Saturday, October 2, 2021

Post-Transplant Rejection Update: 02 October 2021

 I have meant to get an entry started every day for the past two weeks, but for one reason or another, have been completely unable to do so.

As a result, this entry will be brief as I have labs this next Tuesday. So let's get going...

Headaches have been good and terrible. I had a doozy of a TMD headache that lasted nearly three days. That was fun.

In general, I have noticed a definite downward trend in how I am feeling from day to day. It is nothing terrible, but I am feeling "off" most days of the week, and though I have my usual energy, I am getting sleepy rapidly once again.

My morning med intake is making me nauseated every single day now. This is definitely new as prior to this, I went from my meds not bothering me at all, to every once in a while, to several times each week, to now every day. My usage of oral Zofran has definitely increased as a result.

I am still getting my workouts in three days each week, and the results are finally starting to show.

My weight has been fluctuating upward. Part of this is due to my exercise. The biggest increases are due to water retention. As of this morning, I weighed in at 117.8 Kgs. Even extra Torsemide is not helping much.

With continued workouts my sleep remains solid. I don't even want to think of how exhausted I would be if my sleep was poor...

Going on four months post Vaccine #2, I am STILL  having daily side effects! Usually it is the fuzzy vision that lasts an hour or so; but I am also getting dizzy, and getting suddenly hot. I can get one or all three of these side effects on any given day.

My twice-daily blood pressures have been all over the place, ranging from the low 130's (Systolic) and 60's (Diastolic) to the high 160's and mid-80's. Even though I try to avoid it, frustration at my weight yo-yoing and the BP fluctuating wildly has definitely started to happen daily.

As you know, I am hoping to avoid dialysis as long as possible. With how my weight, BP and general feeling are going, dialysis will happen sooner rather than later. But, I'll still keep hoping...

I finally was able to get my Colonoscopy scheduled. The Gastroenterology unit at IMC was kind enough to place me ahead of other patients due to needing it for transplant. I am scheduled for 19 October.

That is all for today. Like I said...brief.

With my labs next week I WILL get another entry done!

Good Health to All!


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