Sunday, December 12, 2010

12 Dec. 2010

I feel like I'm being redundant; but again, I've feel feeling exhausted as never before.

Dragging around; no energy; multiple naps each day; more exhaustion, etc, etc, etc. Along with all of that, the nausea has taken a sharp rise--along with the vertigo, the headache, and more of the other S/S's.

I don't know where to start besides exhaustion. I'm talking physical and mental. As before I'm apparently not sleep well. I continue to awaken feeling as worn out as when I went to sleep. Plus, I've now had a confirmed increase in the number of naps I each day. It's not uncommon for me to take between 3-5 naps per day of between 20 minutes to two hours. Only an hour or so after awaking I'm already dozing off [most days]. But in spite of the naps, I am getting progressively more exhausted.

(I've been writing, rewriting, and rewriting this next part for the last twenty minutes, and I can't seem to put a coherent thought together. My apologies.)

So, I'll wrap it up.

I'll try not to go more than two days between entries. I'm obviously having a difficult time writing out thoughts and information.

Until next time...

Good Health to All!


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