Thursday, January 5, 2012

05 January 2012

Welcome to 2012!

Just like my last entry [post Christmas], it's been too long since I last wrote; so let's get going...

Increased and sustained nausea has been an issue. I am still getting sick every time I eat; but what has increased is the incidences of nausea hitting me out of nowhere. I have continued to take at least a small dose of Promethazine every day. I have also been taking other small doses daily as the nausea dictates. Luckily I am keeping it under control, so emesis is not a strong possibility. However, the increased usage of the anti-emetic has left me groggier and more blah than usual (which has been part of why this entry has taken so long to start).

My sleep continues to literally be all over the place. I haven gotten any consistent sleep hours in weeks, and my daily naps have also been varying in number, length and quality. On average, I've been getting total sleep of about 11.5-13 hours of sleep per day...and still feeling exhausted when I am awake.

My dreams continue to revolve around control. Most times I end up having no control of my dreams. The difference now is that I no longer fear the loss of control over my subconscious like I did only recently. I have come to accept that my mind is only trying to sort everything out; and the stress of so many unknowns on my subconscious mind will take its toll. I have only to weather that process, and keep myself on as even a keel as possible. I still work every day to keep my mind in a good place, but this personal observation has made that task a little easier.

The bilateral flank pain has been up and down. When it flares up, it stays for days without relief. When it is reduced, I enjoy the I am today.

The headache and its ever-present and very intense pain continues on uninterrupted. Let's's now at 25.5 months in duration, and counting. The only good news on this front is that it has actually reduced its average pain level to a wholly refreshing 7.5-8.0 with intermittent (and unpredictable) flareups. I'll definitely take the "break."

The period of my daily diarrhea episodes seems to be over. I don't recall when it started, but it ended a couple of days ago. I am very glad for this improvement.

Edema has been up and down. It is never gone from either my hands or my feet these days; it just varies as to how much water is being retained in the tissues. I did observe something interesting last weekend. On Sunday I was ridiculously thirsty all day. No matter how much I drank, I was still wanting more. Of course, the more I drank, the greater the edema became. Still, I would have expected the opposite to occur--you know, increased edema and no craving for liquids; or, decreased edema and increased craving for liquids--but this was not the case. Then, my urinary output was no greater than usual. Interesting.

And speaking of urinary output, this too has been fairly consistent in volume, color and other characteristics. There still is no overt evidence of blood in my urine, nor have I had any indication of kidney stone development.

Vertigo remains a daily issue. I now haven't driven a car in over a year because of its prevalence. No sense in risking an accident due to sudden spinning or general dizziness. My use of a cane when outside the home still saves me from ground level falls with increasing frequency. Inside the home, I am grabbing doors, counters and walls to steady myself more and more. My family has noticed this, too. I still am not sure if the vertigo is the result of the disease, the meds, or a combination of both. I am only trying to deal with it as best I can. The worst part of the vertigo is when I have it in my dreams--a thing which has happened numerous times the last few weeks. I awaken to a spinning room, and with intense nausea. It is not a fun thing to awaken to.

That's all I can think of today. My next entry will not be so many days later.

Good Health to You All in 2012!


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