Monday, February 21, 2011

21 Feb. 2011

It's now been four days since I ate a meal.

Besides a few snacks and liquids, that's quite literally the truth of the matter. For the most part I haven't been hungry. As a result, my daily food intake has plummeted to about a single cup. No kidding. Even most of my usual snacks are completely unappetizing. I don't know why this sudden change has occured; but I will be telling my doc about it this Thursday at my next appointment.

Speaking of that, I'll be doing my usual blood draw tomorrow. I usually get it done a week out, but because of how I've been feeling I haven't gotten to the lab.

The ammonia smell has been terrible.

My headache is at a constant 9.5. I'm sure part of it is my lack of food intake. Plus, my sleep continues to be fitful, at best; and my naps are completely unrestful. It all combines to increase my headache to its current level.

I continue to be without energy. The exhaustion is so overpowering. I am doing my best to get through from day to day. My body is just dragging. Meanwhile, though I am sleepy all of the time, my mind remains in a good place--at least THAT hasn't changed! I am so thankful that this struggle continues to be physical; I really do need my mental resolve throughout each day.

I still am awaiting word of the fistula surgery scheduling. I don't know what the holdup is; I'm trying to be patient about it; but time is getting on and I really need that procedure.

I've been given a new thing to do every day. I mentioned in November that my father died. As part of his estate gift to me, I received numerous pictures that I can now scan into my computer, fix up, label, etc. This little project will take me quite a while--depending on how I feel from day to day. I'me very much enjoying working on the pics!

That's about all I've got for now. I know I had something else to say, but...
(well, you know how my brain is right now...)

Good Health to All!


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