Tuesday, June 5, 2012

05 June 2012

I know that I promised this update yesterday afternoon, so please accept my apologies if you have been trying to read the latest news. You will understand why in a moment.

Out of all of my labs that were done on Friday, there are only two numbers I am going to concentrate on today.



In the last two months I have declined a significant 2.70% function, and am now sitting at 14.90% total renal function.

Not only did I drop to dialysis level, I dropped to transplant level, as well...in one fell swoop! Suddenly the game changes.

I will tell you that I was quite taken aback by the sudden development. I was not expecting this today. I was actually expecting a mild drop...if any drop at all. So, I was unprepared when, after greeting me, the doctor asked, "Do you think you are feeling bad enough to start dialysis?" 'What?' (Seriously...I asked that!)

My nephrologist strongly recommended I start dialysis this coming Thursday because of the numbers, and because of how I have been feeling the last month plus. Unfortunately, I cannot start that yet because I need to wrangle some financials that will help me cover the 20% that Medicare does not. Plus, I need to apply for the Medicare Drug plan because the meds associated with dialysis can start at $600+/month. So, a little phone calling and insurance tag to play before I can actually start.

In the mean time, I had more blood drawn today for a HepC (Hepatitis C) Panel that is required before dialysis. Plus, I got a chest xray* done so the docs can look for any chest congestion which might compromise me to start the treatment.

So, that's the BIG news!

I came home today and was asleep within minutes, and stayed that way for over four hours. On waking I felt as if I were in a bit of a fog as my brain has been trying to process this sudden change in everything. I am better now, and at least able to write the news.

Let's go over the remainder of the labs now. I will write comparison numbers from April's labs as well so you can see the changes that have happened in two months. (*Red numbers are abnormal readings. **NR=Normal Range)

Glomelular Filtration Rate (GFR) 14.90%                April 2012: 17.6%

Blood Urea Nitrogen (BUN)          43.0  (NR 5-26)    April 2012: 40

Serum Creatinine                        4.50  (NR 0.5-1.5)  April 2012: 3.90

Glucose                                      103  (NR 65-109)   April 2012: 101

Phosphorous                               4.1  (NR 2.5-4.5)  April 2012: 3.5
  *I will have to start watching phosphorous while on dialysis.

Sodium (NA+) and Potassium (K+) both within NR and nearly identical to April.

White Blood Cells (WBC) 4.20  (NR 4.50-11.0)      April 2012: 5.06

Red Blood Cells (RBC)  4.03  (NR 4.7-6.1)            April 2012: 4.19

Monocytes%, Lymphocytes#, Eosinophils% and Basophils% all abnormal by moderate to severe rates.

Hematacrit (HCT)  33.4  (NR 42-52)                    April 2012: 33.6

Hemoglobin (HGB)  11.6  (NR 14-18)                   April 2012: 11.9

Parathyroid Hormone (PTH)  75.3 pg/ml  (NR 12-88)  April 2012: 90.4

Lipids all look good.

Vitamin D  (Vit D, 25-OH)  38.3  (NR 32-100)

Weight 235    April 2012: 243  (-8 lbs)

That's all of the relevant numbers. When I start dialysis I will have more numbers to watch, more meds to take, and various related things to look for that I currently know absolutely nothing about.

So, it is on to the next phase. I will keep you up to date on everything that happens, all the decisions to be made, all the tests to be run, etc.

Let's continue on this journey together.

Good Health to All!


*On the chest xray I learned something unexpected about myself. I had to actually get two xrays done (different views) because my lungs are too wide (side to side) to fit onto a single xray pic. This means I have larger capacity lungs than the normal adult male.
I asked if this might be due to the fact I have exercised nearly my entire life, and was told, "Aside from any genetic propensities, a lifetime of exercising will absolutely cause you to have larger lungs."  I never knew that about myself.  Kinda Cool!  :o) 

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