Monday, September 16, 2013

16 September 2013

Let's get started...

Dialysis Weights:

10 Sep 13
Starting Weight:  107.5 Kg
Ending Weight:  104.2 Kg
Water Removed:  3.30 Kg

12 Sep 13
Starting Weight:  106.3 Kg
Ending Weight:  103.7 Kg
Water Removed:  2.60 Kg

14 Sep 13
Starting Weight:  105.4 Kg
Ending Weight:  104.1 Kg
Water Removed:  1.30 Kg

As the week progressed, how I was feeling because of the dental work done on the 11th is clearly shown as my top weights dropped on both Thursday and Saturday. I also gave back nearly half a kg too much on Thursday's Tx. That was a surprise as I haven't given back too much since March, or so.

Speaking of how I was feeling...

My headache exploded on Thursday, as I expected, from the stress on my jaw during the extraction. I was NOT a happy camper!  :-(
As expected, my mouth was quite tender--and still is somewhat. I ate and drank very little both Thursday and Friday; but began eating better on Saturday. As of this morning, my appetite is pretty much normal, though I am still having to chew on one side of my mouth far more than on the other.
However, the tenderness is reduced, the bleeding has stopped entirely, the gums are closing over the  space where my #29 tooth formerly sat, and I am brushing my teeth only with a manual toothbrush at this point.
I fully expect the tenderness to be gone within a few more days.
As for the filling I had done, I am already used to it being there, and there is only a slight sensitivity to cold.
Next up...4 or 5 filling this coming Wednesday...

Now, as far as everything else, let's start with how I've been feeling--aside from the dental pain, that is.  :-l

Friday was a very bad day. I felt really lousy. It was one of those days that wasn't about nausea; it was just about feeling really terrible all over. This, on top of the dental pain just led me to having what was probably one of my worst days yet.

I've had only one night that I awoke with nausea, and that was just this last night. It never got too severe, and I was able to get back to sleep without having to use the anti-emetic, which was really nice.

My sleep has been long, again. My dialysis impacted days are averaging about 17 hours total sleep; and my one normal day of sleeping (Sunday night) I got over ten hours. Plus, I have been falling asleep at my computer, while watching TV, or while trying to read. And when I'm awake, I am feeling more exhausted than ever. I knew this was going to happen; but I still don't like it. Only a little longer until the kidneys are out...

The bilateral flank pain goes up and down, and intensifies at varying points of my back, depending on where the larger cysts are growing. I know that my sleep is being affected, which is one reason why my exhaustion is increasing. Anyhow, the pain is there 24/7 without any break.

The headache is still affected by the tooth extraction. My jaw is tender in the R ball joint, and the normal clicks are louder than usual. I can't yet wear my NTI devices at night until the gums stop being sensitive; so, the headache must reduce on its own. Ah...the memories this brings of uncontrolled headaches...what joy!  ;-)
Anyway, because of the TMD impact, I don't know where my ongoing headache stands. In any case, it is now at 46 months long. Woo-Hoo!

I am still producing a fair amount of urine every day. Granted, I have seen overall significant decreases in urine production; but the fact I am still producing at this point is nice. As long as I have my kidneys, I will be grateful for whatever production they are able to attain.

That's all I can think of for today.

I will give you a report on my next dental appointment this Wednesday.
Until then...

Good Health to All!


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