Tuesday, May 3, 2011

02 May 2011

A teeny break!

After the terrible number of days, I get what is very likely a small break.

Sunday was awful...just as the previous week or so. My head was raging, I felt terrible all over, my feet were huge and painful, and I ate very little all day. Like I said--just like the previous week.

Today was slightly better. Though the headache is still out of control, my body aches and general feeling have improved about ten percent. Plus, the edema in my feet is down by around 30%. However, the pain in my feet remains; plus, I am now having pain in my thighs when walking. This is new, but not unexpected as the edema worsens systemically.

Unfortunately, I remain as exhausted as ever, and my sleep is incredibly bad. This in spite of sleeping over eleven hours between Saturday night and all day Sunday [prior to sleeping Sunday night--which I still did by 0100a!].

My appetite is unchanged. Today I ate all of about one cup in total--including snacks! I was all set for eating my one meal of the day, started on it, and my body just sorta went 'blech!" So I forced myself to eat about three fourths of a cup before I just couldn't even think about taking another bite without cringing. It's the first time I recall this happening. Hopefully it will only happen once in a while. At the same time (and as I've stated earlier), my snacking has decreased dramatically. I try every day to snack a little more; but I am simply not hungry.

I continue to properly exercise my AV Fistula. I can't see any difference yet; though that might be weeks away. I'll keep plugging along with my three times per day for three minutes each.

That's all. With just two days to report I don't have much to tell you.

Good Health to All!


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