Saturday, December 3, 2011

03 December 2011

I don't know about anyone else, but time is flying by and before I know it, too many days have passed and therefore, too much catching up has to be done. On that note, let's get started...

That ill feeling inside has become pretty bad. It's bringing down my ability to stay strong all the time. When it's really bad, I just lay down and feel fairly miserable. Nothing helps it. I just have to get through it.

The edema has continued to go through its now normal cycle of swelling in the afternoon and evening, and then reducing (via kidney filtration) by morning, then start all over again. At least I know my kidneys are still working a little bit.

The twenty four plus month-long headache continues to be an issue. Since my last entry, I have had zero TMD complications, yet my headache has been averaging a solid 8.5. Still no explanation for the existence of the headache aside from the prevalence of headaches amongst end-stage PKD patients that is of unknown etiology (unknown cause or origin).

The flank pain over my kidneys has been consistent in its nature. No sustained flare-ups, mostly it's just a constant pain. I've had instances of what I refer to as 'positional flare-ups' wherein I am sitting or laying in whatever position and the flank pain increases either slowly or suddenly. Only by changing position is the increased pain alleviated. These flare-ups happen four or five times per day, on average.

My appetite remains terrible. Besides having the nausea, the ill feeling also eliminates my desire to eat. Just yesterday I was feeling particularly bad [with that feeling] and didn't have anything to eat until 830p. Even then I only ate because I needed to. Speaking of nausea, that aspect has been reduced this week. That ill feeling however, has been constant and intense all week.

I've been struggling this week with my positivity. Lots of feeling bad has left my with having a tough time. Once I realized this, I was able to get my head back in place and look at things with a more positive outlook. Right now, I'm doing really well.

That's all I can think of today. I'll keep plugging away, and doing my best every day.

Good Health to All!


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