Sunday, May 10, 2020

Post-Transplant Update: 10 May 2020

My body is finally done recovering from the biopsy.

Prior to the test I had called the Radiology nurses station to arrange for both Zofran and Morphine should I need them following the biopsy. I did this because of past experiences with this test, and the usual extended time frames for getting in, and then post. This way, in the event of severe nausea or a raging headache, I wouldn't have to wait for a doctor to be contacted, the order written, and then the meds made available...all while I was miserable for an hour or more.

I was scheduled to arrive at the hospital at 730a (on Thursday). Because of the whole pandemic, my wife was not allowed in the hospital; which is another reason I set up those meds ahead of time as she is my healthcare advocate when I am recovering a/o on pain meds.
The check-in went smoothly, and I had a couple of blood draws for labs, and for the clotting factor test. As is usual, the IV placement needed ultrasound assist. Luckily, the IV remained patent throughout the day.
I was taken for the biopsy at 1030a--sooner than I expected!--and the tissue extraction went on without any issues, and zero untoward side effects. The first two samples taken were given the thumbs up by the hospital lab, so the procedure was wrapped up. In all, I was back in the recovery room within forty five minutes.

As is usual with a renal biopsy, you must lay flat for one hour, then remain in bed for at least three more. This is necessary to prevent bleeding from the insertion site, as well as from the kidney. That first hour was easy as I slept right through it because of the pain meds given during the procedure. After that, I ate a small lunch, then grabbed my tablet and watched a couple of movies to pass the time.

During those recovery hours I had no nausea--which was great!--but my head was another matter. It reached a solid 10, and I requested the MS for the pain, which was given. It was wonderful NOT having to wait a long time for headache relief! Though the pain med did not completely remove my headache, it reduced the pain to a very tolerable 5.

Once the recovery time was concluded, the nurses called my wife and I packed up and was escorted to my waiting car.

The next two days were nothing but recovery as my entire abdomen was extremely sore. 
I hate just laying around, but that was really all I could do. I awoke this morning still sore, but feeling much better. I should be fully recovered within the next day or two.

Before starting this entry I looked for any results of the biopsy, including a pathology report; but there was nothing. I may not know the results for another couple of days. The Transplant Clinic should be calling for an appointment this week to discuss where we go from here.

I also have my monthly infusion of Belatacept on Tuesday.

That is really all I have for now.

When I know more, I will post it.

Until then, stay safe from the Wuhan Virus as best you are able, while getting back to life once again.

Good Health to All!


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