Friday, January 1, 2010

01 Jan. 10

Thought I'd start off our New Year by correcting a small error on my last post.

I had stated that I was experiencing no new S/S's of the PCKD. Well, that was an incorrect statement. I forgot that three times in the last two weeks I've had sudden, intense and very sharp pains on the upper R of my head. These have lasted from a few seconds to nearly a minute.

One of the dangers of this disease is the increased possibility of CVA, or Cerebral Vascular Accident. This is commonly referred to as a stroke. The pathophysiology of a stroke is simply an aneurysm involving one or more blood vessels in or on the brain. Warning signs of impending aneurysms include the onset of TIA's or Trans Ischemic Attacks; often referred to as mini-strokes. They damage the brain without creating debilitating effects common in strokes. One manifestation of a TIA is sudden, sharp pain onset on the head.

Now, don't get me wrong...I am NOT, in any way, saying that I'm having these TIA's, or that an aneurysm is imminent. Only a physician, and medical imaging and other testing can determine the likelihood of such an event.

I am ONLY pointing out that I have experienced three sudden, intense, and very sharp pains in my head. This is very different than normal, so I am noting their occurrence.

Also, the past few days have been pretty rough. Everything I eat or drink causes extreme nausea. Tums, sodium bicarb, ginger ale...nothing works at getting it to settle down. The only thing I have been able to do is preventative. This involves not eating. Since that is absolutely NOT an option, I've been eating, then hang on while I feel like vomiting for a good one to two hours.

My headache continues without a break. Nearly seven weeks now.

I'm still cold all of the time. My appetite is still diminished from the four cups of food per day I had been eating.

School starts this week. I am looking forward to new classes, and to forcing my mind to push myself beyond how I am currently feeling. After all, I've got a goal to attain, and feeling like I do will only get in my way if I let it. Until I no longer have the physical strength, I will continue efforting my education, and my responsibilities.

Again, I've got the next visit with my nephrologist this coming Tuesday (05 Jan). I'll fill you in on what we find.

Good Health to All!


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