Friday, December 31, 2021

Post-Transplant Rejection Update: 31 December 2021

 It is the final day of 2021, so considering it has been two weeks since my last entry, I need to get one more done for the year.

Christmas was extremely quiet!

This was the first time in 37 Christmases together that my wife and I have had neither children, nor family over. It was so strange!

However, I still made a nice dinner of our Christmas favorites, and we ate some delicious leftovers for several days.

I started the new med (Cozar/Losartan) this past Wednesday. I have had no apparent negative side effects, but my morning BP has dropped from the mid-150's (systolic) down to the low 140's. The evening reading is still high, but slightly better.

My December infusion of Belatacept went well. Nothing else to report on this.

My headaches have been up and down. For the most part they have been nominal from day to day; but last week I had a really nasty non-TMD headache pop up late in the day. With sleep, and my strongest med, the headache had retreated by the next morning.

After a month of not working out [due to exhaustion and general tiredness], I finally got a session in just yesterday, and I used lighter weights and fewer reps. My next workout will be tomorrow, and I'll return to the heavier weights, and just go with how I am feeling on the reps from exercise to exercise.

I found out a couple of days ago that I am not yet active on the Transplant List after all. My coordinator informed me that the Transplant Committee wants an in-person visit with the surgeons, as well as a visit to a Urologist because of my latest PSA (Prostate Specific Antigen) being slightly elevated at 4.41. This number really isn't anything worrying, but the Committee is just being cautious. Those appointments are yet to be set up. you remember that I stated in my last entry that the Wuhan Virus vaccine side effects were gone?


Since I wrote that, I have had several more instances of blurry vision in my L eye, AND a few episodes of suddenly getting hot again. This is so much fun...  :(

There have been several days that have again found me not feeling well. Luckily, it still goes away within several hours, or by the next day. 

My sleep has been good, and my dreams are still under my complete control. Water and fluid intake remains consistent from day to day, and my appetite has been relevant to my lack of exercise. I'm sure this will increase now that I am getting my workouts in once more.

So that is all for today, and for 2021.

May you all have a safe and Happy New Year of 2022!


Wednesday, December 15, 2021

Post-Transplant Rejection Update: 15 December 2021

 Moving my daughter went well, and for happening in December, our roads both to and from there were dry and perfect. 

The biggest issue I've had since we got back has been an unrelenting exhaustion. I am sleeping several hours during the day, but still getting a full night of sleep. Only yesterday did I actually go a full day without a long nap. 

And because of the exhaustion, I have not yet gotten any exercise in the week since we returned; which is not good at all.

I did my December labs last week, and here are the results...

09 Dec 21 Labs:

*Creat:   3.30 (-0.16) 

*HCT:   35.3 (+0.6) Just Low

*Hemo:   11.1 (+0.2) IR

*RBC:   3.83 (+0.01) Extremely Low

*WBC:   7.7 (NC) IR

*BUN:   46 (-3) Extremely High

*CA:   9.3 (-0.3) IR

*GFR:   20 (+2) Extremely Low

*Gluc:   107

*K+:   4.1 (+0.2) IR

*NA+:   140 (NC) IR

*Phos:   4.0 (-0.5) IR

                 NC= No Change       IR= In Range

These latest labs show stability, which is great!

Unfortunately, as I have been telling you in previous posts, the labs are not reflective of how I am doing overall. 

In addition to the extended exhaustion and the increasing daytime naps, my weight has risen due to an increase of water retention. Yesterday morning I weighed in at 118.4 Kgs. This is after I had weighed 117.6 Kgs the day before. The 10mg of extra Torsemide is no longer holding my weight at a consistent level. 

I have also noticed a rise in the non-TMD headaches. This may be coincidental to the exhaustion of getting my daughter moved--and I'm hoping that is what has happened--but I am not resting on that hypothesis. I have had two nasty non-TMD headaches over the past week and a half, which required my strongest med to tamp down. My T3 usage has increased slightly because of these headaches, as well. I'll definitely continue watching these.

I had my latest visit with my Nephrologist yesterday, and it went well. 

He agreed that my labs are stable, but is concerned about my blood pressures, water retention and exhaustion. To help with the BP, I will be starting on Losartan (Cozar) late in December. If my January labs show any deviation in my potassium or phosphorous, then he will re-evaluate that med at that time.

He is also ordering [for Jan labs] a Thyroid check, cholesterol and my iron levels.  I will be sure to let you know those results.

As far as the water retention, he wants me to continue using 60 mg of Torsemide every morning, and add extra Torsemide depending on my weight gain or loss.

Overall, he is pleased with how I am doing. So, no imminent dialysis.

I have now gone almost a month without any apparent Wuhan Vaccine side effects...finally! I am still debating whether or not to get a booster when it is time because of the severity and length of time of said side effects. Plus, the Kidney Clinic has not announced anything regarding the booster shots. More on this at a later date.

That wraps up this entry. 

With Christmas next week, I likely will not get another entry until the following week.

Coming up: My December Infusion of Belatacept, which will be on 21 Dec.

So, until next time, May you ALL have a Very Merry Christmas!

And may you stay safe if you travel, and feel the love of family and friends throughout this Holiday season!



Saturday, November 27, 2021

Post-Transplant Rejection Update: 27 November 2021

I hope that my US readers had a safe, wonderful Thanksgiving!

Now that the Thanksgiving holiday has passed, I decided to look at how long it has been since my last post, and was surprised to see that it is now three full weeks.    So let's get started...

My latest infusion of Belatacept happened on 24 Nov. The nurse had a great stick, hitting a difficult vein on her first try. The infusion was uneventful, and I have had zero side effects once more.

And backing up a bit more, around two weeks ago I had another downturn in my energy level. It wasn't anything severe, but it has definitely impacted my day to day. Right now, I am once again averaging just two workouts each week. And these workouts are taking longer than just a month ago.   Last week I started getting a cold which initially, caused a nasty headache that was non-TMD involved. I managed one workout over that week, and am getting ready to finally get another session done after I finish with this entry.

As a result of the downturn, I am sleeping restlessly (for some reason), and taking more naps during the day. Not working out regularly certainly does not help my sleeping; but even when I do, I am still napping the next day.

I have started having several days each week [since this downturn] that find me just not feeling very well. It's nothing specific, but reminds me of how I felt most days when I was on dialysis. Luckily, feeling like this doesn't last...yet. 

My appetite has taken a hit because of those days that I don't feel well. I've had several days that I ate about half--or less--of what I normally eat. 

I don't remember if I had previously stated that I started eating breakfast most mornings--I know, it's a shocker!--and eat a double portion of the hot cereal Zoom! and two slices of toast, so that I get some good nutrition for my workout days, as well as the grains in the cereal helping to keep my intestines working properly. With all of the diuretics, I was getting stopped up far too often, and usually took three to five days between bowel movements. The Zoom! has helped make the BM's happen every day. 

My weight is fluctuating again, but in the right direction this time. With the help of a few bouts of nasty diarrhea, I have dropped my weight by two full kilograms, and currently hover around 116 Kgs. I am always sure to drink a glass of gatorade to resupply the lost electrolytes. It isn't the ideal way to lose water weight but I'll take it anyhow. 

My TMD headaches have been OK, I guess. I haven't had a really bad one in about a month now. As long as I can keep the headaches from exploding, I'll consider this a victory!

With this latest downturn, and considering how I am feeling overall from day to day, it is evident that dialysis is getting closer. How long from now it will start is anyone's guess. The farther away, the better!

Unfortunately, it will be at least two weeks before my next entry. My wife and are having to help our daughter move out of State, so next week will be preparing for the move, followed by a day of driving, a couple of days there, then back again. After that, I'll do my December lab draw, and have my next Nephrology appointment on the 14th of December. Whether or not I get an entry done before the 14th remains to be seen.

So, I'll get one done as soon as I am able, and have the brain power to write.

May you all enjoy the start of the Christmas season!

Good Health to All!


Monday, November 8, 2021

Post-Transplant Rejection Update: 08 November 2021

 Let's start with my November Labs...

02 Nov 21 Labs:

*Creat:   3.49 (+0.23)

*HCT:   34.7 (+0.5) Low

*Hemo:   10.9 (+0.1) IR

*RBC:   3.82 (+0.05) Extremely Low

*WBC:   7.7 (+0.5) IR

*BUN:   49 (+3) Extremely High

*CA:   9.6 (NC) IR

*GFR:   18 (-2) Extremely Low

*K+:   3.9 (+0.4) IR

*NA+:   140 (+3) IR

*Phos:   4.5 (+0.8) IR

               NC= No Change      IR= In Range

There is nothing or any real significance on these labs. 

While they are by no means "stable," and I am definitely headed towards dialysis, this set of labs simply looks like the kidney is worsening, but incrementally. 

And on that note, I have seen more signs that the kidney is struggling. I am gaining--and holding--onto new weight that is NOT from muscle buildup. Even taking extra Torsemide is having little effect on ridding the extra water from my body. As of this morning, my weight sits at 118.2 Kgs!

In order to try to combat this, I have added an extra 10 Mg of Torsemide every day. (I believe that I mentioned this on my last post.) With doing this my weight remained somewhat stable, hovering between 115.9-116.7 Kgs. Only over this past week has my weight suddenly, inexplicably gained another kilogram plus.

Additionally, I have had four days out of the last ten, or so, that I have felt sick again. It wasn't anything huge, or debilitating; but it was there, and it felt lousy! The latest incident was just yesterday. I awoke feeling more tired than usual, and then had a non-TMD headache come on slowly, followed by that feeling sick. By noon, I had no energy, my head was in terrible pain, and I felt awful! This lasted all afternoon, and I finally felt relief at around 700p.

My urine has also been smelling stronger, more odiferous. This is happening both day and night. The color remains fairly consistent; which is mostly clear with a slight yellow tinting.

Energy-wise, I am seeing greater and greater loss in my overall energy. I am only averaging two workouts each week, and if my energy saps even more, even that number will decrease.

I am getting overly sleepy once more, and take short 10-15 minute naps several times each day.

I do not know what triggered this suddenly downturn, but I am trying every day to do as much as I can without thoroughly exhausting myself, and then taking days to recover.

My sleep is good, and my dreams remain completely under my control. 

Despite the new developments, I still do not feel like it is time for dialysis. 

My appetite remains commensurate with my exercise and activity level. The headaches have definitely ramped up; both TMD and non-TMD related. I have reminding myself numerous times every day to relax my face, shoulders, back, etc. The acupuncture is still doing its job of healing the neuropathy.

That's all for now. 

My brain and body are tired, and I am feeling terribly sleepy....again.

So, I will wish you all the very best!

Good Health to All!


Thursday, October 28, 2021

Post-Transplant Update: 28 October 2021

 It has been a tough couple of weeks since my last update, though there is one bright spot.

As I stated in the entry about my recent colonoscopy, it took more time than anticipated to feel better. That was fun...

Once I felt better from that, my energy was still depleted, and I have struggled to get my workouts done. That depletion remains with me today. And I am scheduled to get a workout in today...but I may not be able to. My mind is saying 'yes!', but my body is going, "Ummm... I think not!" So, we'll see. I just finished lunch, so that may give me the energy I need to get it done.

On top of that, I've just had three unexpectedly long and draining days in a row. First on Monday I did my workout in the afternoon, followed by needing to go grocery shopping late, hauling the food upstairs, putting most of it away...and finally collapsing into bed at about 1130p completely exhausted.

Then on Tuesday, I had my normal Chiropractic/Acupuncture appointment in the late morning, a quick lunch, then my latest Belatacept infusion. After that, I noticed in a reflection that my car's DRL's (Daytime Running Lights) were both out; so I checked the headlights, and both of those were out, as well. So, I took an unexpected trip to our long-time mechanic to get them all replaced [because there is so much other stuff in the way that you cannot do it yourself]. This took an additional two hours, and I went home exhausted. 

And yesterday was my local garbage pickup day, which, as exhausted as I was mentally and physically, was not fun to gather and take out. After that was done I collapsed on the couch and slept on and off over the next few hours. Then while on an errand that had to be run, I remembered that I had my yearly Dermatology Exam that was happening about fifteen minutes from that moment! So I rushed to the hospital where my Dermatologists office is located, had to walk about two hundred yards across a very crowded parking lot, had my appointment, then hoofed it back all of that distance to my car. And by this time it was after 300p, and I still hadn't eaten any lunch.

Once home, I ate, then collapsed again on the couch; my energy completely depleted from three long, hard days [for me, at least]. And yesterday was SUPPOSED to have been a day for my body to recuperate! Which brings me to today, and not knowing if I'll have the energy to workout.

On one hand I am grateful that I could get so many things done. On the other hand, I am incredibly exhausted! And with my current daily energy level, I don't know if I can mentally push through the exhaustion in order to get my exercise.

On the good news side, my Dermatology Exam showed nothing irregular or abnormal! My skin remains clean, normal and healthy.  My next exam will be in October of 2022.

I have discovered that my Torsemide (diuretic) is not able to keep the kidney processing fluids as effectively as it should, leading my weight to go up ,stay up, drop, repeat; with no consistency of my weight from day to day. So I have been taking an extra 10mgs of the Torsemide every morning, and since then, I have had four consecutive days of stability (.2-.3 swings) in my weight. 

My headaches have been worse, and I've had two nasty TMD headaches over the past nine days, or so. Keeping these under marginal control has been difficult, to put it mildly.

So, that is my last couple of weeks. 

It is easy to see that my kidney is struggling, and it will only get worse from here on out.

Next month--November--I have no scheduled appointments other than my twice weekly Chiropractic/Acupuncture. Though the Dental clearance remains--which I will work on next week--it will be nice to have a month without any other appointments!

Next week are my November labs; which I will post as soon as I can.

Until then, Happy Halloween!

Good Health to All!


Monday, October 18, 2021

Post-Transplant Rejection Update: Colonoscopy Result

 Last Tuesday I started the new prep routine in advance of my latest colonoscopy--my first since 2012. 

The new prep is sooooooooo much more pleasant than the old. I did not have to drink that horrid, sugary, awful tasting "7-Up-like" liquid that pretty much everyone gags over. Instead, the new prep simply involved a half gallon of Gatorade,  238 mgs of Miralax powder, four Dulcolax tablets, and two Gas-X tabs.

In all, I lost over two full kilograms of water!

Anyhow, the test went as scheduled, and took about thirty minutes in total, during which I was sedated. 

The result is that my large bowel (large colon, or large intestine) is completely clean, and free of polyps! The bowel is so healthy that I do not need another colonoscopy for ten years!

Here is the sheet I was given by the physician:

*Even though the color (as seen on the scan above) on this is not accurate, the bowel is pink and healthy, as is seen in my original copy.

The worst part of the test was my feeling lousy for several days afterwards.          I don't recall feeling that bad on my last one, but I may have been. 

Right after I post this, I am finally going to get a workout in after a whole week. I'm just grateful that I am feeling better!

Good Health to All!


Saturday, October 9, 2021

Post-Transplant Rejection Update: 09 October 2021

 It has been a down week for my kidney, and I am struggling with my energy all of a sudden.

Here are my latest labs:

06 Oct 21 Labs:

*Creat:   3.26

*HCT:   34.2 (-0.7) Low

*Hemo:   10.8 (-0.4) IR

*RBC:   3.77 (-0.15) Extremely Low

*WBC:   7.2 (+0.4) IR

*BUN:   45 (+1) Extremely High

*CA:   9.6 (NC) IR

*GFR:   20 (+2) Extremely Low

*Gluc:   108

*K+:   3.9 (NC) IR

*NA+:   139 (NC) IR

*Phos:   3.7 (-0.5) IR

*PTH (Parathyroid Hormone):   105 (High)

               NC= No Change    IR= In Range

Aside from dips in my Red Count and Hematocrit, these labs are fairly stable. 

However, despite the stability, I had a definite downturn in my energy this week. My body has struggled recovering from my workouts, I am feeling physically and mentally drained so much that I am having to push myself to get anything done from day to day. I am hoping this is nothing more than a brief lull, and that I will be able to rebound once more.

I have my Colonoscopy this coming Wednesday. Because I am a transplant patient, I must have a Covid Test, which I will do tomorrow.  I start the oh so lovely test prep on Monday evening, and cannot eat anything of substance all day Tuesday. Clear liquid diets are just the best!  :o(    I will post the results of the test later next week.

I think I'll stop there for today. 

I just finished my exercise, and I am tired!

Good Health to All!


Update: 12 Oct 21:  My Covid test came back negative, so there won't be any issues with tomorrow's Colonoscopy.  sw

Saturday, October 2, 2021

Post-Transplant Rejection Update: 02 October 2021

 I have meant to get an entry started every day for the past two weeks, but for one reason or another, have been completely unable to do so.

As a result, this entry will be brief as I have labs this next Tuesday. So let's get going...

Headaches have been good and terrible. I had a doozy of a TMD headache that lasted nearly three days. That was fun.

In general, I have noticed a definite downward trend in how I am feeling from day to day. It is nothing terrible, but I am feeling "off" most days of the week, and though I have my usual energy, I am getting sleepy rapidly once again.

My morning med intake is making me nauseated every single day now. This is definitely new as prior to this, I went from my meds not bothering me at all, to every once in a while, to several times each week, to now every day. My usage of oral Zofran has definitely increased as a result.

I am still getting my workouts in three days each week, and the results are finally starting to show.

My weight has been fluctuating upward. Part of this is due to my exercise. The biggest increases are due to water retention. As of this morning, I weighed in at 117.8 Kgs. Even extra Torsemide is not helping much.

With continued workouts my sleep remains solid. I don't even want to think of how exhausted I would be if my sleep was poor...

Going on four months post Vaccine #2, I am STILL  having daily side effects! Usually it is the fuzzy vision that lasts an hour or so; but I am also getting dizzy, and getting suddenly hot. I can get one or all three of these side effects on any given day.

My twice-daily blood pressures have been all over the place, ranging from the low 130's (Systolic) and 60's (Diastolic) to the high 160's and mid-80's. Even though I try to avoid it, frustration at my weight yo-yoing and the BP fluctuating wildly has definitely started to happen daily.

As you know, I am hoping to avoid dialysis as long as possible. With how my weight, BP and general feeling are going, dialysis will happen sooner rather than later. But, I'll still keep hoping...

I finally was able to get my Colonoscopy scheduled. The Gastroenterology unit at IMC was kind enough to place me ahead of other patients due to needing it for transplant. I am scheduled for 19 October.

That is all for today. Like I said...brief.

With my labs next week I WILL get another entry done!

Good Health to All!


Thursday, September 9, 2021

Post-Transplant Rejection Update: 09 September 2021

 I know it has been a few weeks since my last post, so let's get started right away...

Day to day, things have been OK, I guess. 

The headaches remain consistent, with one bad TMD-induced headache that was a solid 10 for two days. Getting it to calm down took my best meds, minimal eating (to minimize stress on the jaw from chewing) and LOTS of doing pretty much nothing at all. 

The workouts have been regular, going every Monday, Thursday and Saturday. The lone exception to that was during the just-mentioned TMD headache.

My weight has started settling back down. It took over a month, but I am now finally bouncing back around in the high 115 Kgs. Again, that weight gain was nothing that I had or had not done. It simply happened.

Sleep-wise, with my exercise being regular again, I am sleeping better most nights. In the past three weeks I have had just one night that was interrupted by not getting back to sleep after having emptied my bladder.

My appetite has been getting better as my workouts have remained consistent. I am actually getting hungry several mornings each week, and almost always sate that with a big bowl of ZOOM (hot cereal), two slices of toast and some milk. My lunches are still inconsistent as far as total volume, but my dinners are almost always filling. 

I am still having Covid Vaccine side effects. It is now going on three months post vaccination. I am getting hot--which lasts up to two hours--getting minor dizziness, minor fuzziness to my vision, and occasional lethargy. These side effects are always one or two a day, and are never at the same times.   These can stop at any time!

Overall, I've been feeling up and down. No two days are alike right now. I never know how the day will go as I can wake up feeling good, only to start feeling lousy a few hours late; or I completely run out of energy well before I normally would.    You get the point.  So, I just take the days as they come. This means that I sometimes have to push myself mentally and physically  to start my workouts, as well as get them finished at the proper weights and total repetitions.

My latest infusion of Belatacept was on 03 September. 

I had the next lab draw just yesterday. Here are the results...

07 Sept 21 Labs:

*Creat:   3.53

*HCT:   34.9 (+0.4) Low

*Hemo:   11.2 (+0.2) Just High

*RBC:   3.92 (+0.04) Extremely Low

*WBC:   6.8 (-0.1) IR

*BUN:   45 (+1) Extremely High

*CA:   9.8 (+0.5) IR

*GFR:   18 (-2) Extremely Low

*Gluc:   110

*K+:   3.9 (+0.4) IR

*NA+:   139+ (-1) IR

*Phos:   4.2 (+0.6) IR

*PSA:   4.7 

*PTH:   62

             NC= No Change        IR= In Range          

The labs are "stable," which just means that despite the variations, nothing looks alarming.

I highlighted the last two additional values because they were ordered by the Transplant Team following my tele-med visit in August.

The Prostate Specific Antigen (PSA) is normally between 0.1-3.0. However, as a transplant patient, the variations I have seen in past tests have been huge; and this result is actually lower than the last few results. I was previously told that my higher PSA is of no cause for concern, so until I hear otherwise, I will continue with that line of thinking.

The second additional value is the Parathyroid Hormone. This too swings wildly between 55-110, with the preferred top of the range being 99.

I had my latest visit with my Nephrologist this past Tuesday. He saw nothing of concern in my labs, and has not changed my meds. Unless I have something happen, my next appointment will be in three months.

So, there you have all of the latest.

Upcoming, I have my yearly follow-up with my Dermatologist on Tuesday, 14 Sept. Also, I have a referral for my needed Colonoscopy that I will be calling on tomorrow. After that, I have only to get my Dental Clearance in order to be "Active" on the Transplant List.

As I get those done, I will keep you updated.

Enjoy the impending turn to Fall, and the cooler, wetter weather and leaves turning color that it brings.

Good Health to All!


Saturday, August 14, 2021

Post-Transplant Rejection Update: 14 August 2021

 This entry is delayed because the Echocardiogram left me feeling like garbage for three days! Unlike what I had thought, this test was not the P.E.T. test, but a simple scan of the heart. 

Unfortunately, this test, done by ultrasound, involves a lot of deep pressing on the mid upper, and left upper abdomen in order to get as many angles of the heart as can be done. Doing this aggravated a LOT of scar tissue in my upper abdomen leaving me really sore and extremely nauseated. Only this morning am I feeling appreciably better.

Following is the bulk of the test results from the Echocardiogram taken on 10 August 2021:

"Adult Echocardiogram Procedure 

 The images were of fair technical quality. Imaging quality was affected by prominent lung artifact. Complete echo, cardiac Doppler and color flow imaging was performed. Resting EKG showed normal sinus rhythm at a rate of 73 beats per minute. 

 M-Mode/2D Measurements and Calculations IVSd: 0.9 cm LVIDd: 5.9 cm AOd: 4.3 cm EF: 60 % +/- 3% LVPWd: 1.0 cm LVIDs: 3.6 cm Asc Ao 3.80cm FS: 39.5 % RVd LAX cm RVd AP4 cm LAs: 4.60 IVC: LV SV: 106.8 ml LV EDV: 176.7 ml LV ESV: 69.9 RV area cm2 LV EDV BP i 73.27 LV ESV BP i 28.98 LV Mass i g/m2 RWT 0.35 LA Vol (MOD) index: 30.82 ml/m² Doppler Measurements AV MV TV LVOT: 2.40 cm E Vel: 0.79 m/s RA press: 3 mmHg LVOT Vel: 1.32 m/s A Vel: 1.11 m/s AoV Vel: 1.6 m/s E/A: 0.7 RV PV Mean Grad: 6 mmHg PHT: 54 msec RVOT VTI: 0 m Pk Vel: 1.26 m/s Pk Grad: 10 mmHg MVA: 4.1 cm2 Pk Grad: 6 mmHg AoV area: 4.0 cm2 Mean Grad: 2 mmHg PV AT: 70 msec LVOT SV: 127.6 ml Decel Time: 187 msec LVOT SVi 52.9 ml/m2 e' Medial: 6.64 cm/s e' Lateral: 5.77 cm/s E/e' Avg: 12.73 

 Left Ventricle  The left ventricular chamber size is mildly increased. There is normal left ventricular wall thickness. Left ventricular systolic function is normal. There are no segmental wall motion abnormalities. Left ventricular ejection fraction is estimated to be 60 %(+/_ 3%). The relative wall thickness is normal. LV basal fractional shortening is normal, as measured by 2D. Normal diastolic pattern with normal left atrial pressure. 

 Right Ventricle Normal right ventricular size and systolic function. Tricuspid annular plane systolic excursion (TAPSE) measures 3.3. Left Atrium Left atrial volume index is 30.82 ml/m² which is normal in size. The interatrial septum appears normal by 2D and color Doppler imaging. Right Atrium The right atrial size is normal. The right atrial area is 17.1 cm2. The right atrial volume is normal at 15.96 ml/m² indexed by BSA. 

 Aortic Valve The aortic valve is tricuspid. Peak transaortic velocity (Vmax) is 1.6 m/s. Peak transaortic gradient is 10 mmHg. Mean transaortic gradient is 6 mmHg. LVOT diameter is 2.40 cm. Calculated aortic valve area and area index by continuity equation is 4.0 cm² and 1.7 cm²/m². Doppler velocity index (DVI) is 0.85. Trace aortic valve regurgitation. 

 Mitral Valve Mitral valve is normal in structure, thickness and function. Calculated valve area by pressure half time is 4.1 cm². Mitral valve pressure half time is 54 msec. Mean transmitral gradient is 2 mmHg. Trace mitral valve regurgitation. 

Tricuspid Valve Tricuspid valve is normal in structure, thickness, and function. No tricuspid regurgitation is present. 

 Pulmonic Valve Pulmonic valve is normal in structure, thickness, and function. No indication of pulmonary valve regurgitation. Aorta The aortic root size is mildly dilated, measuring 4.30 cm. The ascending aorta is 3.80 cm, indexed to BSA is 1.58 cm/m² which is normal. 

 Venous The inferior vena cava was normal in this study. 


 1. Left ventricular systolic function is normal. The LVEF is 60 %(+- 3%). 

 2. There are no segmental wall motion abnormalities. 

 3. Normal diastolic pattern with normal left atrial pressure. 

 4. The left ventricular chamber size is mildly increased." 

 5. Normal right ventricular size and systolic function. 

 6. The left atrium is normal in size. 

 7. The right atrial size is normal. 

 8. Mildly dilated aortic root. 

 9. Compared to previous echo of 6/3/2020, no significant change."

As a summation, aside from slight enlargement of my L Ventricle, my heart is just fine. 

Now, my August lab results...

03 Aug 21 Labs:

*Creat:   3.22 (-0.04)

*HCT:   34.5 (-1.2) Low

*Hemo:   11.0 (-0.2) IR

*RBC:   3.88 (-0.09) Extremely Low

*WBC:   6.9 (+0.2) IR

*BUN:   44 (+1) Extremely High

*CA:   9.3 (-0.6) IR

*GFR:   20 (NC) IR

*Gluc:   101

*K+:   3.5 (-0.5) IR

*NA+:   140 (-1) IR

*Phos:   3.6 (-0.1) IR

          NC= No Change       IR= In Range

All in all, my labs appear to be steady right now. There is nothing of concern from any of the latest results.

As I had hoped, after returning from vacation, with my Red Cell count up, I finally have the energy to workout once again. I started up again on Saturday, 31 July by using light weights and fewer reps. I referred to it as an "OK, body, it's time to wake up and get going again" workout. I allowed a two day rest before the next session during which I kept the weights light, but increased the reps a bit. Since then, I have exercised every Monday, Thursday and Saturday since--except for this past Thursday [due to my feeling lousy from the Echo.] My next workout is today, and I will be using all of my previous weights (before stopping due to a complete lack of energy from a decreased RBC count), and reps. 

My body has responded well, and I am certainly well ahead of my expected progress following three months of no exercise. 

That's all for today. The things I wanted most to cover have been discussed. 

Stay safe, and keep enjoying your summer and getting back to your lives.

Good Health to All!


Monday, August 9, 2021

Post-Transplant Rejection Update: 09 August 2021

 Aside from a cold that began developing shortly before leaving for vacation, my time away was really nice!

I had the opportunity to drive up to Mesa Verse NP, and while there, got completely drenched from a massive thunderstorm that rolled across the mesa that afternoon. No matter, because it was wonderful being there, seeing the ruins and just enjoying the vistas, the rain and the area!

Here are a few pics I got with my phone that day:

A great view across a valley atop Mesa Verde NP (July 2021 SW)

A view to Cliff Palace, Mesa Verde NP (July 2021 SW)

Ruins and approaching thunderstorm atop Mesa Verde NP (July 2021 SW)

View to the North from atop Mesa Verde NP (July 2021 SW)

Though too brief (as vacations always are), I was glad to get away, and to be able to drive on the open road; which I always love to do! 

On 03 August I had both my monthly labs, as well as my latest infusion of Belatacept. I won't list the labs today, because I will be doing another entry in a few days; so I'll pass those results on then. Suffice it to say, the kidney seems to be stable.  
My infusion went well, with a single stick canulation, and the usual zero side effects. My next infusion is actually on 31 August.

Tomorrow, I have the Echocardiogram (P.E.T. test) that the Transplant Clinic ordered; which is why I will be doing another entry this week.

So for today, that's all I have.

I hope you are all doing well and getting back to a normal life.

Good Health To All!

Tuesday, July 20, 2021

Post-Transplant Rejection Update: 20 July 2021

 Just a brief update today, as preparations are in high gear for our upcoming vacation.

The side effects from the vaccine continue five weeks after the inoculation of the 2nd vaccine. Every day I see the pointed headache, dizziness, lethargy, feel hot, or the fuzzy eyesight. Last week I had extreme dizziness that lasted two days, combined with being hot one day, and the headache on the next day. This is NOT fun, and can stop any time!

On the good news front, my taking the iron pills is finally starting to give me more energy. I was hoping to start working out again before the trip; but with the ongoing side effects, that just hasn't happened. So, I am planning on getting started again after I get back.

The normal TMD headaches continue, but remain under control with the chiropractic, acupuncture and meds. 

My sleep continues to be sporadic. I know that working out will help me sleep better, so hopefully, I will start seeing that very soon.

Also, because of these lingering vaccine side effects, I have not felt up to getting any needed appointments done for going active on the Transplant List. There are only a few things to get done, which I had planned on accomplishing in June and July; before I knew how bad the virus vaccine would hit me.

Anyhow, that's all I have for today.

I will return on the 28th, and will hopefully get an update done shortly afterwards.

Until then, stay safe, enjoy your summer and keep doing and being your very best!

Good Health to All!


Sunday, July 11, 2021

Post-Transplant rejection Update: 11 July 2021

 Going on a month since my second Wuhan Virus shot, and I am STILL having side effects!

Let's get started though, with my latest lab results...

06 July 21 Labs:

*Creat:   3.26 (+0.27)

*HCT:   35.7 (+0.5) Low

*Hemo:   11.2 (NC) IR

*Lymph:   Not taken

*Lymph ABS:   Not Taken

*RBC:   3.97 (+0.02) Extremely Low

*WBC:   6.7 (+0.9) IR

*BUN:   43 (-4) Extremely High

*CA:   9.9 (+0.7) IR

*GFR:   20 (-2) Extremely Low

*Gluc:   111

*K+:   4.0 (+0.2) IR

*NA+:   141 (+4) IR

*Phos:   3.7 (NC) IR

*Parathyroid Hormone (PTH):   91

              NC= No Change       IR= In Range

Stability. That's about all my labs show this month. 

Also, I had my July Infusion the same day as my lab draw. Because my L arm is NOT getting poked numerous times every month, the arm is healing and the IV sticks are becoming easier for the nurses at the Infusion Center. Once again, the IV was placed with just a single stick.

Now, as far as the virus inoculation...

Though I am no longer having widespread side effects, every day brings at least one or two that just won't go away. One day it will be the unique headache; the next it will be dizziness; the next it will be exhaustion and dizziness...

You get the point. 

The side effects ARE getting better; it is just agonizingly slow getting rid of them!

Again, I knew this was a possibility; but that doesn't help my frustration with whatever pops up on any given day.

Aside from those lingering side effects, things are Okay, I guess. I still haven't had the energy to work out. It's now over two months since I last exercised, and my weight is rising as a result.

I had been flirting with 113 Kgs; but now sit squarely in the 115s, with an occasional dip to the 114's, and a few rises into the 116 Kgs, which I hadn't seen since this past February. While I realize that this is due to the kidney struggling, it is still frustrating nonetheless. I am so close to the goal that the Transplant surgeon set of 111 Kgs!

My sleep has been, well, terrible. Many times after getting up to empty my bladder I struggle to fall back asleep. I'll lay in bed for an hour or two before giving up; so I get dressed and do computer work until I get sleepy again. This happened just a few hours ago when I awoke at 2:57A. I finally got up at 5:15A. I will undoubtedly take a nap later this morning to compensate for at least a couple of hours of missed sleep.   Other nights I'll get a full night of sleep, even after getting up several times. 

The iron supplements have stabilized my Iron levels, and helped increase my Red Blood Cells and Hematocrit. However, my Ferretin and Transferrin numbers remain low. Getting those numbers up may just take time. I don't know, to be honest.

The TMD headaches kicked in full force once the vaccine headaches has diminished from constant to occasional. And with my rehab doctor taking time off, plus some interference from holidays and other appointments, my Chiropractic and acupuncture treatment have been intermittent, at best. Plus, with the pandemic waning, and both my wife and I being inoculated, we are finally getting out of town in a week and a half; so I'll miss even more treatments. But, after a year and a half of constant vigilance against the pandemic, and being essentially cooped up for most of that time, getting away from home for a week will be wonderful!

Everything else is pretty much status quo. There have been no big changes either positive or negative. Even though I'd love to be working out regularly, I'll still take status quo over heading towards--or being on--dialysis any day!

Because of preparations for my upcoming trip away, I do not know if I'll get another entry done before I leave on the 22nd [of July]. So, if you don't hear from me before then, I will likely get one either by the end of the month, or in early August.

Until then, I wish all of you a safe, cool and fun summer!

Good Health to All!


Thursday, June 24, 2021

Post-Transplant Rejection Update: 24 June 2021

 My second Wuhan Virus vaccination shot was on Tuesday, 15 June.

As of today, I still have lingering side effects.

By the evening of the 15th, I was starting to feel off, and the same non-TMD headache began.

Over the ensuing days, I had a poor appetite, felt hot, dizziness, lethargy, body aches, and I slept a lot more than normal. By day 5 I had thought than many symptoms had disappeared; but instead of being there when I awoke on Sunday, they hit me after I was up for about two hours.

This same pattern has repeated every day since.

As of this morning--10 days later--I am still hot, getting dizzy, have the headache, and continue to feel off. So...yeah...lots of fun...

I knew this would hit me hard; it just did so in an unexpected way. Instead of nailing me like the first shot, the side effects on this one have been less in intensity, but they are just going, and going, and going. 

Honestly, I have no idea how much longer I'll be feeling like this. 

As a result, and until I actually feel better, this will be my last entry. So, it could be a few more days, or another week before I get back to typing up an update.

I hope you are all well, happy and healthy!


Wednesday, June 9, 2021

Post-Transplant Rejection Update: 09 June 2021

 Those Wuhan Vaccination side effects lasted a solid seven days!

The headache persisted until  the following Sunday, the fever until Monday, and the lethargy lasted until Tuesday.  So much fun!   The second shot will be on 15 June. 

I have so much to look forward to!  :o(

Next up, my June lab results.

01 June 21 Labs:

*Creat:   2.99 (-0.34)

*HCT:   35.2 (+0.5) Low

*Hemo:   11.2 (+0.3) IR

*Lymph:   Not Taken

*Lymph ABS:   Not Taken

*RBC:   3.95 (+0.07) Extremely Low

*WBC:   5.8 (-1.6) IR

*BUN:   47 (+3) Extremely High

*CA:   9.2 (NC) IR

*GFR: 22 (+3) Extremely Low

*Gluc:   109

*K+:   3.8 (NC) IR

*NA+:   137 (-2) IR

*MG:   Not taken

*Phos:   3.7 (+0.2) IR

               NC= No Change     IR= In Range

There was a nice drop in the Creatinine, along with corresponding movement in the GFR and the BUN. Unfortunately, both of those latter numbers are significantly out of their proper ranges. 

*Remember, when a kidney (or kidneys) is/are going down, you will see vacillations of all of those key lab values. Next month, all three could very well be worse; while in two months, we could see all three rebound again. It is just the nature of a failing kidney.

The RBC's took another nice bump, which I am surprised to see. It will be interesting to see if the Creatinine, GFR and BUN results from month to month show any corresponding movements in the Red Blood Cell production. I will try to remember to note that, but no promises as my brain has started becoming a little foggier again. 

I saw my Nephrologist on 01 June. He is pleased, overall, with my "progress." We are both frustrated with my energy level, so he ordered that I start taking OTC oral Iron tablets to see if a boost in my RBC's might add some better oxygenation to my body, and therefore, more energy. He did caution me that this might not work simply because of the kidney going down. It's worth a shot, though.

I had my June Infusion of Belatacept just yesterday. The nurse got the stick on the first try! (Thank goodness!) My next infusion will be on 06 July.

As far as other things...

The acupuncture is going well. My TMD remains in relative check; which isn't saying a lot, but again, at least the headaches aren't out of control like they were when my original kidneys were dying. So, I'll absolutely take "relative control!"  My feet have been experiencing many nerves waking up with dozens of pinprick sensations on all of the toes, on top of both feet, and some on the bottoms of the feet. There is still a ways to go, but with my feet starting to swell again, any progress against the neuropathy is excellent!

The TMD headaches have had a change in the pattern, going from all of the time to [usually] starting up in the evenings. This is likely due to a simple buildup of jaw tension throughout the day. By the next morning, it is usually calmed down. I have experienced this now for over a month, which is how I know the pattern has changed. I really don't mind the change because it gives me a number of hours every day that are mostly headache free.

Because of my energy, I have not worked out in a month now. Again, what energy I have is quickly used up getting my wife ready for work, going to appointments, and getting some errands a/o shopping done. This all happens by about noon. After that I am totally spent. IF the Iron supplements help at all, I should see an increase in my energy within about a week. We'll see...

My appetite has started shifting again. Foods that I have been fine with are becoming unappetizing once again. Some days I have almost no lunch, but a decent dinner, and visa-versa. Every so often I'll have a decent lunch AND dinner; though these are markedly happening less.  IF I can start working out again, this will definitely help my overall food intake.

Sleeping has been OK, at best. My dreams remain under my control, but the past few weeks, my ability to get back to sleep after emptying my bladder throughout the night has taken a step backward. Some nights I get up to six hours of quality sleep, but most nights that is more around 4.5-5.0 hours. Yes, this doesn't help my overall energy level; but even after taking 1-2 hour naps during the day, I still have no energy.

As far as my weight, without regular exercise, I am still hovering between 114.0 Kgs and 115.5 Kgs. Right now, my day to day weight-loss is a constant yo-yo. This isn't ideal by any stretch; but at least I am not gaining a lot more weight.

Next week (Tuesday) is my second Wuhan Virus vaccination. 

After talking with a number of people regarding the difference between their first and second vaccinations [with the Pfizer formulation], there is no clear consensus as to how the second vaccine might affect me. Some people had no S/S's (Signs and Symptoms) on the First, but got hit on the Second.  Some had severe S/S's on the First, but relatively none on the Second dose. And a couple of people had S/S's on both doses. Some had no immune responses to either. No one I spoke to though had a compromised immune system like I do; so, anything can happen is basically the approach I am taking.

And that is all I have today.

I hope that all of you are safe, healthy and getting back to life.

Good Health to All!


Friday, May 28, 2021

Post-Transplant Rejection Update: 28 May 2021

 I was finally able to get the first of my Wuhan Virus vaccinations on Tuesday (25 May).

I had the Pfizer vaccine injected into my L deltoid, and awaited the onset of symptoms.

These started during the night when I awoke to empty my bladder and noticed that I was noticeably warmer.

As the night progressed, a definitely non-TMD headache started coming on that was very intense. This has persisted through as of this writing today (28 May), and will likely continue. The headache is centered just behind my temples, and feels far different from any TMD headache. Even meds barely keep it in check.

On Wednesday morning, I was feeling OK; but as the day progressed, I started feeling like I had the flu. Even two days after the onset, I still feel like that!

Additionally, I've had body aches, lack of hunger, lethargy, and even had my eyesight compromised like I've had an eye exam and my pupils were dilated. This fuzziness is better today, but still present; and, it seems to get worse as the evenings come on.

So, all of this is still happening three days after my first shot! I've talked to numerous people who have had symptoms [following the first Pfizer vaccine] last maybe two days, but rarely three. If I feel like this following the "introductory" vaccine,   I am absolutely justified in my worry with the side effects will have on my poor immune system with the second dose; which will be on 15 June.

So much to look forward to!  :o(

Alright...Next week I have June labs, as well as my next Nephrology visit. I will write another entry afterwards.

Until then, I hope that my US readers will have a fun and safe Memorial Day weekend! I encourage you to take even just a few moments to remember that this "holiday" is not just a long weekend for travel, camping, cookouts or the start of summer; but for remembering all of those men and women in our history who fought and died so that we might be free from tyranny, and then to preserve our freedoms from those who would take it away. Their lives and sacrifices must never be forgotten!

Good Health to All!


Monday, May 17, 2021

Post-Transplant Rejection Update: 17 May 2021

I cannot believe that 25 days have passed since my previous post. 

My sincerest apologies for the delay!

Let me get you caught up...

Just two days after the last entry, my wife had three cysts removed from her scalp that had been there since her days in the US Army back in the late 70s and early 80s. I spent a few days taking care of her, during which I exhausted myself intensely. Between getting my pitiful energy level back, and trying to tamp down the intense and prolonged headache that ensued, I spent about a week recovering from that.

Then, in the time that followed until now, I have used my energy cooking, running a few errands, going to doctor appointments, doing some housework, and working out the few times my energy was elevated a little. In between, I was taking lots of impromptu naps, and just trying to keep my mind in a good place. 

That's all.

Also, I had my May labs done a couple of weeks ago. The results follow...

04 May 21 Labs:

*Creat:   3.33 (+0.17) 

*HCT:   34.7 (+1.9) Low

*Hemo:   10.9 (+0.4) IR

*Lymph:   Not taken

*Lymph ABS: Not taken

*RBC:   3.86 (+0.27) Extremely Low

*WBC:   7.4 (-0.6) IR

*BUN:   44 (NC) Extremely High

*CA:   9.1 (-0.7) IR

*GFR:   19 (-2) Extremely Low

*Gluc:   108

*K+:   3.8 (-0.3) IR

*NA+:   139 (+2) IR

*Phos:   3.9 (-0.3) IR

               NC= No change     IR= In Range

I am glad to see the Creatinine behaving, and remaining fairly stable for the first time in many months!

And for the most part, most of my other labs are also somewhat stable. The big difference are the Hematocrit and the Red Cells. Because of the rise in my RBC's, my Hematocrit also rose. This also allowed my body to absorb more oxygen, which of course, gave me the extra energy I needed to get a few regular workouts done. 

My May infusion of Belatacept was last Tuesday. The nurse stuck the canulation of my L arm on the first try--which I always appreciate!--and the infusion went smoothly, and zero side effects afterwards.

Tomorrow, 18 May, I will finally receive my first vaccine of the Wuhan Virus. Because of my very poor immune system, I am still very nervous about how my body will react. The Kidney Clinic has recommended that I get the Pfizer vaccine, which only has a three week window before my second dose. And as nervous as I am about the first dose, it is the second that will be much harder on me. I think that I'd rather have another surgery than have to go through what others have said is hard on healthy adults.   There is always the off chance that the second dose side effects will be minimal, so I'll try to think the good thought...

Unfortunately for me, even after I am fully vaccinated, I will still have to wear my mask whenever I am shopping, or am around others indoors because of the possible virus variants; but mainly because of my immune system. I realize that many people will look at me quizzically for a while, and if asked, I will politely explain about my failing transplant and poor immune response to viruses, colds etc. That'll take care of any questions.

Everything else seems to be in sort of a holding pattern. My sleep is fitful, et best, my dreams remain under my control, the headaches keep chugging along but never get too bad, I continue doing chiropractic and acupuncture twice every week and have seen the headaches staying in check and my feet slowly gaining more feeling on the tops of both feet, as well as on the toes and parts of the bottom of both feet.

That's it for today. I will check in later this week to tell you have my body responds to the inoculation tomorrow.

Until then, stay safe, and continue to strive to do and be your very best at all times, and in everything you do!

Good Health to All!


21 May 21

Well, it was the shot that wasn't!

I went to receive my Wuhan Virus vaccine as scheduled, but when I arrived, I was greeted with the news that they did NOT, in fact, have the Pfizer vaccine; but the Moderna. Wanting to stick with the recommendation of the Kidney Clinic, I decided to wait.

So, this afternoon, I rescheduled the first vaccine dose, this time at the Intermountain Medical Center main campus, where the Kidney Clinic is located.   It is a bit of a drive, but I have other errands to run near there that same day. week... 



Thursday, April 22, 2021

Post-Transplant Rejection Update: 22 April 2021

Nothing unexpected has happened in the near month since my previous update...

However, the best way to sum up why it has taken so long for this entry can be summed up in three words:


In the past three weeks, I have worked out a total of twice, and have done little aside from cooking and some cleaning. Besides that, I have been sleeping and taking long naps...a lot.

My latest labs...

30 Mar 21 Labs:

*Creat:   3.16 (-0.29!)

*HCT:   32.8 (-0.1) Low

*Hemo:   10.5 (-0.1) IR

*Lymph:   Unavailable

*Lymph ABS:   Unavailable

*RBC:   3.59 (-0.08) Extremely Low

*WBC:   8.0 (+0.5) IR

*BUN:   44 (-5) Extremely High

*CA:   9.8 (+0.4) IR

*GFR:   21 (+3!)  Extremely Low

*Gluc:   111

*K+:   4.1 (+0.2) IR

*NA+:   137 (-3) IR

*MG:   Unavailable

*Phos:   4.21 (+0.5) IR
            NC= No Change     IR= In Range

The Creatinine took a surprise dive, altering both the BUN and GFR more towards normal. I have no idea why this value dropped; but I'll take it!

The Red Blood Cells continue to decline, and, another lab value not noted here called Transferrin, was just above the bottom of its Normal Range. The best and briefest explanation I can find for this is as follows:


A protein of the beta globulin group which binds and transports iron in blood serum."

While I only have a very rudimentary grasp of this protein, it essentially carries the iron needed for RBC production in the bone marrow. A very low Transferrin level means that, despite my Iron being in mid-range, not enough is reaching the bone marrow, thereby decreasing my overall RBC production, leading to less oxygen saturation in the blood; which is why I have been so exhausted.

I am not yet aware of anything that can be done (if anything at all), and have not yet found any good research online as most articles are about high Transferrin, and not low levels. I will keep looking. 
So, at least I understand why the exhaustion was taking over everything.

My headaches have been is check...somewhat. I usually do fine during the day, with headaches kicking in during the evening hours. This is most likely happening because of a day-long build-up of muscular tension in my R jaw. Aside from my normal pain control meds, I haven't needed anything stronger in at least a month.

Because of my profound lack of energy, I have not hardly been exercising (as noted above). And because of that, my metabolism has slowed a bit, and my weight has been stagnant and hanging around 114.8 Kg, plus or minus half a Kg.
At least I haven't gained any of that lost weight again!

I had my April infusion of Belatacept on the 13th. As per usual, no untoward side effects happened.

The acupuncture continues to provide results for my feet. I've had several nerves at the base of four different toes wake up--which are always painful when they do. Plus, I just noticed yesterday that the tops of both feet are feeling a bit leathery, for lack of a better descriptor. I think that I've previously explained it like this: Whenever you get a big blister on your foot, and it then pops or weeps out, and you wear shoes over that blister, you have that rubbing sensation because the loose upper layers above the blister site are now rubbing on the lower part on the foot itself. THAT is the sensation I have been feeling on the tops of both feet, from the base of the toes to about halfway towards the heels.

So, that's all I have for now because it is late, and my brain is turning to mush. 
I will try to get another entry done soon. 

I am planning on getting my first dose of the Wuhan Virus inoculation on my Kidney-versary, 04 May. As per the Kidney Clinic recommendation, I will be getting the Pfizer version. The second dose for this particular version will be three weeks later.

Good Heath to All!


Sunday, March 28, 2021

Post-Transplant Rejection Update: 28 March 2021

 In the three weeks since my last entry, things have been mostly consistent.

My weight is bouncing around between 113.5-114.8 Kgs. There are days when I gain a lot of water weight, but that is easily remedied by extra Torsemide the next day.

My appetite has taken another slight downturn. I am finding that I am often not hungry every day (aside from my morning snack) until going on 300p. Even then, my "lunch" can range from small to decent. Also, my ability to taste is less than even a month ago, which also doesn't help my food intake at all. Plus, my sense of smell in also off once again.

Sleep has been pretty good, and my dreams remain under my control. IF I have a dream that somehow startles my subconscious, I trigger awake, think of something different and then drift back to sleep.

After my last entry, I ended up having a cold. Despite my best effort to stay healthy, with my immune system so low, it doesn't take much to overwhelm what little defenses I have. The cold lasted about a week, and I utilized the now normal med routine of Mucinex, Delsym syrup and Tylenol.

After that I had a still-present wave of exhaustion hit me. It was severe enough that I was sleeping seven to eight hours every night, then take a 3-5 hour nap in the middle of the day. My longest "nap" was six full hours, and I still went to sleep at my regular time.    Since then, it has gotten better, and my average nap is about two hours.

Because of that exhaustion, and the cold, I did not work out for two weeks. I just started up once again this past Wednesday. All I did was use the same weights, but did less reps per exercise. I worked out again yesterday, and did better, getting in full reps on most of my routine.

The headaches have remained manageable, and I have not had one that was uncontrolled in several weeks. The acupuncture continues to help immensely! 

My March infusion of Belatacept went well. The canulation was done with one stick, and it was over quickly.

My next set of labs are coming up this Tuesday, 30 March. Assuming my labs are actually posted, I will get them typed up later this week.

And that is about everything that has been going on. As stated above, I will post another update later this week.

I hope that you are dong well, staying healthy and always doing and being your best!

Good Health to All!



Saturday, March 6, 2021

Post-Transplant Rejection Update: 06 March 2021

 Well I finally have some labs for you that even include the both January and February, too!


*Creatinine:   J-3.94,     F-3.37,     M-3.45

*Hematocrit:   J-32.6,     F-32.0,     M-32.9  (All are Low)

*Hemoglobin:   J-10.1,     F-10.3,     M-10.6  (All In Range)

*Lymphocytes:   Unavailable

*Lymphocytes ABS:   Unavailable

*Red Blood Count:   J-3.58,     F-3.59,     M-3.67  (All Extremely Low)

*White Blood Count:   J-7.0,     F-7.0,     M-7.5  (All In Range)

*Ketones:   Not Taken

*Blood Urea Nitrogen:   J-??,     F-53,     M-49  (All Extremely High)

*Calcium:   J-9.1,     F-9.1,     M-9.4  (In Range)

*Glomerular Filtration Rate:   J-16,     F-19,     M-18  (All Extremely Low)

*Blood Glucose Level:   J-117,     F-129,     M-114

*Potassium:   J-4.2,     F-3.5,     M-3.9  (All In Range)

*Sodium:   J-137,     F-141,     M-140  (All In Range)

*Magnesium:   ?? (all three months)

*Phosphorous:   J-4.8,     F-3.6,     M-3.7  (All In Range)

So, with the bulk of my labs now available, I can finally see exactly where I am at, body chemistry-wise.

My downturn in overall energy is [at least] partly due to a low RBC and low-end-of -normal Hemoglobin readings, as well as a build-up of waste products in my bloodstream that is not getting properly filtered as evidenced in the near-dialysis level GFR results. Both of these together can really throw your body a curve ball, and an end result is excessive tiredness, body fatigue and some lethargy.

I had my scheduled visit with my Nephrologist on Tuesday, and everything went well. I asked to be taken off of the Spironolactone due to increasingly severe side effects that have come on as my weight has dropped. These have included, dizziness, dry mouth, suddenly falling asleep, muscle fatigue in my whole neck and shoulders, and occasional vertigo. The side effects would kick in about 50 minutes after taking my morning meds, then last about two hours, followed by a gradual easing of the symptoms.  As I stated, these came on slowly as my weight decreased, with the symptoms getting worse once I hit the 116's (Kg's). At 115 Kgs, they got worse. 

So, no more of that med!  Thank Goodness!

My next visit with my doctor is in three months...unless I have a sudden downturn, of course.

On the subject of my weight, I am currently bouncing between 114.5-115.5 Kg's, and going several days at a time in either number. At 114.5 Kg's, I have now lost a total of 7.0 Kgs since August, and without really trying too hard. I think that it really just comes down to my few workouts every week, and kicking my metabolism in gear due to the exercise. Other than that, I am not doing anything to lose the pounds.

I believe that I mentioned in a prior entry that my appetite was decreased. This continues, and my lunches are smaller, and my dinners, too. And I am rarely snacking on anything. Plus, I am seeing appetite fatigue again, and will look at a full cupboard and not see anything I want. That's always fun...                          

 I am not aware of anything I can do to help either of these things, other than just picking something, making it and eating.

The TMD headaches remain strong, as well as a continued increase of the non-TMD headaches. I continue my efforts with the Chiropractic, acupuncture, relaxation techniques and NTI devices. At this point, if I can keep the headaches from getting worse, I'll consider it a win!

That's all I have for today.

My next infusion of Belatacept is on the 16th. 

Coming up in May is my yearly Kidney Clinic follow-up.

Until next time...

Good Health to All!
