Tuesday, October 5, 2010

05 Oct. 2010

It's been a week since I last wrote? Wow.

Well, what to tell you today....

Let's start with today. I awoke after having 5.5 hours of sleep, and just felt off all day. My headache has been at an 8 all day; No relief. At about 730p I started feeling awful. I'm talking nauseated, the headache, all over body aches, a complete feeling of physical exhaustion. This all (except the headache) came on within just a few minutes. I laid down for well over an hour just hoping that this would pass. I finally fell asleep, and stayed there for four more hours. Upon awaking, the nausea was less, the headache less, and the body aches were lessened as well. I', still feeling exhausted, but also to a lesser degree. Feeling like this is a first for me. (And I really don't want to feel like it again!)

The rest of my days since the last entry have been a mix of all the usual S/S's. The headache has continued its elevated intensity with no clear reason as to why. The malaise I've been feeling so strongly is refusing to go away; and the instances of vertigo have stayed above normal. My appetite has been abysmal over the last week. I'm eating far less than normal, and am not getting he least bit hungry. I am trying to get liquids down so that I'm staying hydrated; but I can still go hours without even thinking about needing a drink of anything--and that's with having a water bottle within sight and arms reach just about all of the time!

I don't know why the sudden uptick in all of my S/S's, but I'll definitely be asking my doc about it when I see him on the 18th. In spite of all of this, I continue to try every day to keep my mind on solid ground. I've undoubtedly slipped a bit since all of the increases; but I try nevertheless.

That's about all the energy I've got for this entry. Let's have better days ahead!

Good Health to All!


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