Monday, February 13, 2012

13 February 2012

Let's start today's entry talking about the headache. Why? Because it has been nastier than anything else the last number of days. My T3 usage is currently averaging 5.25/day in order to counter my headache ranging between 9.5-10. I could actually be taking more T3's than I do, and still be within the Rx range.

I start taking the Zemplar today [for the increased PTH level]. Hopefully I'll not have any side effects other than reducing the cardiac palpitations I've been experiencing.

My sleep has been all usual. For instance, a few days ago I slept a good seven hours, was awake for five hours, then napped for four more hours. That night I still slept for 9.5 hours!

The flank pain continues its consistent nature. Still no spikes in pain levels, and I've actually had no positional pains while sitting. The flank pain is just there. A nice, albeit temporary, reprieve.

My appetite has been unsteady lately. I've not been snacking much, and my food intake has ranged between .75 cups-1.5 cups/day. Part of this is because most foods continue to be unappealing. I taste very little of the foods, and rarely smell them either. Plus, most "meals" I eat cause lots of nausea either while eating, or about five minutes after I'm done. Throw in constantly feeling ill and...voila! Poor appetite.

Speaking of feeling ill...LOTS! Yuck, yuck, yuck! When that feeling is coupled with nausea, I really struggle mentally simply because I feel terrible for hours on end. I have to consciously decide to get myself active (as much as I can), and to keep my mind in a good place. Luckily, I am still able to do these things, and I can lift my mental burden out of the danger zone which leads to depression. I will admit that there are times when I struggle that things are harder than ever. I'm certainly not immune from that. However, I continue to see positive results from my efforts every day to keep my mind in a place of positivity and strength; to laugh often, and smile as much as I can. If not for this ability, I would have likely passed into depression some time ago.

I learned on Friday that the Medicare I will have will be for all possible care. This includes Clinical, hospital, dental, and Rx. During my doctor visit last week I was given a list of specialists to see that will get me on my way to the pre-transplant work-ups. I'll schedule these for March or April.

here was one or two more things I wanted to mention but as usual, they have slipped my mind. So, until next time...

Good Health to All!


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