Wednesday, March 7, 2012

07 March 2012

I was looking at my blog tonight and astonished to see that six days have already passed since my last blog. To my brain, it seems only like a few days have gone by.

Well, for the most part, steadiness still holds true. As before my headache is awful and has woken me from my sleep four times over the last six days. No relief, and no hiding from it whatsoever.

Edema has been an issue again. No bid blowups (sorry for the unfortunate simile), but the edema I have from day to day has been more than what had become normal. I'd estimate the average edemic increase to be about 20% over what it had been. Plus, it is still getting worse every evening.

My appetite continues to be improved. I am still averaging 1.5 cups+/day. The exception to this is today, in fact. I've eaten very little because I'm just not hungry at all. In fact, I just ate my first meal of the day--at 1045p.

My sleep is once again all over the place. This past week it seems as if I can't sleep any more than six hours before being wide awake. Then, I have yet to be sleepy enough to get a single nap. Instead, I get to drag around even more exhausted than usual. Blaaahhh!

I've continued to feel frozen most of the time. My feet and hands have actually turned blue from the poor circulation. I'm so cold that I am wearing sweats and fleece all the time again. I look like I'm bundled up for a snowy outing!

My urine has developed a stronger odor. Plus, I am excreting more proteins because the foaminess of my urine has increased as well. No blood though, or obvious signs of any kidney stones.

The flank pain has increased slightly on both sides. Plus, I am have more and more instances of discomfort when sitting back against pretty much anything.

And, that's all I can think of. Feeling sleep and a bit foggy; so I will be going.

Good Health to All!


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