Monday, May 30, 2011

30 May 2011

The AV Fistula is growing really strong.

I took a listen to it with my stethoscope and directly over the surgery site the sound is so loud that I couldn't keep the bell on my arm. Plus, I hear a nice loud sound both in my wrist and nearly to my elbow. Next, the development of the vein itself should be visible at any time. I do have my follow-up with the vascular surgeon on June 8th. At that time the Fistula will be mapped on ultrasound to check on how everything is looking. I'll tell you all about it.

Next, on to the news of the latest...

The last five days have been trying, to put it mildly. Lots of edema that never decreases; hence, lots of resting discomfort, and lots of pain any time I walk. The bruising around my ankles has become prevalent once again. I forgot to mention it to my doc, so I don't have an official explanation for it.

My appetite has taken a bit of a rebound. I've actually been hungry the last four days. As before though, if I ignore it too long it quickly turns into nausea. When I do eat, I've been taking in about two full cups of food; plus, I've been snacking quite a bit throughout the day. On the downside, eating has been making me feel worse...but if I don't eat, I've felt's a no-win situation for me. To try and combat this I've been taking a half dose of Promethazine on a regular basis. It helps a little. As before, I really don't want to take a full dose because it will knock me out and make me feel like garbage. Like I said...a no-win situation.

My headache seems to have notched up to a 9.75. Sharp pains are occurring frequently; and when they aren't, my whole head feels as if it's going to explode. The T3's are only keeping the pain tolerable.

I've been paying attention to my frequency and volume of urination. I have indeed decreased the frequency by an average of twice per day. Additionally, the total urinary output is definitely less than just a couple of weeks ago. There have been times this past week that I feel like my bladder is full; yet when I go relieve myself, the volume is much less than expected. (No, I'm not measuring anything. Just one of those things you get used to over 48 years of life. So, when the volume is less, you notice.)

The exhaustion and my naps continue to be as excessive as ever. Even though I rarely remember my dreams, I AM dreaming; which means I'm getting lots of REM stage sleep; which also means that I am getting (or at least, I'm supposed to be getting) enough restful sleep. However, poorly oxygenated tissues, muscles and organs really don't help in maintaining any energy. (Ahh the travails of organ failure and blood full of toxins...what fun!) (sarcasm noted.)

Anyhow, that's all. I'll keep you updated.

Good Health to All!


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