Tuesday, September 28, 2010

28 Sept. 2010

Unsettling would be a good word to describe the last four days.

Things have just been screwy. I'm not sleeping well (once I actually get to sleep); my appetite has been up and down; my headache has gone from manageable to painful just about every day; the nausea is completely unpredictable, and the malaise has been swinging between minimal and severe. Ick.

The insomnia I have--a common S/S in advanced PCKD patients--is getting a bit worse. I used to average about seven hours of sleep just a few months ago. Now, I'm lucky to get five good, quality hours per day. No matter how tied I am, getting to sleep is difficult, at best. Just yesterday I was laying down for an hour before drifting off; and this after being awake for 22 hours (before I laid down). So that you understand how frustrating this is for me, my usual pattern of falling asleep (before the PCKD) was lay down and be out within seconds of my head hitting the pillow. For me, insomnia was waiting a whole five minutes to fall asleep. No kidding.
Additionally, my sleep has been less and less restful. Most days I awaken feeling like I haven't had any sleep at all.

When I say that my appetite has been up and down, I mean to say that it has gone from [my new normal of] 2.5 cups/day to as much as six cups, then down to about 1.5 cups. No pattern or regularity. On the days that I'm actually hungrier than usual I will eat more. Other days the nausea is so bad that almost nothing gets past my lips.

As stated at the beginning of this post, my now 10.5 month headache has been swinging back and forth as well. However, when it gets painful, it has been doing so quicker than usual. The last few days it has increased from a six to an eight seemingly in the blink of an eye. I can usually manage the headache (somewhat) when I feel it becoming stronger. These last few days I have not had that opportunity as it increases immediately in its intensity; which is definitely different. I will keep an eye on this change. If the headache becomes alarmingly severe (at a 10), I'll likely have to go to the ER. One of the first things I was told about this disease is that I'll experience a headache unlike anything I've ever had. Well, I've been at a 10 (on my scale. This includes pain induced blackouts, vomiting and pain so severe you literally can't think.) with my TMD headaches, so I would expect it to be even worse than that. I can hardly wait... (insert appropriate facetious and sarcastic look!)

The nausea these past few days has also not fit the [now] established pattern. Aside from the one day that I not only felt hungry, but also ate (!), the nausea has gone from normal to overwhelming within two or three minutes. No rhyme or reason...it just is. I've taken more anti-emetic the last four days than I have over the previous two weeks. Nasty stuff. Not much fun.

Finally, the malaise I've been experiencing has also seemed to increase for no apparent reason. For instance, I've been meaning to write on this blog for three days. I've even been on it, ready to type, and have decided I just wasn't up for it. I literally couldn't gather the oomph to get it done. I'm doing less housework from day to day, less studying of interests, have done zero creative writing for weeks, and have abandoned my music composition all together. It actually seems overwhelming for some reason. However, I have times like right now when everything snaps back into focus and I can write everything I need, and study, and continue writing a short story I'm working on for a friend of mine. I'll get as much done as I can because it may be a while before I feel like doing so again. Let's hope that's not the case!

I think I've told you everything I had in mind...at least as far as my terrible memory can remember! :o)

Looking forward to a few better days!

Good Health to all!


Friday, September 24, 2010

24 Sept. 2010

The last two days have been somewhat better.

I awoke yesterday with reduced headache (at about 7 again), reduced nausea, and with a touch more energy. Still no food all day until around 8p--I just wasn't hungry; nor did I want to feel like I would once I ate. However, as the day wore on, everything once again began intensifying. My one meal did what has now become routine, and the nausea started to become overwhelming; so much so that I had to take a half dose of Promethazine. Two hours later, the nausea still had not retreated, so another half dose was taken. Even then (with a full dose of anti-emetic), I still was unable to sleep for another three long, terrible hours. On top of everything else, I was cold last night. I'm talking shivering inside the house cold. When I went to bed I lay there shivering for about 45 minutes before I was able to drift off to sleep. What a night!

Upon awaking today, things seemed to have calmed down. My headache is finally back to a steady 5; the nausea has backed off to its new normal; the vertigo seems to be a bit decreased today, and my vision is a little better. On the other hand, I've had two bouts of diarrhea today and the edema in my lower legs looks the same as it has all week. Also, I am experiencing increased mid-back pain today that is centered over both kidney's. So, mixed news for today--thus far, at least.

All in all, the last two days have been a bit better.

Good Health to All!


Wednesday, September 22, 2010

22 Sept. 2010

It's been a pretty rough few days.

Sometime on Monday my nausea began an uptick in intensity and duration. Along with it, my avg. headache level increased from 6 to 8. Other S/S's also increased such as vertigo, general dizziness, increased cloudiness (particulates) of my urine, increased blurriness of vision, decreased appetite, greater abdominal sensitivity, increased insomnia, etc.

Then yesterday (Tuesday) everything I'd been feeling on Monday intensified even further. I ate just one small sandwich all day (which, of course, made me feel even worse!), plus one small float for extra sugars so I could get at least a little bit of energy. That was all I ate all day. No kidding. The one time I did eat (that sandwich) I had the now inevitable abdominal reaction before I was halfway done. I'll be honest...it sucked; and even though I needed the food, I regretted eating because it put me on the edge until a half dose of the anti-emetic was able to calm everything down.

I can hear some readers out there asking why I didn't take the anti-emetic sooner. Well, I use that med as a last resort. Because of how it makes me feel hours after taking it, I just don't like using it unless everything else fails to take care of the nausea. Even so, I'm only taking a half dose because a full dose of the promethazine kicks my butt for as much as 12-14 hours. Again...Last Resort to keep me from vomiting.

Anyhow, even with the anti-emetic I was up all night, then got just five hours sleep before being awoken by both nausea and headache. Meds for both were utilized right after I woke up, followed by my normal Rx regimen. I tried eating something sooner than 7p, and had to stop after the very first bite. I didn't try again until 8p. My time today was spent just trying to get through the day. No matter what I was doing, or whether I was sitting or laying, I just felt horrible all day. I don't really know another worthwhile or better adjective to describe what I had to get through today. It was one of my worst complete days, yet.

So, that's all the energy (or the inclination) I've got for writing tonight. Hopefully I'll awaken feeling better, more refreshed, and in a far better mindset than I am right now.

...Just a tough day.

Good Health to All!


Sunday, September 19, 2010

19 Sept. 2010

My apologies [up front] if my grammar is off today or I have multiple spelling errors. I woke up today feeling awful! And it hasn't gotten any better.

Yesterday was just OK. While the nausea was decreased, my headache wasn't. It averaged about a 7 on my scale. Add to that a complete day of intense fatigue, increased edema in my legs, increased malaise, increased mid-back pain with sensitivity over the kidneys, increased blurriness of my vision, and a complete lack of appetite. I got almost nothing done around the house, and just had to sit on my butt all day. My appetite was so poor that I didn't even have the desire to eat until 9p. On top of all of that, I couldn't get to sleep until 8a this morning because of increased nausea and the headache. I ended up taking the aqnti-emetic in order to get to sleep.

So, after awaking I was not only dealing with the after effects of the med (which you know I hate!), but the nausea was full-blown once again, and my head was a raging 9. The other S/S's are also continuing; so, you can imaging that I'm not having fun today.

I can only look forward to a better tomorrow, and continue to do my best today to keep my mind in a good place, and keep holding a positive future in my heart.

**On a side note, my friend Monica G. introduced me to a cool website that she is helping get off the ground. It is called "Intersect." On it you can share life stories and see what other people are experiencing today, or ten years ago, etc. The site creators envision an experience that will eventually show us how connected we all are to the rest of the world; how our lives literally "Intersect" with people everywhere.
Please, go take a look at the site. Right now it is only in the beta test phase; but I can get the beta code to access the site. If you'd like to join, just let me know and I'll ask Monica for a code that I can pass on. Goo see Intersect.com! I'm really excited with it, and have already made a number of entries.

That's all for today.

Good Health to All!


Friday, September 17, 2010

17 Sept. 2010

I had the psychological evaluation yesterday that is required in my application for disability.

It must be admitted that I was a bit apprehensive in the days leading up to the eval. I was concerned that the psychologist would try and get me to contradict my words in a effort to find cause for denying disability. So, I contacted a brother in-law who is a director (?) of the Central Florida University School of Neurology. He inquired with associates in the psychology dept about an evaluation such as I was going to have.

I was assured that the evaluation was only to measure my psychological fitness for the upcoming dialysis and eventual transplantation (and the ensuing, very strict Rx regimen). The State just wants to be sure I'm not a drug addict, alcoholic, extremely depressed, etc. After all, disability is not just about financial aid--it's also about the extensive payout for medicare costs for the fistula implant, dialysis costs, transplantation surgery and care, and for (up to) three years of anti-rejection meds (avg cost, $18K+/year).

Anyway, the psychologist I met with put me at complete ease immediately. We had a really nice conversation/ evaluation. I received immediate feedback about how I'm doing mentally with everything. She told me that I wasn't depressed; that I am handling everything I'm going through extremely well; that I have "A good energy about me"; and that she is quite confident in my ability to handle everything that is coming up.

It was a very positive experience! I walked out of there relaxed, and confident that everything will fall into place. What a relief!!! (Now, as to whether or not I get disability, I will find out in a few weeks, or so.)

So, good news in my ongoing efforts to receive the aid that I currently find myself in need of.

Good Health to All!


Monday, September 13, 2010

13 Sept. 10

Because of all the sleep I got on Friday, I wasn't able to sleep until 10A om Saturday.

I then set my alarm for just five hours of sleep, which I followed. When I awoke, the nausea had returned, though not as intense as on Friday. It stayed with me all day. I ate very little because of it, but had extra water and a couple of Coke floats to at least get liquid and some sugars into my body for fuel. Also, my headache remained a constant 6 all day. Nothing terrible--just always there, hurting and bothering me.

Yesterday (Sunday) was about the same. The only real differences were that I actually took a chance and got a little food down--twice--and the edema in my legs looked less than the previous number of days. However, as the night progressed, the nausea intensified, and I ended up taking a half dose of the anti-emetic before going to bed.

Today has, so far, been a repeat of the last two days. Overall, I'm feeling pretty lousy.

There was something else I wanted to add today...but I just can't think of it; which is frustrating for me. I am used to having a quick, strong mind with a near photographic memory. Before having the PCKD S/S's fully emerge, I was a 3.70 GPA student; and my professors were excited about my very near future in Political Science. Now, my short term memory is shot; I have to think harder on basic concepts, my spelling is atrocious (thank goodness for spell-check!), and my frustrations with even simple tasks are mounting. I just try to remember that this is only temporary, and that once I receive a transplant, my mind will snap back into place and I'll take off towards my goals (and actual living!) once again.


Patience. I'll be there again...

Good Health to All!


Friday, September 10, 2010

10 Sept. 10

My day that wasn't.

That's how it feels, at least. I was awoken this morning with intense nausea after just three hours of "sleep." Without hesitation I took a half dose of the anti-emetic and laid back down. Five hours later I woke up--groggy like always--the nausea gone, but a nasty headache of 9 raging instead. After taking a med for that, I slept again for an hour and a half.

Awaking from that little nap, my headache was untouched; so, another med to try and alleviate the pain. I was awake for about an hour, fell asleep again, and slept for another two. This time when I woke up, both the nausea and headache were minimal (yay!!). Because of the sleep and side effects of the anti-emetic, I didn't eat anything until almost 8p.
So, my day has gone by me without much recognition of it having been a full day.

And that was my whole day...Woo-Hoo!

Good Health to All!


Wednesday, September 8, 2010

09 Sept. 10

Three more days of consistency.

Though I have not had any overwhelming nausea, it is always present nonetheless. I am still getting nauseous after eating (higher at times than others; but it always ramps up). Speaking of eating, I actually got hungry the other day (amazing, I know). Unfortunately, after feeling that for about five minutes, the hunger turned into increased nausea. I just can't win! ;o)

Something is causing increased vertigo a/o general dizziness. I am experiencing a LOT of vertigo! Thankfully, I have my cane to lean on when walking outside the house. Last time I was outside, every time I'd look up and around, I felt like my whole body was on some carnival ride as imbalance, dizziness and nausea would all grip my body. In order to alleviate it, I had to look forward, and down to minimize what even my peripheral vision was seeing. Inside, I am grabbing counter tops, wall corners, tabletops, etc multiple times per day. I've noticed the vertigo is happening even when turning my whole body to look at something. It's all very annoying, extremely disconcerting, and I am getting concerned by its frequency.

The fatigue continues to be an obstacle. I did some housework yesterday (about 30 minutes worth to a healthy person), and it took me over three hours to get finished...well, not finished. I got as much done as I could before having to stop due to lack of energy.

The headache remains...and I'll leave it at that today.

And speaking of headaches, I was supposed to have my neurology appointment yesterday, but my insurance got dropped and I am now applying for medicaid. No alternative for me. So, assuming I am approved, I'll reset the neurology appointment.

And...never mind. I forgot what else I wanted to write...again. C'est La Vie.

Good Health to All!


Sunday, September 5, 2010

05 Sept. 10

Not much change from my last report.

The nausea continues its relentless wracking of my body. I had to take a dose on the anti-emetic yesterday to keep from getting overwhelmingly sick. Today finds the nausea decreased somewhat; though it will increase suddenly, making me feel awful until it dies down again.

My headache has continued unabated. It has been consistently between 7-9 for the last three days. Food, water, regular Tylenol (no ibuprofen! It is metabolized in the kidneys and will damage them further.), nothing helps. The T3's only mask the pain temporarily...not that I'm complaining about that. At least I can get a few hours break.

The last few weeks I have felt really tired all of the time (I think I alluded to that in an earlier post). This continues day after day with my continuing to be unable to pin down any reason for it. It may simply be due to the kidney disease itself. I'd have to do some research on that to know the validity of that possibility. What I do know is that I have continued to awaken every day feeling as if I didn't get any sleep.

As my body has grown more fatigued, my mind has also grown fatigued. I have been trying to study various subjects, do some creative writing, etc, all in an effort to both keep my mind busy, as well as to keep it sharp and in a good, positive place. Since I began feeling fatigued, my ability to concentrate on these mental endeavors has gone down. I'm still reading a lot of news, and play games that challenge my mind with analysis, problem solving, etc. However, the studying and various creative endeavors are falling behind. I will continue to work on these things and keep challenging my brain as much as I feel able to do.

Over the course of this past week I have been eating (with consistency) just one meal per day, with a few small snacks throughout the day. I'm still eating somewhere around 2.5 cups of food per day, plus water, milk, etc. Not even close to enough for someone of my height; but I do my best to overcome this lack of appetite and forgetfulness to eat.
There was something else I wanted to tell you; but I just don't remember.
A Safe Holiday for Everyone!
Good Health to All!

Friday, September 3, 2010

02 Sept. 10

What a difference a day makes.

It would seem that my brief respite from major S/S's is now over. Wednesday morning I awoke feeling off [from the previous number of days]. As the day wore on, my nausea increased dramatically, and my headache came roaring back; going from a manageable 5 up to a painful 9. Also, I had three bouts of diarrhea over the course of the day, in spite of using Imodium as a means to stop it. I tried using all the usual methods to relieve both the headache and the nausea, but to no avail. I finally took the ant-emetic in the evening, as well as two T3's for my head. These two symptoms were so bad (I admittedly waited too long to take either), that full doses of both only helped to make me comfortable...barely. Even though the anti-emetic knocked me out (as it usually does), I slept poorly; waking often and turning frequently.

Today, the nausea has decreased enough that I don't need the anti-emetic--but the nausea is certainly by no means gone. I've been chewing on Tums all day, and snacking frequently. The headache has once again continued from yesterday's high of 9 without interruption. Plus, my energy was just not there today. It would seem that I am back to the full-bore S/S's once more. Not my best day; but considering the relative break I've had, I am not going to complain one bit.

My appetite continues to be minimal from day to day. I think I've already stated that I rarely eat because I'm hungry. No, I'm usually eating now because I need food in my body. I've even noticed that my snacking has gone way down. If I'm not hungry, I've got to try and remember to eat more; and with my short-term memory being what it now is, I'm forgetting to snack, drink water, etc. I can only continue to try my best.

I believe that's all for now. (At least...I believe I've remembered everything I wanted to write.)

Good Health to All!
