Saturday, April 9, 2011

09 April 2011

The AV Fistula is healing nicely.

I had a follow-up appointment with the vascular surgeon yesterday, and everything is looking good. No infections, no vascular obstructions, not untoward effects from the surgery, and the surgery site itself looks good, too.

I was surprised to see that there are no stitches on the skin. The surgeon stitched under the skin with dissolvable sutures, and then simply assured proper alignment of the incision when bandaging post surgery. Also, the surgery site is about a half inch longer than normal [for this procedure] because of where the incision was made.

Anyway, I am to rest the arm for another two weeks, then have to start doing a "rubber band and ball" exercise for two months after that. This involves placing a constricting band on my arm at the elbow. Then, I'll squeeze a rubber ball for three minutes. Then band is then removed. I'll repeat this a for a total of three exercise sessions per day. Doing this will help the AV Fistula, or super-vein, to grow and strengthen.

In mid June I'll go back to the vascular surgeon to have another ultrasound of the L arm to see how the Fistula is maturing. At that time, we'll know if it is growing on schedule for the anticipated start of my life of dialysis.

In other news, my appetite has returned to its pre-surgery status--meaning, not much, but more than it was over the last week + following surgery. Also, all of the S/S's are at the fore once again. At least these were the least of my worries for a little while.

I have been going through lots of nausea the past four days or so. The minor hunger pangs are almost unnoticeable these days and if I miss them (which is nearly always lately), the nausea seems to slam me pretty hard and even with the Promethazine I am quite miserable for a long while after onset.

The other usual S/S's are going strong. No letup in these. Especially so, the edema in my legs is just ugly. Both legs swelled up really nicely about a week ago and have yet to decrease in size. At my feet the color test is +4, and the rebound is +20 (+). I can barely tie my shoes my feet are so swollen. When I walk down any stairs my feet and lower legs hurt; presumably from the edemic pressure. This is NOT fun.

My urine output remains good. The color is consistent, but the odor and foaminess remain unusually bad. Pain in my mid-back has backed off a bit and now comes and goes from time to time. Any break in this area is greatly welcomed!

The ammonia smell remains, as always. I rarely smell anything these days. The ammonia either cancels out any smells, or overwhelms it. Along those lines, my sense of taste is worse in that all I taste these days is bad breath. Immediately after brushing, all I can taste is foulness. Even the cinnamon Altoids are becoming ineffective in combating this ever present nastiness. (Blech!)

My headache remains. 'nuf said about that!

That's about all I can think of today.

Keep Smiling, Everyone; and remember to always carry a good thought or memory.

Good Health to All!


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