Friday, November 27, 2009

27 Nov. 09

I know I promised to get back with you sooner about how things are going without the Amlodipine; but things have been hectic with the pre-holiday preps, Thanksgiving day itself, and, my daughter in-law gave birth to my second grandchild since my last post.

So, getting back to it...It's now been five days since I went off the Amlodipine. And it's been five days without any major nausea. My energy is up (a little) and I am able to be a little more active without feeling like I'm going to be sick. The dizziness is decreased by about 90%, and my headaches are fewer in number from day to day.

My appetite has also increased slightly. I'm still not even close to eating enough on a daily basis, but I am now getting around four cups of food per day. That's a 25% increase!

I still get tired quickly; but I'm sure this is simply proportional to food intake vs energy expended. If I am able to increase my intake, my ability to be more active should also increase.

As far as today, well...I definitely over did everything yesterday. It was Thanksgiving! Way too much energy expended; not that I regret it....because I don't. It's a holiday! You're supposed to do too much...right? :0)

Happy Holidays.

Good Health to All!


Sunday, November 22, 2009

22 Nov. 09

Overall an up and down week.

The acupressure tabs worked for about twenty four hours, then I was back to feeling terribly nauseated once again. I don't know if I'm fighting a bug, or the meds have gotten to a therapeutic level and are now making me nauseous, or what. I just know that since Wednesday afternoon I have felt terrible.

So, today I stopped taking the Amlodipine. I'll go without it for a few days to see if it is what is making me nauseated. If things clear up quickly, I can assume with reasonable surety that the med was causing all of this.

Why am I singling out the Amlodipine? Well, because in the week and a half I was only using the Atenolol and Gemfibrozil, I was feeling pretty good--even when going out and about. After starting the Amlodipine, the nausea came on gradually, and I am now feeling terrible every day. Any time I go out and actually expend energy having a life, the nauseating effects are compounded. Hence, my decision regarding the Amlodipine.

Also, I am still feeling cold in a warm room. Something is definitely affecting my hypothalamus. I'll discuss it with my doctor at my upcoming appointment.

My appetite is still almost nil. I am trying to get it increased...and I am...however slowly it is going. But again, I am taking the 1-a-Day vitamin, so I continue to get all the essential nutrients in spite of hardly eating.

Well, that's all I've got for this update. With going off the Amlodipine I should be posting a new update within a couple of days.

Good Health to All!


Tuesday, November 17, 2009

17 Nov. 09

A bit of a breakthrough today.

While at my weekly PT (physical therapy--for my back) I mentioned my ongoing nausea to my doctor. He suggested I try utilizing acupressure points to treat the nausea. We discussed a few options, and finally settled on using three innervation points on the left ear.

He then attached three small pads on my upper ear lobe that I can periodically rub, thereby activating the acupressure benefits.

After having them on for just one day, I can honestly say that for me, it works! I have felt miserable for the past few days, and tonight I am nausea free and haven't used the sodium bicarb or Tums at all the whole day. Woo-Hoo!

Also, being nausea free has allowed me to eat a little more. It wasn't much, but it was at least more than I have been intaking since mid-September.

So, the next step is to see if these benefits continue. I'll be sure to keep you updated.

Until Then,

Good Health to All!


Thursday, November 12, 2009

12 Nov. 09

Not much has been going on.

The Amlodipine is doing OK in my body. I've been seeing the following side effects:

-Slight edema in my feet and ankles;
-Increased nausea;
-Increased, but still fairly slight dizziness.

My appetite still is next to nothing, but I am getting hunger pangs between meals now...which is good. Still hope that I can start getting a decent intake soon. My strength definitely won't return until I can sustain increased food intake.

Also, in the week I was off both Benicar and Amlodipine, my sleep was awesome at 8-9 hours per night. Now, it has worsened (again) to about six hours...and fitful ones at that. I took my first daytime nap in a couple of weeks today because of the sleep thing.

Still feeling malaise. I don't know if it is the meds, or if it is simply my brain trying to cope with the whole thing. I wouldn't doubt it is the latter. That will be easier to overcome.

Keep Smiling out there!

Good Health to All!


Saturday, November 7, 2009

07 Nov. 09

**Please remember that anything I tell you about meds, treatments, side effects, etc are observations based on my personal experience. How any person responds to medical treatments is a purely individual result. You must determine for yourself what works, doesn't work, etc for you, and you alone, in direct consultation with your physician.**

I started taking the Amlodipine today. Here are the facts:

(Am-Loe-Di-peen) is a Calcium Channel Blocker used to treat hypertension.

Method of Action: Works by relaxing blood vessels so blood can flow easier.

Dosage: (for me) 5 mg tablet 1x/day

Possible Side Effects: Dizziness; Lightheadedness; Edema of the Ankles or Feet; Possible Flushing; Possible Headache.

I'm planning on giving this three to four days so as to determine side effects. If they become debilitating, I'll discontinue usage, and call my physician.

As always, with new meds I'll expect the best. I'll be sure to keep you abreast of any results.

Good Health to All!


Wednesday, November 4, 2009

03 Nov. 09

I'm now a week without Benicar and I am feeling better every day. Dizziness is minimal, light headedness is gone, and I am no longer nauseated 24/7.

My appetite is still low. Today my total intake was 1 small potato, 1 slice of pizza, 3 strips of bacon, and 2 slices of toast. Besides water and milk, that's all I've eaten today. I'm just not hungry. At this point I'm hoping it's due to the meds I've been on because at 6'3", my body cannot operate long on such minuscule intake.

Also, the last three days I have been battling a TMD headache. On my 1-10 scale, it has been at a 7 and holding steady. No fun. But I've been dealing with these migraine-like headaches for 25 years, so I'm confident this will subside in the next day or so.

Still don't have the strength to do any kind of workout...I need more food first!

And that's about all I have for today.

Good Health to All!


Sunday, November 1, 2009

01 Nov. 09

Four days now without the Benicar...

What a difference! Yesterday I felt more my old self than I had since I first started on all the new meds in mid-September. I got out by myself to run errands, did lots of housework, and just felt filled with all sorts of energy. What a difference!

Even though I am feeling far, far better, I'm still dropping school for the semester. I'm also going to look into changing my major field of study. In planning for all possibilities regarding my future, I am trying very hard to remain positive; to eliminate fear.

Prudence in facing my future, while reconciling my goals, is a key effort. In light of this, I want to finish my schooling, but must do so with the realism that this disease presents, and the uncertainty surrounding time frames as they now exist.

If I can get classes that I can do mostly at home, it will allow me to get my work done without compromising my grades because of needing to be in class. This would allow for the flexibility necessary should I go through another period like I just got done with, or should the disease progression dictate.

To that end, I'll be consulting with the University to see what accommodations could be explored. This type of schedule would also present me with the opportunity to hold a job. I personally feel it is of utmost importance to keep myself busy in order to keep the mind sharp and focused in fighting the PCKD. I do not want to be housebound until I can no longer physically be active. Even then, once I have been through the dialysis and transplant, I will be back to getting busy with life.

Like one of my friends wrote, "[I] have too much to do; too many people whose lives I'll be a part of to quit." Like I've said in my posts before, Too much to do. Too much to do.

Good Health to All!
