Monday, April 4, 2011

AV FIstula Surgery

In brief, here's my report of my recent AV Fistula surgery...

I was scheduled to enter surgery at 1030a [last Wednesday], but didn't get into Pre-Op until 130p. I made sure the anesthesiologist knew about my med allergies, talked with my surgeon, then was wheeled into the OR.

I awoke about two hours later in Post-Op, and remained quite groggy for another hour. When I arrived in recovery I was told that the surgery was successful, in spite of the surgeon having to go to a site higher on the arm than planned because the vein he was grafting the artery to was too narrow at the wrist. So, the surgery area ended up about two inches proximal from the L wrist on the medial side of the Radial bone.

Because of how deeply I was put under [for the surgery], I had to wait over two hours in recovery before being able to go home.

I spent the rest of Wednesday and all of Thursday going in and out of consciousness because of my kidney function, and their inability to filter out the anesthesia. Because I cannot lay on that arm for a while, I slept in my recliner and was able to keep my arm stationary and out of harm's way.

Friday was better, but I still slept most of the day, waking for only brief periods. On Saturday I was mostly lucid. I was also able to notice the new "Thrill" in my L arm from the procedure. It's really tough to describe; but it both feels and sounds exactly the same. The fistula is really weird to feel, though. I am still very aware of it, and likely will be for some time.

My hand had some residual numbness, but this has since gone away. My fingers are cold, and are ashen or gray in color. (This is normal due to decreased blood flow top the hand.) Over the next few weeks I'll come to understand what will be normal in my L hand from now on.

Sunday was a bad day in my recovery. I awoke with intense nausea, and had my first emisis episode of this whole kidney disease. Luckily, once was enough, and my body settled down after that. However, because of a full dose of Promethazine, I was asleep most of the day once again. I think my body needed the sleep in order to advance the healing.

Today is much better. I still awoke with nausea, but a sliver of the anti-emetic was able to hold off anything more. For the first time since my surgery I feel mostly least, enough to write in my blog! :o)

That's it for now.

Thanks to everyone for your thoughts and prayers!

Good Health to All!


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