Friday, November 19, 2010

19 Nov. 2010

Another break...sort of.

The rest of Monday was more of the same [as the weekend]. The only bright spot was seeing my grand kids, playing with them; laughing with them, too. It was truly a wonderful treat. They really are my greatest joy. The only hitch in my visit was getting a severe wave of vertigo while I was carrying the one year-old. Luckily, my son was there to take him out of my arms.

Monday night I actually fell asleep before midnight--Woo-Hoo! The sleep I got was fairly good; but still not enough as I was fully awake again by 345a. However, the nausea was reduced to a tolerable level, and my headache had dropped to about a 7--Yay!!! I was by no means comfortable, or even feeling very good--but at least I was getting a break from the last four days!

I ended up falling asleep by 10a, and I don't think I moved until around 5p. The sleep was restful and calm (finally!), and I woke up feeling awake and alert for the first time since last Thursday. Yeah, all that sleep was really gonna screw up my already screwy sleep schedule; but at least I was rested. Plus, when I awoke, the nausea and headache were still reduced, and I actually felt hungry. All too soon that hunger turned to nausea...but hey! I was feeling a bit better; for a little while at least. Before the evening had ended, everything had returned; but I was so glad for even a half day's break!

Wednesday found me just having a miserable day. While the nausea was reduced, the headache was simply painful. I was barely able to keep it in check. Plus, as the day wore on I could feel and see the edema increase in my legs and hands. When I tried eating that night, I had about a whole cup of food and couldn't eat anymore because everything looked and tasted completely unappetizing. At least I got some food down.

I slept pretty well Thursday morning, and awoke to a reduction of the nausea, headache, ammonia smell and

( mind is going blank about my S/S's. I can't remember what they are aside from a few...(sigh). Let me try another way...)

Thursday found me feeling just blah and somewhat exhausted all day. Plus, the headache increased slowly throughout the day from a painful (but tolerable) 7, up to a simply painful 9. I couldn't stop it from happening. Additionally

(I'm mind is just continuing to draw a blank about specifics from yesterday. Let's just say that it was an OK day that devolved into a bad day; and leave it at that.)

I'm hoping for a good day. If I'm feeling up to it, I'm going to try and get to at least one movie.

I hope you all have a great weekend!

Good Health to All!


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