Saturday, May 8, 2010

08 May 10

It's been an up and down week for me.

Monday and Tuesday were great. I was feeling better than I had in a number of weeks, my headache was under control, and my appetite was up slightly. I had good sleep, and felt fairly rested, as well. My mind felt lighter than it has for some time.

Wednesday until today, I have completely reversed my earlier gains. Since sometime Wednesday afternoon, my stomach is constantly upset, my headache is back--with a vengeance!, my kidneys have been bordering on painful, I'm eating very little, and I am once again sleeping restlessly (and not enough).

My mind continues to be good. I am able to stay focused, positive and forward-looking. So this aspect hasn't changed. I get out and about as I feel up to it, and enjoy the time I am out of the house. I will sometimes push myself beyond my body's ability to keep going, but I feel it is important to do this so I keep myself as strong as I am able, enjoying what I can, and keeping my heart and mind in a good place. I physically pay for it, but that's OK.

For instance on Thursday, I went to an Art Museum. I was there about forty-five minutes enjoying paintings, sculpture and 15th Century pencil sketches. It was a terrific display! I thoroughly enjoyed it; but thoroughly exhausted my body, and ended up with my kidneys aching terribly--but it was worth it! I wouldn't even think of having it otherwise. I am keeping the thought in my head that I wrote saying, "If you allow life to get the best of you, then you will allow the best of life to pass you by."

So as long as I am physically able, I will continue to do what I can. Some days will be more successful than others; but I will always do my best to enjoy life in spite of what is happening to my body.

Good Health to All!


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