Saturday, October 1, 2011

01 October 2011

The last five days have been challenging, rather than better.

Let's start off with sleep. Lots and lots and LOTS of sleep over the past five days. On average, I've had about twelve hours sleep per day. On Thursday I had even more. I'd awoken from my nighttime sleep of about seven hours, only to fall asleep again just two and a half hours later for another 4.5 hours of sleep. Then, I was asleep for my night again by 1230a, and slept for another eight. In between all these periods of sleep I feel utterly exhausted; like I'm about ready to fall asleep, exhausted. Not fun. That makes everything I'm trying to get done every day incredibly difficult to even start, let alone accomplish. This includes everything I do including housework, writing this blog, my personal projects, etc.

I've been experiencing that ill feeling every day, all day. Nothing helps it whatsoever. About the only variable in that feeling is the intensity. It ranges from moderate to severe, with only the occasional mild intensity. The last week or so I've done a lot of sitting around feeling miserable from this sensation.

My urinary output and characteristics both remain consistent with not apparent changes. Still no evidence of kidney stones--thank goodness! But that pain over my R kidney continues. It has not yet increased in pain or duration. The kidney area pain has become uncomfortable when I lay in bed, making me quite uncomfortable. So far, the pain has neither interrupted nor interfered with my sleep.

My headache has gotten worse again. I'm still hesitant to take two T3's at a time, and am paying for it with suddenly intense and uncontrolled head pain. I inevitably take the second T3, and feel better about thirty minutes later.

My appetite is still terrible. In the last five days I've gone without food once, and have eaten less than normal (about a single cup of food) twice; which leaves just one day of eating normal (about 1.5 cups), plus today's near normal (so far) food intake.

The peripheral edema has again been up and down, but without consistency either way. I am still having that odd feeling in my legs before the swelling increases. As before, my kidneys are still compensating for any edemic increases. How long they do remains the big question.

That's all I can think of for today. I know I'm forgetting something I wanted to say...Oh well. It'll probably come to mind right after I log off.   :o)

Good Health to All!


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