Sunday, January 9, 2011

09 Jan. 2011

The last four days have been a little better.

My nausea has backed off, and I haven't had to take any anti-emetic (Woo-Hoo!). Though I'm still nauseated all of the time, it just hasn't been the intense stuff that has made me so miserable the past while.

Sleeping continues to be an issue. The naps remain consistent. For instance, yesterday I took a total of four naps of 15 min, 45 min, 2 hours, and 30 min. This was following my now usual fitful "sleep" of about six hours. In spite of the sleep I get, my exhaustion seems to be increasing. I don't know how to change this. I'll be asking my doctor about it on my next visit.

Because of how I've been feeling overall, my appetite has been just awful. Most days I have about a cup of food, plus water, milk, etc. Once in a while I actually feel hungry, and eat a little more; but more often than not, I am eating only because I need food. Hunger in and of itself is becoming the exception.

The ammonia taste and odor has backed off a little. It's always there, mind you; but at least its not currently "in my face," so to speak.

The edema in my hands and legs has not diminished at all. In fact, just today I had my foot against an edge that I just didn't notice. When the area just below the ankle became uncomfortable (bordering on painful), I moved my foot and saw a deep, dark line along the side of the foot. It took 30 minutes for the normal skin color to return, and another 20 minutes for the indent to rebound.

In addition to the edema, both my hands and my feet remain terribly cold. Socks, blankets, fleece...none of these help. The only thing I've found that helps is to soak my feet in a bucket of hot water. Even then, no more than ten minutes pass before they are cold once again. I must admit though, that having cold hands and feet does lead to having some fun at my wife's expense! :o)

The vertigo continues to be a major problem. Most times I can no longer look up, or tilt my head back without waves of dizziness coming over me. Plus, getting up from a sitting position is also bringing lots of dizziness. So, lots of grabbing walls, counters, etc, as well as always using my can whenever I am out of the house.

Anyway, I am getting sleep, so I'll wrap this up.

I got as wished, had had a few days that were actually better.
Let's see if that continues.

Good Health to All!


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