Tuesday, July 27, 2010

27 July 10

Another turnaround!

On my last entry (23 July 10), I'd had a few days of doing better. By Saturday afternoon (the 24th), I was starting to feel lousy again. It started with an increase of nausea, followed by a stronger headache. The edema in my legs also increased slightly, and my urine output dropped noticeably. I then spent Sunday feeling miserable all over, and ate about two cups short of nothing all day.

Then yesterday, Monday the 26th, I felt lousy when I awoke, and it progressed. The nausea got bad enough for me to want to take the anti-emetic Rx. It helped the nausea...and put me to sleep for about six hours, and I had lingering sleepiness for another eight. It reduced the nausea by 100%; but I did NOT like the way it left me feeling. I'll only be using that med again when nothing else works.

At this point (0520a), the nausea is slowly returning, my headache is about a 7, my abdomen is tender to both touch and weight, and I've eaten very, very little today...again.

A few posts ago I alluded to wondering if my body was going through cycles of feel better, then feeling worse. By my reckoning, since late June, I've felt bad, then better, then bad, then better again, and now worse. Looks like a cycle to me. I'll continue to keep an eye on this.

Lastly, as I've been walking around the house the last few days just doing everyday things, I've had more than a dozen instances of losing my balance (and catching myself before falling), and multiple instances of dizziness when standing, or bending then straightening. I had to steady myself against whatever was close to stay on my feet. I'm not trying to read into this too much, or create a false need; but I am increasingly concerned about a ground level fall. I've begun active research on local business to purchase a cane. I'd rather have to use one than lose my balance or get dizzy when I'm away from anything to catch myself on. Nothing wrong with being cautious.

That's all for now.

Good Health to All!


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