Friday, November 29, 2013

A Quick Update

After two weeks post-surgery, I still am not up to writing a long blog about everything.

For now, suffice it to say that the surgery went well, and my recovery is progressing on pace.
Hopefully, I'll be up to getting the blog written in a few days.

Thank You for all of your prayers!


Thursday, November 14, 2013

An Awesome Piece of News!

Going into something such as a surgery, it is always highly important to know that everything is set up with insurances, notifying your various doctors regarding the procedure, keeping your dialysis center in the loop as to your anticipated days to be missed, etc.

In doing this all week, I still hadn't heard back from the surgeon's office--or the hospital, for that matter--as to whether or not the surgery would be covered. I have been preparing for everything as if things will naturally move forward anyway. All my pre-screening (online) was done, my pre-registration was done, etc.

Then this afternoon, I received two calls that were great news, then awesome news. The first, from the surgeon's office, was that the Double Nephrectomy was covered. Like I said, Great News!
The second, from the hospital, told me that not only was the surgery and hospitalization given the go-ahead, but that my yearly out of pocket had been met (because of dialysis) and everything associated with the surgery (the OR, Docs, OR staff, and all hospitalization costs) were covered 100%!


What a complete relief this was to hear!
That is one humongous worry off my shoulders!

So, just one day to go... more day of decent liquid intake... more day of actually urinating... (I know, a bit gross, but very true!)
...One last day that brings me so much closer to transplant!

Do I come across as excited?  ;o)

It's still a weird place to be, mentally; being excited to lose two of my vital organs. But, getting them out will be a huge relief! Less pain, less nausea (I hope!), being comfortable in any position, reduced headache (again, I hope!). What's not to be excited about...under the current circumstances, of course. :o)

Lastly, today, my wife skipped out of work in order to take me out on a date before the surgery, and the weeks of recovery that will follow. We went to see a movie ("Enders Game") and the out to eat, followed by a few errands. The whole point was to just spend time together, getting our minds off the surgery for a few hours. It was a nice afternoon. I'm very glad we did that! 

Anyhow...that's it. I most wanted to [pass on that awesome news!

So, I will write you once again on the other side of all of this.

Until then, Be safe, keep those smiles going, retain your good thought,
and most of all...

Good Health to All of You!


Monday, November 11, 2013

11 November 2013


Unless I have any vital news, this will be my last entry until after I get home from the double Nephrectomy and resultant hospital stay.

Latest dialysis numbers:

07 Nov 13
Starting Weight: 106.0 Kg
Ending Weight:  103.9 Kg
Water Removed:  2.10 Kg

09 Nov 13
Starting Weight: 105.7 Kg
Ending Weight:  104.0 Kg
Water Removed:  1.70 Kg

(I'll add in the next two days as they happen)

12 Nov 13
Starting Weight: 
Ending Weight: 
Water Removed: 

14 Nov 13
Starting Weight: 
Ending Weight: 
Water Removed: 

As of this entry (11 Nov), my weights continue to look awesome. I know this will change once the kidneys are gone; and adjusting will take place. Hopefully, I will master the weight before too long so the swings between pre and post weigh-ins won't bee overly big. You know I'll do my best, no matter what!

I had the monthly labs drawn last Tuesday. Here are the results:

*Albumin (22 Oct):  4.40 g/dL (-0.10 g/dL from 17 Sep)
  (A measure of Protein in the blood)     NR (Normal Range) 4.0 g/dL or Higher

*Hemoglobin (05 Nov):  11.5 g/dL  (+0.30 g/dL from 15 Oct)
  (A Measure of Anemia)

*Ca Corrected (05 Nov): 9.70 mg/dL (Unchanged from 08 Oct)
  (A measure of Heart and Bone health)     NR 8.40 to 10.20 mg/dL

*Phosphorous (05 Nov):  4.80 mg/dL (+ 0.2 mg/dL from 08 Oct)
  (High Phosphorous affects the health of your Heart and Bones)     NR 3.0 to 5.5 mg/dL

*PTH Intact (22 Oct):  142 pg/mL  (-19 pg/mL from 17 Sep)
  (A measure of Vitamin D absorption and bone and tissue health)     NR 150 to 600 pg/mL

*K+ (22 Oct):  4.2 mEq/L (+0.30 mEq/L from 17 Sep)
  (Proper potassium levels keep your nerves and muscles working well)     NR 3.5 to 5.5 mEq/L

*spKdt/V Dialysis (05 Nov): 1.33   (-0.05 from 08 Oct)
  (A measure of the effectiveness of dialysis and blood filtering.)     NR 1.20 or Higher

All in all, another great set of labs. The PTH has gone low...again. Not unexpected, though. This will likely rebound on its own. The dialysis filtering lost a little effectiveness, which is likely due to the deteriorating condition of my kidneys. This too will be corrected soon enough.

The headache has increased its intensity once more. It has risen from about 6.0 to a solid 9.0 within the past four days. I don't mind, though. It was decreased while I dealt with the latest dialysis infiltration, which I am very thankful for. Again, I am hoping the headache will go away once my kidneys are out. Now, don't be surprised if it isn't. I'm assuming there are long-term TMD issues involved due to tension throughout my body from the pain and discomfort I am constantly in. Assuming that is the case, it will take time post-surgery for my body to relax enough for that muscular tension to subside. I've been through that reduction before.
It would be fantastic if the headache was gone right away; but I'm also prepared that it may just take time. In the event the headache doesn't go away at all--even in the long run--, then I'll just keep doing what I'm doing, dealing with it for however long it stays. It's not like I've never been there, either! In either case, let's all hope for a successful elimination of the now four year long headache.

I had the required labs drawn today, ahead of the upcoming surgery. I just went to my local IHC hospital to do this. There were only three vials of blood drawn for these tests. The tests being run include a CBC, PTT more that I don't remember. They are looking for Antigens, K+ level, etc. The biggest concern for the surgeon, as I explained in an earlier entry, is the K+ (Potassium). If it is too high, the surgery will be delayed. Luckily, as evidenced by my monthly labs, my K+ is in terrific shape, so this should not be an issue.

My dreams this past week have been leaning towards loss of control. This isn't at all unexpected because of the surgery. It's only natural for the subconscious to be trying to process any fears, trepidations, etc. ahead of such a procedure. If you are going through anything similar, be ready for possible bad dreams leading up to the surgery. Again, as I've stated numerous times before, find an effective way to combat the dreams. I have my own way--which I've explained previously--and I can easily get rid of them so that I control the dreams, and any fears are eliminated. Not everyone can do this; very few people, in fact. So find what works and use it.
I've been through surgery three previous times. There really isn't anything to be afraid of. And waking from the nephrectomy will NOT be as horrific as waking from my back surgery; so why should I be afraid?
IF something goes wrong and I end up losing my life, I'm still not afraid because of my faith in our Heavenly Father and knowing, without a shred of doubt, that I will be in a far better place, should something happen. So, why be afraid?
If you find yourself in anything similar to what I am going through, and you have any faith in your religion or God, then lean on that heavily, and you will do better than you think!
I know...I've been doing that for over four years now. You all can see that I'm not depressed, hopeless, etc. I stand as tall as I can, look forward to a productive future, plan ahead for what I'll be doing after transplant, and carry a positive attitude wherever I go, in whatever I do. If anyone wants to dispute the why of it, they can try to convince me otherwise; but I will never waver in my convictions and belief. I've seen to much, experienced too much, to consider otherwise. So carry your faith through whatever storm besets you and know, without doubt, that all will be well!

(I didn't plan on talking about all that, but I'm glad I did!)

I filled out my Advance Medical Directive this afternoon. This is necessary for the next two surgeries (nephrectomy and transplant) in case of something going wrong and my life ends up in danger. Considering my overall health--aside from the two ugly, nasty, dying kidneys, of course!--I really am not worried that anything will go wrong. However, just in case, the Advance Directive must be filled out so the medical staff will know my wishes, and my "Agent" (my wife) will be able to make decisions for me in case I am unable to. Anyone going through a similar surgery will need to fill out such a form.
When that time arrives, look at the issue head on. Avoid putting off the form and you will be unspokenly giving the hospital and physicians permission to do what they want, instead of what you want in the even of some catastrophic event while in surgery, or the recovery. So please, face the issue, fill out the form, and take it with you to the hospital!
It's for YOUR benefit that this is done ahead of surgery.

Well, that's all I've got for today. Like I stated earlier, if something important comes up, I'll make another entry before the surgery. If not, then have a great week or two--until I return--and keep me in your thoughts and prayers for a successful surgery and recovery.
Thank you, once again, for all of your support, in whatever ways you may give it. Every effort is both felt and appreciated!

See you on the other side!

Good Health to You All!


Wednesday, November 6, 2013

06 November 2013

A difficult week since last Wednesday.

Here are my dialysis numbers...

29 Oct 13
Starting Weight:  106.8 Kg
Ending Weight:  104.0 Kg
Water Removed:  2.80 kg

31 Oct 13
Starting Weight:  106.4 Kg
Ending Weight:  103.9 Kg
Water Removed:  2.50 Kg

02 Nov 13
Starting Weight:  106.3 Kg
Ending Weight:  103.9 Kg
Water Removed:  2.40 Kg

05 Nov 13
Starting Weight:  106.0 Kg
Ending Weight:  104.1 Kg
Water Removed:  1.90 Kg

Weight-wise I am continuing to do great! I have no concerns here, at this time; although, once my kidneys are out, I'm sure this will change. I'll have lots of learning and adjusting to do once more. I'll write it all down for you, though. :o)

What's made the past week rough is two-fold.

First, on Saturday--at dialysis--my proximal button hole (closest to my heart) was extremely resistant to venipuncture. Three techs and one nurse couldn't get the stick. After consulting with me, it was decided to try a Sharps needle and bypass the button hole. Well, they got the stick...but then it infiltrated into the surrounding tissue, causing a good amount of fluid to leak into the tissue, creating a really nice, prominent hematoma directly underneath the button hole.
Well, the Sharps needle was removed and the button hole was attempted once more. And then...VoilĂ ! The venipuncture went right in! Unbelievable!
In total, it took thirty minutes to get that top button hole stick. The techs were gob smacked as to why the original stick wouldn't go in, but the later one did. There really isn't any explaining it; it's just what happened. I certainly wasn't upset because it was my vein that was causing the problem. I just made sure to have lidocane injections at the site as they concurrently wore off, and my arm was becoming more and more painful from all the fishing around.

So, I had an ice pack on that hematoma for the duration of the Tx; which, by the way, progressed uneventfully. Later that evening, as I was taking off the bandages, the top site--where the hematoma was--bled profusely. I immediately applied pressure, got a clean 4x4 and medical tape and applied the bandage as rapidly as I could get it on.
I ended up leaving the bandage on until Sunday afternoon; just to be sure.

So, all weekend, I had the pain of an evolving hematoma getting worse and worse on top of feeling completely drained of energy, and my kidneys causing extensive and increased bilateral flank pain. About the only thing that wasn't adding to all of this was the headache. It was staying fairly consistent and decreased...thank goodness!

As far as the lack of energy, it was the worst stretch of days that I can remember. It is so difficult to accurately describe what being completely drained of energy feels like. You have no oomph to get anything done, you don't want to shower (which, I did do), you don't want to eat (I didn't, all day), you're just sort of there. Not much conversation, you don't enjoy anything on tv--you just watch to pass the time. Does that help? It's how I felt all day Sunday. It wasn't a fun day.
Monday was better. I got some housework done, did the cooking and a few other small things. At least I wasn't having a miserable day again.

Like I said, the bilateral flank pain was terrible over the weekend, too. Even sitting in my big, comfy recliner did absolutely nothing in helping to alleviate the pain. The T3's I took didn't touch the pain. I was constantly shifting positions all day; constantly fidgeting in an attempt to distract my brain from the terrible pain. The same pain level continued Monday, and is still present as I write this entry. It is unequivocally time to get those cyst-filled/covered kidneys out. Who knows what all that cystic fluid is doing to my body? Whatever effects that gunk is having throughout my body, it certainly can't be good!

The good news in all of this is that I ate again on Monday, once my energy had risen a bit.  Keeping food down is not a problem.

I don't know if the sudden increase in symptomology is the result of my knowing the surgery is coming up and I can therefore let down a bit, or if the increase of pain and other symptoms is actual and merely coincidental to the news of the impending surgery. In either case, the symptomology is happening. I am just concentrating on the fact that in [now] eight days, my kidneys will be out and I'll be comfortable once again, and my energy will likely rise. That thought is what is helping me most, right now.

At yesterday's dialysis I went without the lidocane cream, opting instead to do lidocane injections due to the hematoma surrounding the fistula. Even with the injection, the sticks were both painful. During Tx the proximal needle was having pressure issues and the needle had to be manipulated. Every movement of that needle cause increasing pain because of that injured tissue. It was NOT a fun experience! I also kept an ice pack on the hematoma once again.
With what has been progressively happening with the proximal button hole, we'll likely try to establish a new site. However, with my surgery right around the corner, I'm going to hold off on that until sometime after I'm home from the hospital.

So, there you you understand why this past week has been so trying.

Everything else is going OK. The headache is down a bit, not too intense. My appetite (aside from Sunday) is decent. My R jaw continues to improve since the dental work, causing less and less pain. I haven't had any diarrhea in weeks. My dreams are good and in my complete control. And I am excited about my future! So really, overall, things are going pretty well, I suppose. Things are finally getting towards Transplant, and my future is opening up before me once more.

Anyhow, I think I've gone over everything. This entry was definitely both for everyone else, and for me, as well. Thanks for listening...

I will make at least one more entry before the Nephrectomy. Once I go into the hospital, it will likely be at least a week--possibly two, or longer--before I write another entry to talk about the surgery.

So, until next week...

Good Health to All!
