Tuesday, September 8, 2020

Post-Transplant Rejection Update: 08 September 2020

 I know that I missed getting this entry done last week, but once I explain why, you'll understand.

Two weeks ago was uneventful, aside from my twice-per-week chiropractic adjustment and acupuncture. My headaches were pretty much status quo.

Last week started with a visit with my local Nephrologist. We discussed everything that the Kidney Clinic is doing, and how that ties into his efforts on my part, and when to expect to take over my care full-time [as per Clinic instructions]. Also, upon seeing my daily vitals sheet, he increased my Clonidine intake from 0.1 mg 3x/day to 0.2 mg 3x/day, and put me back on Sodium Bicarbonate tablets to help reduce acid imbalances in my stomach which might cause any increasing nausea.           I'm taking two 325 mg tablets twice each day. We also discussed upcoming dialysis, my peripheral access, needed med refills etc. 

Finally, I asked about the possibility of have a 'port' installed for better, more reliable vascular access. My doctor explained the placement of ports ( on the       R upper chest with the line going to the L Carotid), as well as the risk of infections, risks of damage to the port, etc. After his thorough explanation, I decided against getting a port.

It was a good visit, and we have a good plan moving ahead.

Part of that plan is to contact my Vascular Surgeon to have my still-working Loop Graft looked at to determine if it can be salvaged, or whether a new one is needed. The only option that my Nephrologist is aware of that could save the Loop Graft is by ballooning it, much like an artery would be opened. We'll just see...

Now, the reason I am so delayed in getting this entry written.

I have been on the higher dose of Clonidine (0.2 mg) before; but it has been a long while. When I started back on the higher dose, I was hit with excessive sleepiness. I remembered that Clonidine itself can cause sleepiness; but when I was on it before, my body was adjusted to the med. So, I spent all of last week (Mon. evening through Saturday afternoon) sleeping a lot! More so on Tuesday, Wednesday and Thursday; but by Friday, the sleepiness was markedly decreased. As of this writing, I am still getting tired from the med, but for the most part, I am carrying on as usual.

Also because of the sleepiness, I did not work out at all last week. I simply did not have the energy. Then yesterday, I noticed that the big toe on my L foot was swollen and red. I hadn't hit it on anything, dropped anything on it or caused any other type of trauma that would make it swell up and become sore. Plus, I started seeing some weeping of clear fluid from beside the outer part of the toenail. So, I've been soaking my foot in an Epsom salt bath two times each day, and covering the toe at night with a loose gauze bandage. If the toe is not markedly better within a few more days, I will go see a doctor about it. 

My weight has been fairly consistent; currently hovering between 119.6 Kgs and 120.5 kgs. For now, my kidney is excreting all of the fluids I take in every day. I don't know how much longer this will last, but I'll gladly take however long the kidney holds on.

The acupuncture is making more headway with the neuropathy in my feet. I noticed late last week that I now have areas on the bottom of my R foot that I can actually feel for the first time since about 2013. These areas are around the front of the ball of the foot, the underside of the R edge of the foot, and underneath several toes.  Though progress in healing is slow, I am regaining feeling in both feet, and reducing the burning sensation.

Plus, when the doctor is putting in the needles on my feet, there are now locations that actually hurt slightly when the needles are inserted. This is a great sign that the nerves are finally healing!

Next, my latest labs...

01 Sept 20 Labs:

*Creat:   3.60

*HCT:   32.8 (-1.9) Low

*Hemo:   10.2 (-0.5) Low

*Lymph:   6.8 (-1.3) Extremely Low

*Lymph ABS:   0.5 (-0.1) Very Low

*Neut:   75.5 (+0.3) High

*Neut ABS:   5.3 (NC) IR

*RBC:   3.57 (-0.22) Extremely Low

*WBC:   7.0 (-0.7) IR

*BUN:   57 (+10) Extremely High

*CA:   9.0 (NC) IR

*GFR:   18 (NC) Extremely Low

*Gluc:   112

*K+:   4.1 (+0.3) IR

*NA+:   139 (+1) IR

*MG:   2.2 (-0.1) IR

*Phos:   4.2 (+0.6) IR

*Prot:   6.9 (-0.2) IR

            NC= No Change         IR= In Range

With my labs ranging from great to terrible, I will probably now focus only on a few key results.

First, the electrolytes. Highlighted in blue, these are highly important as I move forward. They tell me how well the kidney is maintaining the proper water/electrolyte balance in my body.  As of now, these all look great!

Second, all things pertaining to Red Blood Cells. All of these results are down; the RBC's significantly lower. If this continues, I can foresee another Aranesp shot in my future.

Lastly, my immune system continues to struggle; which makes what is happening with my toe so concerning. Any infection could spread rapidly, which is why I am paying attention to it all day.  

All of the other labs show now usual results.

Also last Tuesday was my latest infusion of Belatacept. Aside from a good bruise on my L arm, the infusion went off without a hitch. And, September sees my having two infusions, as the next one is scheduled for the 29th.

I am going to end this entry here. That Clonidine is kicking in and my brain is starting to feel tired.

The only upcoming appointments I have right now, is at the Kidney Clinic on the 17th.  Plus, my next round of labs are next Tuesday.

Until the next time...

Good Health to All!


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