Tuesday, November 19, 2019

Post-Transplant Update: 19 November 2019

Despite there being a sixteen day gap between blog entries, I am going to start this blog today (the 19th), but finish tomorrow afternoon for reasons I will explain. 
Let's get started...

I thought that I'd start with a bit of good news. My headaches have been on a definite down-cycle over the past week. In fact, there have been three or four days that I have only taken Excedrin, and the rest of the week I have only had to take one, maybe two T3's, and the rest of the day just OTC meds. There was even one day that I took one dose of Excedrin in the morning, and then nothing for the rest of the day!
As always, I don't ask why...I just enjoy [fairly] headache free days. And though I know it won't last long, the past week has been another indicator that the TMD will be under control once again in the near future.

The reason I have taken so long to get this update written is because my wife and I have been in the beginning stages of getting a home-based business up and running; and all of my time is either spent on that project, recuperating from my efforts and/or getting housework and cooking done. 
We decided to start this business because it is highly probable that my ability to find profitable work after a ten plus year gap in my employment, coupled with my ongoing recovery and in addition to my age, will be difficult, to say the least.

Next, my urinary output remains consistent, and my weight continues hovering between 125-126 Kgs. And as I had reported earlier, my daytime output still lags behind the evening and nighttime output. I've had three nights in a row now that have seen output totals of 1300cc's, 1700cc's and 1600cc's. So long as I get rid of all the fluid I take in each day (about 3.25-3.5 Liters), I am a happy camper!

With getting up two or three times each night, my sleep has been pretty good, overall. There are nights that I have a difficult time getting back to sleep, while other nights I am asleep almost as soon as my head hits the pillow. And my dreams remain completely under my control, so I am pretty sure that those bad looping dreams, and the ones in which I have zero control over what is happening, are now a thing of the past; and my conscious control of the subconscious has been firmly reestablished.
Just now, I realized that the further away I get from all of the tests, uncertainty, surgeries, dialysis treatments, vomiting, horrible nausea, etc, the greater control I gained over my dreams. Personally, I found that thought extremely interesting!

My energy level continues its agonizingly slow progress. However, I recently started having a strong desire to start working out again. Granted, I still cannot do much towards that; but having that desire rekindled is a fantastic sign that things are moving in the right direction, and that I am farther along in my recovery than I had thought.

Now, the reason I am starting this today and finishing tomorrow is because the doctors at the Kidney [Transplant] Clinic agreed with my Cardiologist that they should oversee my changing meds from the Isosorbide (and Protonix) to another BP med(s); and that appointment is tomorrow, 20 November. 
I will let you know how that discussion goes, and what the plan is so that I can start moving forward, physically, once again, and stop being so tired all of the time; as well as likely helping to reduce my non-TMD headaches.

And with that, I am going to end for today...

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