Monday, November 28, 2011

28 November 2011

Ok...the holiday is over, and I have got lots of catching up to try to get done...

Lets start with edema. To put it plainly, lots and lots. I've been swelling (mostly in my legs) daily for the last week. No reason for it; the swelling just happens. Plus, I have not felt the swelling increasing; which is different for me. Because of the edema, I've got lots of new bruising around both ankles. Ugly.

I've also had a lot of lower leg cramps happening just about every day. The L leg seems to be having more (or more intense) cramping than the R. I've been woken from my sleep three times over the last ten days.

The pain over my kidneys has increased again. The R still seems tio be worse, though both sides are now affected all of the time. The pain isn't too bad yet, but i will keep an eye on any increases in pain levels.

My headache has been ranging from 7-9. Still no break in the now two plus year long headache. TMD has not been an issue, and I am ever aware of TMD complications every time they arise to intensify the headache.

My appetite has been bad. Nausea has been steady and definitely influences how much I eat. On Thanksgiving day I had taken only a few delicious bites before I was overcome with much for the holiday dinner. I am averaging about 1.75 cups of food per day. On trhe occasion i do eat more than that, I end up feeling nauseated from feeling like my food just isn't sitting well.

My sleep continues to be all over the place. In between to variety of nightly sleeping lengths and naps, I continue to feel exhausted. I must admit that i've had a few days of feeling somewhat energetic, so I do more work around the house; only to over-do
things and feel exhausted once again.

Overall, I've been doing only OK. I have had a few days that were better than most, and lots of feeling lousy; leaving with just doing OK.

Anyway, my headache is killing me--yes, I have already taken a T3--so i am not thinking well at all. So, I'll be on my way. I know I've slipped on the frequency of my entries, and I will try to be better.

Good Heath to All!


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