Monday, July 11, 2011

11 July 2011

Things have been steadily poor the last four days.

I've had a consistent uptick in nausea that has yet to alleviate. Even with Promethazine, the nausea has gotten severe. For instance, on Friday evening I went out for a small dinner and grocery shopping. Right after I finished my meal I had nausea just slam me for no apparent reason. I decided to do the shopping anyhow, which turned out to be a huge mistake. The nausea became even worse, and I cut short my shopping and just went home. I took more of the anti-emetic and it still took nearly an hour to calm things down.

My feet have looked terrible these past days as edema has been constant. As per my personal pattern, I awaken with feet and legs that are slightly swollen; but throughout the day become steadily worse until my feet look awful, and I have edema up to mid-thigh and in my lower arms and hands. I've got lots of bruising around both ankles due to the edemic pressure. My only saving grace there is the times when the edema remains low giving the tissue around my ankles time to heal.

The headache goes on, and on, and on...and with amazing consistency in strength and intensity. This November (mid, I think) it will have been two years since the headache began. I'm just grateful that my doc gave me something to combat the damned thing.

The vertigo remains as it has been. There is still no pattern to it. I always use my cane outside of the house, and it always saves me from ground-level falls. This was especially true on Friday night when I had that sudden onset of severe nausea. The vertigo kicked into high gear and I would certainly have fallen if the cane was not in my hand.

The other normal S/S's of blurry vision, body aches, long naps, exhaustion, smelling ammonia, poor appetite etc...These all remain and are an issue every day.

That's all for today. My brain is a bit fuzzy, I'm exhausted, and I just can't concentrate as much as I need in order to do a good entry.

Good Health to All!


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