Monday, September 26, 2011

26 September 2011

A little better since my last blog.

I never did eat that entire day. I just wasn't feeling good by any measure. Since then my appetite has been up a bit (1.5-2 cups/day), but I feel awful (nausea) after eating...every time. It does go away after about an hour, though.

The edema has been consistently bad since Friday. It goes through the same pattern every day--that feeling in my legs in the morning; increasing edema throughout the day, worsening to severe by the time I go to bed; awaken in the morning with my leg looking better, but I urinate a lot as soon as I get up, and again about an hour later; then repeat the entire day. I am still thankful that my kidneys continue to mitigate the edema.

My headache has been better. Aside from one day that was exacerbated by TMD symptoms, things in this area have been OK. Still having a constant headache, mind you; I've just had a little more control over it the last few days.

That pain over my R kidney has been terrible. If I move the wrong way I feel like a knife is stabbing me in the back. The pain is not yet constant, so I'm not yet overly concerned. IF it worsens to a constant pain, I'll go see my doc.

My sleep continues to be all over the place. My nighttime sleep generally goes from about 130a-930a, but is extremely restless. However, I am exhausted upon waking, and have been falling asleep around five hours after waking and sleep at least three additional hours; after which I am still exhausted.

My breath has gotten really bad. I've had to start airing out the house every day. This in spite of brushing my teeth and using the cinnamon Altoids every day. I'm not at all surprised given that my mouth has had a nasty taste every morning for months now. I'm told the prevalent odor has been ammonia. This is also an indicator of where my kidneys are at because if they were in failure, the odor would be of Uric Acid. Fortunately--or, unfortunately, depending on your point of view--that means that I'm still a while from renal shutdown.

That's about all for today. I hope, as always, to have better days ahead.

Good Health to All!



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