Saturday, September 19, 2020

Post-Transplant Rejection Update: 19 September 2020

 I had a hectic week, so let's get to this...

Monday, 14 Sept, I went in for my scheduled cardiac P.E.T. Test (Positron Emission Tomography) at 945a. I was cannulated in my L arm, taken to the scanning room, then placed on the table with my arms above my head. The scanner first took a series of pictures for a baseline. Then, I was given 'radioactive tracer' that increases your heart rate so that the scanner can examine your heart and blood flow under stress. Both the first and second series of scan lasted seven minutes. The hardest part of this test was keeping as still as possible in an uncomfortable position.

The last time I did this test was a day after leaving the hospital for my Renal Occlusion. I was still healing from the transplant, had zero cardiovascular ability due to years of declining health, and had undergone a score of some very painful tests {in hospital} the previous week.  As a result, that test was far more difficult because 1) I was already in a lot of pain, and had a bad headache on top of that.     2) Because of my non-existent CV shape, I had an extremely difficult time controlling my breathing so that I felt like I could hardly breathe. Those seven minutes were brutal!

This time around, after that med was injected, I could feel my heart rate increase, but I was easily able to control my breathing, and the time passed quickly with no distress on my part. I didn't realize this until after the test was over, and knew that my walking better and working out helped me to gain back some of my cardiovascular strength. 

Following the test you are given a can of Coke (or some other caffeinated beverage) because the caffeine helps to counteract the tracer; plus a snack, as well. The only real side effect of this test is that is gives me a massive headache that hit suddenly, and stay for hours. So, I spent the remainder of the day recovering.

Tuesday was labs, followed by Chiropractic (with acupuncture). The remainder of the day was shopping for supplies and misc. errands. As far as the acupuncture, there is now steady progress in healing the Neuropathy in my feet. I am now feeling textures through my feet, variations in floor temperature, and, when walking at a park yesterday I was walking barefoot (as normal) to feel the coolness and softness of the grass. I came upon a path to cross over that had some gravel, twigs, etc on it. I started across without thinking and suddenly realized that the things I was stepping on actually hurt my feet! This is HUGE! I haven't felt something like that in about eight years now! IF all goes well, and I can continue getting the acupuncture done twice each week, I may just end up back in shoes by next Spring or Summer. (Crossing my fingers!)

15 Sept 20 Labs

*Creat:   4.08 (+0.48)

*HCT:   32.4 (-0.4) Low

*Hemo:   10.4 (+0.2) Borderline Low

*Lymph:   6.0 (-0.8) Extremely Low

*Lymph ABS:   0.5 (NC) Very Low

*RBC:   3.57 (NC) Extremely Low

*WBC:   7.8 (+0.8) IR

*BUN:   58 (+1) Extremely High

*CA:   9.8 (NC) IR

*GFR:   15 (-3) Extremely Low

*Gluc: 109

*K+:   3.9 (-0.2) IR

*NA+: 138 (-1) IR

*MG:   2.1 (-0.1) IR

*Phos:   4.8 (+0.6) IR

*Prot:   6.0 (-0.1) IR

*Ketones:   Negative

*Parathyroid Hormone--PTH:   34 (Last was 108 in March 2020)

               NC= No Change          IR= In Range

These labs are becoming normal; which is terrible on some, good on others. There really isn't anything outstanding--or surprising--to discuss.

I am now including Ketones from the Urinalysis. Ketones in urine are key indicators of Diabetes, so this is measured every time as Renal failure can cause Diabetes. As to what that cause and effect is, I do not know. I will do some research to explain it on an upcoming entry.

Also, I will no longer report the Neutrophil results because, with the Transplant rejecting, these values are no longer relevant enough for me to include them here.

Lastly, my Parathyroid surgeon ordered a six-month PTH test. This number fell drastically from my previous test, and is in fantastic shape! Our efforts with daily Calcium intake is working excellently.

Next, on Wednesday I received a call from the Radiology lab where I did the PET test. Apparently, the imaging software that compensates for normal breathing motions was not working properly, so I had to reschedule the test for this upcoming Thursday, 24 September. (Yipee!)  :o)

Also that day, it was a long day of grocery shopping, followed by lugging it all upstairs, and getting it put away. On top of that, the day was hot (which my kidney does not like), and the A/C in our car is out, so I was in heat most of the day. I was drained when all was said and done.

On Thursday, I had an appointment at the Kidney Clinic. There, I finally heard a good explanation of just why my kidney is not working well with my body. The doctors have finally figured out that the "Ejection Factor" of my heart, and its ability to properly perfuse the kidney is too low. A normal Ejection Factor is somewhere between 65-80. Mine is around 50. This lack of blood flow is apparently causing all of the issues.

Luckily, it CAN be corrected by weight loss and exercise; two things I am already working on. In essence, the greater the body mass, the lower the Ejection Factor of the hearty. Hence, the lower the body mass, the better the perfusion of the body; and particularly for me, the kidney. If I can improve the Ejection Factor of my heart, my next Transplant should last longer.

Then yesterday, I helped with more errands that took most of the day--again, in a hot car--which left me drained. The whole week was far too busy, and my body is actually aching from the busy week. I am better today, but still tired. Another day should be enough to get me going again.

On the headache front, I am still getting slow improvements from the acupuncture. Most daytimes I am taking only Excedrin--or none at all--but as night comes on, the headaches start ramping up from a day of stressing the jaw through normal everyday activity. I usually have to take a T3 in the evening, but not always in the middle of the night. In fact, over the last four nights I have gone all night without any additional meds. These breaks from the TMD headaches are not consistent, nor predictable, but every time I catch even a half day headache free, is a wonderful thing!    Progress!

My energy has been like a sea tide...waning and waxing. With my RBC's down, this is no surprise. I conserve my energy for cooking, as well as household chores. Every passing day seems to bring a little more fatigue that I must fight through to stay active and productive.

As of now, I have no sustained Peripheral Edema. To prevent this in my legs I am keeping them elevated at every opportunity. My weight has remained hovering between 119.5 Kg and 120.5 Kg. Because of my hectic week, I have not worked out in about seven days. IF I feel up to it, I will do my exercises tomorrow.

So, I'll leave things there. This coming week I have two Chiropractic/Acupuncture visits, as well as the PET retest on Thursday.

Until next time,

Good Health to All!


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