Wednesday, February 8, 2012

08 February 2012

Alright, here's the latest news concerning the disease...

Nearly identical to the last two times! (In other movement in the direction we want.)

The two main differences:
   1) My total kidney function rose for the second time in a row to 18.7% (+.5)
   2) My PTH (Parathyroid Hormone) rose to 1.85% (+.60)

The GFR--or, kidney function--is the highest it has been since last February (2011). As I've stated before, this upward movement will happen for no apparent reason. In fact, it's happened to me a few times previous to this latest rise.

The PTH level has my doctor concerned. The normal range for PTH is .80-1.10. Last visit I had a 1.25%, and now a 1.85%. This high level can cause what is known as Hypercalcemia--or, way too much calcium in your body. When this happens you might experience Arrythmias (heart palpitations, murmurs, etc), which I have already experienced numerous times, increased incidences of Kidney Stones, Nervous System issues, and become at increased risk of Osteoporosis in which your bones actually release too much calcium and become brittle, leading to easily broken bones throughout the body.

So, my doctor prescribed Zemplar (Paricalcitol), 1 McG (Microgram) 3x's/week. This med will help in reducing the blood calcium levels and restoring the PTH to its normal parameters. Side effects include loss of concentration, and other similar neurological signs.

My weight was also nearly identical at 241 pounds (+1 lb of water weight). I've decided to alter my weight reading for my blog because I have five pounds of titanium on my lower spine. So, my actual body weight is 236 lbs.

So, no obvious movement in the desired direction. Oh well. I know that things will end up where we need; it's just a matter of time.  Two months until my next visit.

If you have any questions, please ask me through the comment section under any post, and I will answer via the same.

Good Health to All!


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