Thursday, October 28, 2021

Post-Transplant Update: 28 October 2021

 It has been a tough couple of weeks since my last update, though there is one bright spot.

As I stated in the entry about my recent colonoscopy, it took more time than anticipated to feel better. That was fun...

Once I felt better from that, my energy was still depleted, and I have struggled to get my workouts done. That depletion remains with me today. And I am scheduled to get a workout in today...but I may not be able to. My mind is saying 'yes!', but my body is going, "Ummm... I think not!" So, we'll see. I just finished lunch, so that may give me the energy I need to get it done.

On top of that, I've just had three unexpectedly long and draining days in a row. First on Monday I did my workout in the afternoon, followed by needing to go grocery shopping late, hauling the food upstairs, putting most of it away...and finally collapsing into bed at about 1130p completely exhausted.

Then on Tuesday, I had my normal Chiropractic/Acupuncture appointment in the late morning, a quick lunch, then my latest Belatacept infusion. After that, I noticed in a reflection that my car's DRL's (Daytime Running Lights) were both out; so I checked the headlights, and both of those were out, as well. So, I took an unexpected trip to our long-time mechanic to get them all replaced [because there is so much other stuff in the way that you cannot do it yourself]. This took an additional two hours, and I went home exhausted. 

And yesterday was my local garbage pickup day, which, as exhausted as I was mentally and physically, was not fun to gather and take out. After that was done I collapsed on the couch and slept on and off over the next few hours. Then while on an errand that had to be run, I remembered that I had my yearly Dermatology Exam that was happening about fifteen minutes from that moment! So I rushed to the hospital where my Dermatologists office is located, had to walk about two hundred yards across a very crowded parking lot, had my appointment, then hoofed it back all of that distance to my car. And by this time it was after 300p, and I still hadn't eaten any lunch.

Once home, I ate, then collapsed again on the couch; my energy completely depleted from three long, hard days [for me, at least]. And yesterday was SUPPOSED to have been a day for my body to recuperate! Which brings me to today, and not knowing if I'll have the energy to workout.

On one hand I am grateful that I could get so many things done. On the other hand, I am incredibly exhausted! And with my current daily energy level, I don't know if I can mentally push through the exhaustion in order to get my exercise.

On the good news side, my Dermatology Exam showed nothing irregular or abnormal! My skin remains clean, normal and healthy.  My next exam will be in October of 2022.

I have discovered that my Torsemide (diuretic) is not able to keep the kidney processing fluids as effectively as it should, leading my weight to go up ,stay up, drop, repeat; with no consistency of my weight from day to day. So I have been taking an extra 10mgs of the Torsemide every morning, and since then, I have had four consecutive days of stability (.2-.3 swings) in my weight. 

My headaches have been worse, and I've had two nasty TMD headaches over the past nine days, or so. Keeping these under marginal control has been difficult, to put it mildly.

So, that is my last couple of weeks. 

It is easy to see that my kidney is struggling, and it will only get worse from here on out.

Next month--November--I have no scheduled appointments other than my twice weekly Chiropractic/Acupuncture. Though the Dental clearance remains--which I will work on next week--it will be nice to have a month without any other appointments!

Next week are my November labs; which I will post as soon as I can.

Until then, Happy Halloween!

Good Health to All!


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