Thursday, February 25, 2010

24 Feb. 10

I've been looking over one of the websites I list on this blog under the side bar heading "Helpful Renal Websites." I found one that I was just on called "The Transplant Experience." It is a phenomenal website that is full of information vital to your transplant pre-planning. I highly recommend you join the group. You will receive a packet of all sorts of info that is vital to your preparation.

Please take a look at this, and the other sites I have listed.

Good Health to All!


Monday, February 22, 2010

22 Feb. 10's the results of today's doctor visit...

My kidney's have lost 3% of their function since 05 Jan. They are now operating at 23% of normal. We started discussing permanent access shunts today for when I go on dialysis.

My [now] 14-week headache has my doctor very concerned. So, he has scheduled me to do a cranial CT scan (with contrast) this Thursday to look for any possible causes associated with the PCKD. I'll know either Friday or early next week about anything that is found.

My nausea is an advanced sign of the PCKD. My body is apparently unable to compensate any more for what is going on, and the nausea is just a natural course of the disease. However, I have been given the go-ahead to take OTC Zantac or Pepcid. These are still metabolized in the kidney; but because of the nature of the disease, metabolization will not harm the remaining kidney function. So I get to finally do something about the nausea...Woo-Hoo!!!

With everything that has gone on, you would think that dialysis is only a few months away; and it may very well be. But, I am going to have the mindset that I will hold it at bay for a long time. After all, how you think really does reflect in your body. I am prepared for the worst, but am absolutely hoping for the best.

That's the news for today. As soon as I know results from the CT scan, I will pass them on to you, my readers.
Until then,

Good Health to All!


Friday, February 19, 2010

19 Feb. 10

I had my blood drawn today for an unscheduled doctor appointment this coming Monday (22 Feb).

I'm getting my next appointment a month and a half early because of the continued debilitating nausea and headache. The headache is now 13+ weeks old, and I've had the non-stop nausea for over a month now. Since these are not normal (duration-wise), I thought it best to get together with my doc to see what can be done. I'll write on Monday about our findings.

So, be sure to check back Monday evening for my latest news.

That's all until then!

Good Health to All!


Saturday, February 13, 2010

13 Feb. 10

Just a brief update this evening.

Most everything continues along as it has been the past few weeks. Tonight though, I have been feeling particularly lousy. Extra nausea abounds, and nothing is helping. (yuck!)

Am continuing to keep up with both my homework and my online classes. I've got mid-terms coming up (already!) in two weeks so I need to continue staying focused in spite of feeling worse. It will be a challenge...though not one that will get the best of me!

That's actually all I've got tonight. I just don't feel up to writing, but wanted to at least share this much.

Good Health to All!


Monday, February 8, 2010

08 Feb. 10

Sorry I haven't written on here in a week.

Been feeling terrible all week and I just haven't felt like writing.

My headache continues on without a break. It is on its 12th uninterrupted week tomorrow. Nothing is working to alleviate the headache. At this point my focus is shifting more towards managing the headache. Unless something unforeseen or unexpected happens that suddenly rids me of the headache, I really think that management is the best approach right now.

Like I said earlier, I've been feeling terrible all week. I've had an extraordinary amount of nausea, lots of diarrhea, and I've been eating very little once again. No matter what I eat or drink I get increased nausea. So, though I had been making positive progress on this front, it would seem all my work was for naught. I'm back down to about 3.5-4 cups of food per day. For instance--Yesterday I had no breakfast. I ate a very small lunch at about 2p (about 1.5 cups of food), then ate two slices of pizza at 830p. That was it for the whole day.

Still feeling cold all the time. I'm always either wearing a fleece coat, or am covered in blankets. Not much fun.

On the school front, I have been able to get caught up in two of my four classes. I'll be doing lots of reading this week for the two remaining.

Good Health to All!


Monday, February 1, 2010

01 Feb. 10

Things for me have been going about the same.

My headache continues, going past its eleventh week tomorrow. Not much to say beyond what I've already written regarding the ongoing issue.

I have been feeling worse over the last few days. I'm eating less because of it. In fact yesterday I didn't eat anything until 630p; and even then it was not much. Between feeling yucky and not being hungry, I just had no inclination to eat. I drank my water and juices, but had almost no food all day. Then today I waited until 130p to have anything to eat. Not good.

And because of not eating, I've dropped three pounds over the last four days. I know I'm supposed to drop more weight...but not this way!

Everything else is the same.

I am starting to catch up with school work. My resolve I spoke about [in an earlier post] has kicked in, so I am reading, studying and testing as best I can. I'm still behind...but am definitely catching up.

That's all my news for now.

Good Health to All!
