today was better, but by no means even a good day. While the nausea has been decreased, the headache has not; running at about an 8.5 all day. The vertigo has been better, but was still affecting everything I did. I think I had my hands on walls, counters, etc today more than I have at any other time. My appetite continues to be abysmal. The liquid intake, too. And in spite of limited liquids, the edema is increased today. Plus, I noticed this afternoon that the skin on my feet is drying out. I'll treat this with the same lotion I'm using on my chin.

Finally, this evening I began to get that really blah feeling coming over my body. I've been feeling exhausted all day, and it doesn't seem to be letting up at all. We'll see if it affects me tomorrow as well.

In spite of all of this, I am still getting at least some housework done every day; though the amount is reduced from what I was doing just one month ago. This is also true of my work on the computer. I'm rarely doing my other blogs; and doing research feels overwhelming, instead of exciting like it used to be. Where before the disease onset I'd be like, "More information! More studying!"; now it's more like, "I can't process anything." This is very frustrating for me.

But, I strive every day to keep my mind positive and forward-thinking. My subconscious seems to be back on track with sorting everything out. I am in control of everything in my dreams once again. Also, I have zero thoughts of self-pity, remorse, distress, etc. Going there would only enslave me to the dark, depressing thoughts that I clearly want to avoid. This whole thing is just something I have to endure and come out the other side a better person than when it all started. I've already learned so much about myself (and others); but I still have so much more to learn. So, Positivity is the word of the year!

Let's have a great week!

Good Health to All!


Ps-Because of the intensifying of all of my symptoms, I have decided against traveling for my dad's funeral. After what happened following just an hour and a half in the car, I just don't want to risk the consequences extended travel would subject my body to.

Friday, November 5, 2010

05 Nov. 2010

Remember how I was telling you about how tired I have been? Well, Wednesday I got caught up on some sleep.

Remember too, that I had a huge bout of nausea roll over me as I was writing my last blog entry. I had to take a half dose of Promethazine in order to keep it in check. Anyway, in spite of having the anti-emetic in me, I still had a difficult time getting to sleep. Once I did, my dreams (and my sleeping) were restless and I awoke after seven hours simply exhausted.

The nausea continued to make me miserable all day. By 630p I'd had enough and took a dose of the anti-emetic once again. It calmed my stomach down, and put me to sleep by 730p. I stayed there until midnight, then was awake for another five hours before falling asleep for another seven.

By the time I woke up today, I'd had a total of 18.5 hours of sleep over the previous 31 hours. This time, I actually felt somewhat rested for the first time in weeks. It's a nice change of pace; however short-lived it may be.

That's all I wanted to share today.

Good Health to All!


Wednesday, November 3, 2010

A Very Personal Note

I just learned that my father died this morning at
approximately 0200a Central time.

His death was not unexpected due to having contracted prostate cancer,
as well as being burdened with advanced Alzheimer's disease.

Jerome Beryl W, a 3rd generation Swedish American;
Born 05 Aug. 1932 in Bertha, Minnesota.

He was a great father; my hiking companion; my friend. He taught me responsibility, thrift, an indomitable work ethic, strength of purpose,
photography, and a great love of the outdoors.

He also taught me that nothing is impossible so long as you believe,
pursue, and effort your very best at all times.

He was a father of six, a grandfather of eleven, and a great grandfather of eight.

He now joins my mother who herself died on 14 Feb. 2001.

05 Aug. 1932 - 03 Nov. 2010 (Age 78)

Tuesday, November 2, 2010

02 Nov. 2010

I really wish I had better news.
But, that will remain only a wish.

Over Saturday, Sunday and Monday I ended up taking a total of 8 half-doses of the anti-emetic Promethazine. The nausea was, nearly uncontrollable. Only by keeping it active in my body was I able to maintain what little control I had. Yesterday (Monday) was better; and today I have not taken any. Not that I've been without nausea--no, no, no! I've had plenty of that!--it has just been kept in relative check, and I've not had a single instance of intense nausea today. (Yay! Small victories...I'll take 'em!)

As has been the pattern, with the sustained increase of my nausea came a sustained increase in the intensity of my now one year long headache. Over the weekend (and up to today), it has averaged a stellar 8.5, with occasional spikes that were 9.5+. For the first time (I believe) I had to take a single dose of T3 every four hours for two days. Monday I only took three in total; and Tuesday, I had just one. Again, small victories.

All weekend the vertigo has been ridiculous. It has been nearly constant. I'm talking laying, sitting, standing, walking. No matter what I've been doing, it has been making me unstable on my feet, and increasing my nausea when I'm sitting or laying.

My appetite since Friday has been completely below average. I just don't want to eat. Considering the nausea, the headache and the vertigo, I'm really not at all surprised by this. Even my liquid consumption has decreased.

My eyesight has been exceptionally blurry in the middle of all of this. So bad, in fact, that my reading glasses cannot completely compensate as they have been able to do up til now.

Then today (Tuesday), I had my first occurrence of mis-dosing. I'd had a bout of diarrhea, and went to retrieve the Immodium. I opened a bottle, took the med, then suddenly realized that I had taken Zantac instead--which, I now cannot take tonight as only two doses per day are permitted. Upon realizing my mistake, I retrieved (and took) the correct med. I don't know why it happened. In reaching for the med my mind simply didn't register that I was grabbing the wrong med. I don't know how to guarantee against a repeat of this. If I take the wrong med and it's a bad error, I could very well place my health in danger. I have to figure this one out.

The incidents of my recall and short-term memory loss seem to be increasing. I'm having a difficult time remembering facts, names, dates, and even how to do simple tasks like setting the controls on the microwave. That one happened tonight. I went to warm something up, set it inside the microwave, closed the door, then just went blank and stared at the controls for about ten seconds. My brain finally snapped into place and I set the controls just fine. This isn't the first time things like this have happened.

On top of everything, I have been sleeping poorly, at best. I get about seven hours per day; but I wake multiple times, I have nearly uncontrollable disturbing dreams (my subconscious trying to sort things out, no doubt), and I awaken each day feeling exhausted--as if I didn't get to sleep at all.

On the plus side, the edema is down slightly. It has been for at least two days.

Also, I've found a temporary solution for the dry skin on my face. I had to shave my beard to mere stubble :o( in order to apply a non-paraffin based skin moisturizer to my chin, and around my mouth. I apply it twice a day. It works for about a week before becoming ineffective. So, I give my skin a break for a few days, then shave my beard and do it all over again. This is not a viable solution for my scalp simply because I am completely unwilling to shave my head. I'm looking for other shampoo-type products which might help.

(I just took a half dose of the anti-emetic. Intense nausea hit me about two minutes ago. I had NOT been nauseated this much all day; and it just came on like gangbusters.)

So, with the nausea onset, I'll wrap up this entry.

I hope that everyone reading this is in good health, great spirits, and moving towards great things in their lives. Keep going!

Good Health to All!
