Friday, November 6, 2015

06 November 2015--Report on My Cardiac Stress Test

I had my once every 18 months Cardiac Stress Test, as required by the Transplant Committee. The test took place this past Wednesday at the IMC campus just outside of Salt Lake City.
The first step was a pre screening set of scans done on a combo MRI machine and rotating x-ray scanner.  This was followed immediately by hooking me up to a 12-Lead ECG and putting me on a treadmill. Unfortunately for me, my heart rate wouldn't rise enough (to 120-150 bpm), so I was given an IV Vasodilator, which simulates my vessels post-exercise as they flood organs with blood and oxygen.
Unfortunately for me, my body reacted negatively to the sudden and artificially imposed vasodilation, causing extreme nausea and then vomiting. Since I had no food in my stomach--due to eight hours of fasting prior to the test--all I got up was bile...and lots of it! the experience was over soon enough. As the drug was fast-acting, after I threw up, the episode was over, and I returned to the x-ray scanner and MRI for comparison shots of my circulatory system and heart.
Once they finished that round of images I was sent to the cardiologist who told me that everything looks great, and that he has zero concerns for my impending transplant. Also, as a precaution only, he wants me to do a lipid test to look at placque buildup in my arteries. He said that the stress test cannot determine placque, which can easily be controlled by a single med, if warranted. So, I am planning on doing this on Monday. It's just a quick blood draw, and will be nothing compared to dialysis needles. Of course, I will let you know the results when I get them.
So, great news on the cardiac aspect of things. That's another obstacle overcome. Now, if I could only get that transplant...

Good Health to All!


**Update (18 Nov 15):  I called the lab for my lipid test results, and the following are the results:

ALT: (NR 12-61)  Result--22

Lipid Profile:

     Cholesterol: (NR 158-199) Result--160

     Triglycerides: (NR 58-149) Result--202

     HDL Cholesterol: (NR 40-63) Result--31

     Non-HDL Cholesterol: (NR <130 result--="" u="">129

     VLDL (?): (NR 12-29) Result--40

     LDL: (NR <100 nbsp="" result--="" u="">89

A few of these results are high, but I have no idea what they are in the first place. I'll have to look them up. For the most part, my cardiac labs look great, so no worries there. I haven't heard any follow-up from the Cardiologist, and unless I do, I'll chalk another one up as a win.