Monday, August 2, 2010

02 Aug 10

(Remember--the experiences I am writing about are mine alone. How anyones body reacts to a disease such as PCKD is a purely individual thing. Someone else with the same disease at the same stage could feel like they are completely healthy. So please, be sure you are consulting with your physician about your symptoms and experiences.)

NOT a good weekend [for me].

I awoke Saturday feeling so-so; but then began feeling worse as my day progressed. By late Saturday, the nausea was far worse than normal, but still controllable. My headache had also ramped up to an 8, and I had a general feeling of malaise that I have only been experiencing infrequently. In addition, I also had several bouts of diarrhea; which, as you know, has been happening less and less.

Throughout the night the nausea increased until I decided I had to take the prescription anti-emetic, or start vomiting. Once I took that, another 30-45 grueling, terrible minutes passed before the nausea began to dissipate. I was finally able to get to sleep around 830a on Sunday.

I slept until nearly 4p, and then felt like I had to force myself out of bed--for all the good that did. Just like the last time I took the anti-emetic, the after-effects lasted a number of hours. I wasn't nauseated, nor did I have a headache (though I DID have more diarrhea)...I just felt fuzzy or woozy for hours. YUCK! The med definitely did its job; but I still hate the way it makes me feel so long after taking it. My Sunday sort of came and went without much notice on my part.

When I awoke today, the nausea is back to its [new] normal level, the headache is ever-present, and my body is still feeling blah. No energy whatsoever. Since Saturday afternoon I've eaten around four to five cups of food. BTW-food is ever increasingly just something that is there. Everything just tastes so-so. Nothing is appealing anymore; so I'm eating because I need to eat--occasionally because I'm actually hungry.

In case anybody is wondering about my smelling ammonia...yes, the odor is always present, and I will still have its taste in my mouth once in a while. It's now been around so long I rarely take conscious notice of it. It's always there, though. I have times where it will suddenly assault my senses and I will be very aware of it.

Let's see...I know there was one or two more things I wanted to say; but I can't remember what they were. So, that's all, I guess.

Good Health to All!


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