Friday, August 3, 2012


This is the result of now two needle infiltrations of my fistula during dialysis...

And just in case you are wondering, Yes, it hurts as bad as it looks!

This latest infiltration happened during yesterday's treatment. I moved my arm slightly to try and adjust my blanket and felt the needle go right through the fistula wall. I immediately told a nurse who then proceeded to attempt to re-place the canulation properly, but without success. She consulted the charge nurse, and it was decided to discontinue the dialysis and give my arm a break.
Total time of dialysis yesterday was 2.5 hours (out of 4.0). Of the 2.5 kg's of water weight we set out to take, we got a total of 1.5 kg's. With another session of dialysis tomorrow, I am not looking forward to the canulations of either needle.  :o(

In the mean time, I have been keeping ice on it, and moving it as much as I can stand before the pain is too great. 

The contusion goes from above my elbow all the way to my fingers, and affects the entire lower arm wither either the bruising, or edema from the infiltrations. Bending the arm is painful, as is lifting and holding anything. Resting anything against the arm is also out of the question.

If this should happen to you, notify your nurse immediately! The longer you wait, the greater the damage to the arm. So if you think that you should be courageous rather than say something, you'd better think again and call for a nurse immediately!

Good Health to All!


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