Monday, November 8, 2010

07 Nov. 2010

Consistently...More of the same.

Friday I had to be up early to do errands. In total, I rode about 40 miles in a car. About halfway through the errands i began to get nauseated, and it gradually intensified. As it did, the vertigo got completely out of control. Even closing my eyes was completely ineffective towards reducing the dizziness. About the same time, my headache also kicked into high gear, shooting almost instantly from a 7 to a 9.5. Before I got home I was doubled over in nausea, and had to be helped inside. I took a full dose of Promethazine and immediately laid down.

Within about twenty minutes the nausea subsided somewhat, and I then turned to alleviating the headache. For only the second time, I took two T3's at the same time. An hour later, after having had a little food (and the headache retreating), I was asleep. When I awoke six hours later, the headache had gone down to an 8, and the nausea was now merely intense.

The vertigo continued all evening at nearly the same level as earlier, so I lay and sat around a lot. I ate very little for the rest of the "day," and had to take more anti-emetic and T3 to keep the symptoms in check.

Saturday was better; but not much. The only real difference the whole day was that the nausea never intensified as it had the previous day. The rest of my symptomology was present throughout including increased edema in my legs. I ate all of a whopping cup and a half of food, plus only about 48 oz of liquids.

Today was better, but by no means even a good day. While the nausea has been decreased, the headache has not; running at about an 8.5 all day. The vertigo has been better, but was still affecting everything I did. I think I had my hands on walls, counters, etc today more than I have at any other time. My appetite continues to be abysmal. The liquid intake, too. And in spite of limited liquids, the edema is increased today. Plus, I noticed this afternoon that the skin on my feet is drying out. I'll treat this with the same lotion I'm using on my chin.

Finally, this evening I began to get that really blah feeling coming over my body. I've been feeling exhausted all day, and it doesn't seem to be letting up at all. We'll see if it affects me tomorrow as well.

In spite of all of this, I am still getting at least some housework done every day; though the amount is reduced from what I was doing just one month ago. This is also true of my work on the computer. I'm rarely doing my other blogs; and doing research feels overwhelming, instead of exciting like it used to be. Where before the disease onset I'd be like, "More information! More studying!"; now it's more like, "I can't process anything." This is very frustrating for me.

But, I strive every day to keep my mind positive and forward-thinking. My subconscious seems to be back on track with sorting everything out. I am in control of everything in my dreams once again. Also, I have zero thoughts of self-pity, remorse, distress, etc. Going there would only enslave me to the dark, depressing thoughts that I clearly want to avoid. This whole thing is just something I have to endure and come out the other side a better person than when it all started. I've already learned so much about myself (and others); but I still have so much more to learn. So, Positivity is the word of the year!

Let's have a great week!

Good Health to All!


Ps-Because of the intensifying of all of my symptoms, I have decided against traveling for my dad's funeral. After what happened following just an hour and a half in the car, I just don't want to risk the consequences extended travel would subject my body to.

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