Wednesday, October 5, 2011

04 October 2011

Overall, the last three days have been better.

The 'better' comes in the form of reduced nausea and reduced edema. For some reason the nausea has almost been non-existent. Aside from one intense episode, I have actually been comfortable. I don't know how long it will last, but I'll take it while it's here! Plus, the peripheral edema has been very low.  I am still having that feeling in my legs every morning, it's just not ending up as full blown edema. Again, I'll take it while I've got it!

Next, let's talk about sleep again. The pattern and hours of sleep continue. Sunday I had 7.5 hours of nighttime sleep, was awake for about three hours, then slept again for another three and a half. I was asleep again by 1115p. Monday I awoke at 845a, then fell asleep at 230p and slept for three hours and forty-five minutes. Unfortunately, I was unable to get to sleep until 0300a this morning; sleeping until just 845a, but was awake just three hours before falling asleep again and dozing until 0500p. So, not much fun. For me, that's the reality of this aspect of my struggle with the PCKD.

My headache has been up and down. Overall, my T3 usage has been down the last few days to about 3.25/day. This is in part due to yesterday's near non-present headache. It averaged a wonderful 4 most of the day; and was able to tolerate the headache without any meds for most of the day; giving in later in the evening to an increased headache level of 8. Sunday and today, my headache was at or near its [now normally] elevated, painful 9+.

My energy level has been pretty low. I get a little bit of housework done, then have to sit and rest. The remainder of the day is spent mentally mustering whatever energy I can summon to get a little more accomplished.

Let's talk about the vertigo. I realized yesterday that my usual vertigo has been present, but minimal in its impact. No rooms have been spinning, no sudden complete loss of balance, etc.  Like the reduced nausea and edema I'll not complain one bit, and enjoy it as long as it is having a minimal impact on everything I do.

As in my last entry my appetite has been worse than normal. I haven't done any snacking the last three days, and have eaten just one meal of about one cup each day. My liquid intake has been averaging approx 40 oz/day. So all in all, my food and liquid intake are both down.

The pain in my mid-back over the R kidney has been ranging from moderate to painful. Any bending or stretching continues to aggravate the pain. Tonight, for a reason that I have no idea about, this pain increased suddenly and quickly. So far, it has not settled down.

That's about all for today. As always, let's hope for better days ahead.

Good Health to All!


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