Monday, March 28, 2011

28 March 2011

I had a nephrology appointment today. Here's the latest...

-Kidney Function: 18.2% (Slightly down from 19.3)
-Blood Nitrogen 44.0 (Up from 37.0. NR 5-26)
-Creatinine 3.8 (Up from 3.6. NR .5-1.5)
-Hematicrit 35.0 (Down from 35.2. NR 42-52)
-I don't have the PTH numbers, and I wasn't told the percentage, so I don't know if it has improved or worsened.

So, I am [somewhat] stable as far as labs go. However, if you've been reading my blog, you'll know that I am feeling worse than ever. For now I am glad that there was stability because the AV Fistula I'm having surgery for on Wednesday has to have time to heal and strengthen. So next month it will be OK if I have another drop! ;o)

Also, my weight gain from last month was, as I suspected, an anomaly. My weight today was 257 (down from 266). I think the gain last month was due to being bundled up because of cold weather, in addition to a lot of water weight gain.

On an interesting note, my doc stated that my Eosoniphil % is up for the third month in a row. He stated I am having an allergic reaction to something because the Eosoniphil number reflects that. Well, I'm not allergic to pollens, molds, etc, nor any other environmental cause; so, it's a mystery. Could be because the PCKD is affecting so many of my body systems that my ability to defend against environmental factors is compromised. I don't know. It's certainly nothing evident.

That's about all for today.

I already stated that the AV Fistula surgery is on Wednesday. Too bad I can't watch it, though; I'll be under general anesthesia. Maybe the doc will have pics or a video. I'd love to see either.

This may be my last entry for a while. I'll be on some hefty meds following the surgery, so I doubt I'll be in any shape to write a blog. So, until next time, take care; and remember to check back for my next entry!

Good Health to All!


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