Thursday, October 22, 2020

Artificial Loop Graft Scan Results: 22 October 2020

I finally scanned the diagram that the Vascular Surgeon gave to me that shows my updated Artificial Loop Graft in my R arm. Here it is: 

On this diagram is a piece of information I have been wondering about ever since the Artificial Loop Graft was installed...which is, what does that that 1,700+ (now 2,000+) number actually mean?

Well, down in the bottom L corner, at the very end of the notes, you see three numbers that add up to 2,009. Directly after that number is cc/min, which means Cubic Centimeters per minute. So, my flow rate is 2,009 cc/minutes or, just over two full liters of bloodflow through the graft every minute. 
THAT is a whole lot of blood!

Anyhow, I thought you might like to see the above diagram as some of my readers will find it interesting a/o useful. 

Good Health to All!


Saturday, October 17, 2020

Post-Transplant Rejection Update: 17 October 2020

Although most of my week did not go as planned, one thing turned out better than expected.

I went to neither of my usual appointments with my Chiropractor as he had a family medical emergency, and was gone from his practice all week. My back is doing OK without the adjustments, but my feet have ramped up a bit without the acupuncture. I am scheduled for Tuesday once more.

Yesterday I received the second of the two Hepatitis B inoculations. It went in my L arm, and was given IM (Intermuscular). Aside from a little soreness and some slight nausea, there were no appreciable S/E's (Side Effects).

My labs this week were once more a combination of terrible and good. Let's review them...

13 October 20 Labs:

*Creat:   4.33 (-0.11) *As a reminder, this number is awful!

*HCT:   32.1 (+1.0) Low

*Hemo:   10.5 (+0.7) IR

*Lymph:   4.4 (-0.3) Extremely Low

*Lymph ABS:   0.4 (+0.1) Extremely Low

*RBC:   3.67 (+0.24) Extremely Low

*WBC:   8.1 (+0.9) IR

*Ketones:   Negative

*BUN:   53 (-9) Extremely High

*CA:   10.2 (+0.4) High

*GFR:   14 (NC) IR

*Gluc:   122

*K+:   4.1 (-0.1) IR

*NA+:   137 (-2) IR

*Phos:   5.1 (-0.1) High

*Prot:   7.1 (+0.2) IR

         NC= No Change        IR= In Range

No lab values moved much from two weeks ago, and the good [pretty much] remain good, while the bad continue to waffle around. Neither good news, nor bad, from this latest round of labs.

Next, my visit to the Vascular Surgeon had an unexpected outcome. My R arm [where the artificial loop graft is located] was scanned extensively using an ultrasound, and it reveal what was never anticipated...that my graft is not only fully functional and free of any blockages, but is flowing at an even higher rate (2,009) than it was when it was first placed (1,700+)!

So, no surgery is necessary, and the graft is ready for whenever I must start dialysis.

I asked the surgeon why I can no longer feel it much within my arm, is weak on palpation of the venous end, nor can I actually hear it when everything around me is quiet. The explanation...weight gain adds muscle and fat around the graft essentially insulating more than it was previously when I weighed 25 Kg's less. That's it.  This development takes a lot of stress off of my mind knowing that another painful surgery will not happen!

The headaches have ramped up, involving both the TMD and deteriorating body chemistry. I am putting up with some of the headaches, to a degree, by only using Exedrin as much as I tolerate can the pain. As has been the pattern, the worse headaches have been coming towards the evenings; but not always. The past two days I have awoken to bad headaches, but luckily have been able to manage them with meds. No, this isn't because I haven't been able to get my usual acupuncture; these are happening despite the acupuncture. As I have postulated previously, based on previous experience with my original kidneys dying, the headaches will only increase; but at least I know that this time.

On other subjects, my appetite remains good, and foods are only slightly off to my taste.  My weight remains hovering between 118.5 Kg and 119 Kg.   

So far, my dreams remain completely under my control. I don't know that they won't stay that way because last time I went through renal failure, there were so many unknowns, so many surgeries, and feeling so horrible for so many years. Whereas this time around, I am healthier going towards dialysis, and the only surgery I should have will be my next transplant. This knowledge is a huge mental advantage!  I am not saying that things won't get difficult in the months and years ahead of transplant; but at least I have the advantage of previous experience, and knowing just how much worse everything could be.

That's all I have for now.

Coming up this next week are two Chiropractor visits (hopefully), and an overdue yearly follow-up with my Dermatologist.

Until the next entry, stay healthy, stay safe and enjoy the beautiful Fall weather!

Good Health to All!


Monday, October 12, 2020

Post-Transplant Rejection Update: 12 October 2020

A quick update today because of the week ahead; and which I will cover later.

The days are now swinging between good, off and poor. My brief dizzy spells have increased to several per week, but last only for a few minutes.  Meanwhile, my headaches have increased dramatically. Most are TMD involved, but about 30% are definitely non-TMD, and likely related to my deteriorating body chemistry.

Since my last post, I have had three days that found me just feeling poorly, with no energy, increased headaches and just that feeling of something being not quite right in your body. Luckily, these days last only for about 24 hours, then I feel better. 

My workouts are mostly regular. Last week I got in three, and am going to do the first of this week right after I finish up with this entry. I am getting stronger, and now lift things (that I had previously thought too heavy) with ease. Plus, my metabolism is kicking in as my weight is trending downward, even though my fluid and food intake remain constant. As of this morning, I am at 118.6 Kgs...a number I haven't seen in over two years.

The reason this entry is brief is because of the coming week. Tomorrow is labs, Chiropractic w/ Acupuncture, Wednesday I see the Vascular Surgeon to discuss the Artificial Graft in my R arm, just in case I do go back on dialysis, then on Friday, I have another Chiropractic w/Acupuncture, followed by a trip to the Transplant Clinic for the second of two Hepatitis B inoculation shots.  So, I will get all of that typed up just as soon as I can...possibly starting on Thursday; my only non-appointment day.

That's it for now... workout awaits!

Good Health to All!
