Friday, August 10, 2012

10 August 2012

Well, I am clear I thought I would try and update things.

Dialysis is going well, I guess.
So far we have removed and average of about 2.25 kg's of water per session. Some of that was retained prior to the session, and some of that is what is still being released by my body.
My fistula arm continues to heal. Here are two of the latest pics of my L lower arm:

(Today, 10 Aug. 2012 following dialysis)

(09 Aug 2012)

As you can see, the bruising has become more obvious and colorful. What you don't see in these pics is that the bruising is almost entirely around the arm; and, it is really tender to any touch. For now, I am getting lidocane injections prior to both canulations for dialysis. Plus, I cannot leave my arm in one position for long because of the pain of resting it in any one position. The good thing is, that the arm has begun to heal.
I know it doesn't appear that way, but the infiltration areas are no longer hard, and the overall tenderness of the lower arm has reduced somewhat. Let's hope I don't have another infiltration anytime soon; I don't think my arm could take it.

On the subject of dialysis, the distal (lower on the arm) button hole has been established. The proximal (higher on the arm) button hole has not. That's the one we're having so many issues with. We had a nice stick today, and the heading of the needle was marked with a pen. Hopefully, we'll be using the same on from now on.

Also on the subject of dialysis, I want to try to remember to note the total Kg's of fluid removed every session. This will be a work in progress as I never know how I will be feeling from day to day. Let's start with today...
-Starting Weight: 106.2 Kg's
-Fluid Removed: 3.4 Kg's.
-End Weight: 102.8 Kg's.    

*For those of you who may not know, 1 Kg = 2.20 Lbs. So, 100 Kg = 220 Lbs.

On the days when a lot of water is removed (like today), my body has a hard time. Lots of aching throughout my body all day, and lots of near cramping in most muscle groups. I feel completely wiped out, both mentally and physically. My post-dialysis naps are averaging a solid five hours. In spite of that much sleep, I am still going back to sleep by about 1230a, and getting another seven to eight hours at night.

One of the great things happening with dialysis so far is the lowering of my blood pressure. Today, my end session standing BP was 101/72.
I have an appointment with my nephrologist on Monday and am hoping to get rid of another med. That would make three meds...assuming I can do so. The Bumex (diuretic) is gone, as is the Zemplar
(for the parathyroid hormone levels). I will certainly let you know.

I have an ultrasound tomorrow to check on how my kidneys are looking. With my blateral flank pain worse than ever, my doc wants to see how the cysts look. If needed, we will have any abnormally large cysts drained with a needle puncture and syringe. The smaller cysts should drain via the dialysis treatments. If the kidneys continue to cause issues, when transplant time comes, both kidneys will likely be removed [rather than leaving them in place].

That's all I can remember today. I have lots of info coming at me; but with being as exhausted as I am, remembering things doesn't always happen. I will try to do better with my entries so that you get all of this vital information and personal impressions.

Good Health to All!


1 comment:

  1. Hi Scott,

    My name is Denyce. I was looking up on the button-hole technique for dialysis when I came across a picture of your bruised arm. It looked familiar to me because I have similar pictures! :) I am also a dialysis patient. This is my 12th year. My first 11 years were peritoneal dialysis. I was advised to switch to HD two years when I did a keyhole surgery to remove my uterus.

    Anyway, to cut the story short, I just want to say I am glad to find your blog. Take care! :)

