Tuesday, December 27, 2011

27 December 2011

I know it's been a lot of days since my last entry, but with Christmas coming and going--and all the busyness involved with the holiday--taking the time to write on here has slipped away rather speedily. So, let's get started...

I got over the disappointment I had over the lack of progress [towards dialysis] within a day or two. I just had to process the information, and get myself a little busier to get it off my mind. So, it's all good now.

My Christmas was awesome! I enjoyed getting prepared, prepping and eating food and playing with my grandkids. Unlike Thanksgiving, I didn't feel lousy when I ate and actually enjoyed the culinary delights!

Things health-wise have been not so good. To begin with, I've had to take promethazine nearly every day since my last blog; sometimes more than one partial dose in a day. Plus, most times I eat I've gotten nauseated after just a few bites and need to stop. I've actually pushed myself to eat just to get food in my body, then wait for the nausea to pass.

My sleep has been poor, at best. A lot of my dreams have revolved around my losing control and being at the whim of others. Additionally, the sleep itself has been extremely restless; both things that leave me utterly exhausted mentally and physically. I spend many days in a bit of a fog, and fall asleep within seconds. In fact, I had started this blog earlier today, got sleepy really fast, then slept for 3.5 hours.

As of today I have had at least one episode of diarrhea for thirteen straight days. I don't know why because, aside from Christmas day, my diet and total intake has not changed from what I've been doing these many months. One or two doses of Imodium have taken care of the issue.

My fluid intake has remained consistent--not much variation either way. Edema has been only a minor problem; and has been slightly moderate every day. No big edemic increases, no big urinary drains...just nice and steady. Speaking of urine, this too has been consistent in flow, volume and characteristics.

Because of the sleep issues my energy level has been awful. I get a few minutes work done then have to sit down. Then, I get less work done and sit for longer, etc, until I can't physically do any more. The lack of overally work I get completed is less than normal.

The bilateral flank pain has been up and down in intensity. No consistency on this one way or the other.

The headache has been terrible nearly every day. On average, it has been hitting a solid 9.5, and is only just under control. Many days I have taken a T3 only to have to take another just to break through the pain. I have used the TMD devices just to address the possibility of TMD involvement. However, nothing eliminates the headache; and the meds only barely reduce the pain level.

I've been having what has seemed to be increased vertigo and general dizziness. For instance, I was watching TV yesterday, glanced away, and found the room spinning and wobbling. Eyes open or shut, the vertigo wouldn't go away for about five minutes. Plus, I've lost my balance numerous times when out and about with Christmas shopping. Luckily, my cane kept me vertical. This increase of vertigo and dizziness has been going on both inside the house and outside.

That's all I can think of. I know I'm missing a few things I wanted to mention...I just can't remember right now.

With the New Year holiday later this week I may again have a lag in my next entry. So anticipating that, I hope that you, my readers, have a fun, safe and memorable New Years celebration. May 2012 be a year that finds each of you healthy, happy and content.



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