Sunday, March 28, 2021

Post-Transplant Rejection Update: 28 March 2021

 In the three weeks since my last entry, things have been mostly consistent.

My weight is bouncing around between 113.5-114.8 Kgs. There are days when I gain a lot of water weight, but that is easily remedied by extra Torsemide the next day.

My appetite has taken another slight downturn. I am finding that I am often not hungry every day (aside from my morning snack) until going on 300p. Even then, my "lunch" can range from small to decent. Also, my ability to taste is less than even a month ago, which also doesn't help my food intake at all. Plus, my sense of smell in also off once again.

Sleep has been pretty good, and my dreams remain under my control. IF I have a dream that somehow startles my subconscious, I trigger awake, think of something different and then drift back to sleep.

After my last entry, I ended up having a cold. Despite my best effort to stay healthy, with my immune system so low, it doesn't take much to overwhelm what little defenses I have. The cold lasted about a week, and I utilized the now normal med routine of Mucinex, Delsym syrup and Tylenol.

After that I had a still-present wave of exhaustion hit me. It was severe enough that I was sleeping seven to eight hours every night, then take a 3-5 hour nap in the middle of the day. My longest "nap" was six full hours, and I still went to sleep at my regular time.    Since then, it has gotten better, and my average nap is about two hours.

Because of that exhaustion, and the cold, I did not work out for two weeks. I just started up once again this past Wednesday. All I did was use the same weights, but did less reps per exercise. I worked out again yesterday, and did better, getting in full reps on most of my routine.

The headaches have remained manageable, and I have not had one that was uncontrolled in several weeks. The acupuncture continues to help immensely! 

My March infusion of Belatacept went well. The canulation was done with one stick, and it was over quickly.

My next set of labs are coming up this Tuesday, 30 March. Assuming my labs are actually posted, I will get them typed up later this week.

And that is about everything that has been going on. As stated above, I will post another update later this week.

I hope that you are dong well, staying healthy and always doing and being your best!

Good Health to All!



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