Thursday, January 7, 2010

07 Jan. 10

Hello Everyone!

I apologize for not posting this sooner. School started up again, and I am just now having both the time and energy to write.

Over the course of December the disease was static...which is great! Most of my blood work came back little changed from last month. This is definitely good news!

I have lost another five pounds--mostly due to hardly eating. That makes 17 pounds lost since late September.

Other S/S's are still constant such as being cold, nausea 24/7, constant headache, smelling ammonia etc.

Also, my doc wants me to start eating things which will be easier on my kidney's. He gave me a list of recommended foods to avoid; and most of the "bad foods" are things I usually don't eat anyway; so no big deal there. However, I do have to start eating more fresh fruits and veggies, as well as fresh fish. This is because my triglycerides are too high, and my lipids are still out of whack.. Certainly nothing I can't handle, though.

Further, I am to healthily lose another 15 pounds in the next three months. This will simply entail the new diet, as well as beginning to use my bowflex once again, along with trying to increase my walking. The walking and working out won't be so easy though; more food intake IS required. A bit of a quagmire, I know; but I'll start working on it early next week.

And, that's about all for now. Good news pretty much all around. For now, I am to keep an eye on my existing S/S's, note anything new or unusual (and of course call my doc if any major S/S's occur), eat all the proper foods, and keep on moving forward. Not a bad report at all!

Good Health to All!


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